My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3570: Break the palace, kill the emperor!


It's unreasonable!

Mr. Gu Bai only felt a burst of blood, and rushed straight to his forehead, and then he felt dizzy and dizzy. He hasn't been so angry for a long time!

Looking at the mysterious young man in the field, many Daxians said that they could not accept the other party's provocation! This is more than just a declaration of war on them!

"Well, you madman! What an identity is the Emperor Vast Sky, we want him to see you in three steps and nine steps, you are afraid that you are not living in a dream!" You Daxian is almost silly by anger, there is a vaguely uncontrollable body Trend, desperate to kill this mysterious young man!

"There is no need for the emperor to come, one person and one palm of mine are enough to turn you into powder, and you will never be born again!"

"You said that the thirty great sages of us are not qualified to take a blow from you? Come on, today we really have to teach the younger generation to let you know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!"

"For a while, don't kneel down and beg for mercy!"


Thirty great sages, glaring at each other!

Somewhere in the sky, there is someone who is aware of the seriousness of the matter at this moment, and there is a giant of the sky! He... he vaguely believed that Su Jin was not ranting!

Su Jin kicked him to the sky just now, but he didn't have the ability to resist at all, and he couldn't stop his figure. This kick completely woke him up!

With one blow, you can be hit hard! The Tianzhu Giant looked at Su Jin with deep fear!

But the jealousy returned to jealousy. The Heavenly Boiling Giant really didn't believe that Su Jinneng was the enemy of the 30 great sages, let alone the point where the opponent could make the'Vast Sky Emperor' dispatch!

"Emperor Vast Sky's emperor is still in the palace, every word and deed of yours is known to the emperor's family! Now I can almost are...finished!" Gu Bai was extremely vicious with his head inflated. He looked at Su Jin and said.

"The emperor's house, is it amazing?" Su Jin sniffed, as if talking about something bigger.

And Su Jin's performance was also seen and heard by the people in the deserted village!

Delao, the elder of the deserted village, is already stunned with other villagers!

The Chaosheng Banshee's mouth was full of smiles, and she covered her mouth and smiled: "I thought it was a group of ancient sages, but it turned out to be some great sages——"

"Don't!" De Lao waved his hand quickly and corrected: "Be careful that the misfortune comes out of your mouth, those...those are major practitioners, and they are also very advanced practitioners!"


Qin Haiyang, who had already returned, also smiled and said, "Brother Ye asked the Haotian Emperor to visit him. There is nothing wrong with it. This ancient world seems to be far from the Time God Realm, and may be even worse than our Ancient Immortal Realm. Quite a lot."

Speaking of the God Realm of Time, the face of the Goddess of Time is a bit ugly...

After all, she was already a prisoner slave, and logically speaking, she thought that the ancient world provoke Su Jin was indeed a bit dead.

"Although it's not a lone star, but it's first-rate to cause trouble -" The Goddess of Time hummed.

"Your Majesty's remark is incorrect. Be careful that Ye Di is idle and trouble you alone." The Chaosheng Banshee blinked at the Time Goddess. Although there was no threat in her tone, she knew Su Jin's nature well.

The Chaosheng Banshee knew that Su Jin left the goddess of time and the demon clan for the so-called'Yang Qiwu'. The appearance like this is enough to'shield the past and the present', cut it off, just to avoid too much What a pity.

The goddess of time felt a sudden heart, but she was silent, no longer paying attention to the up and down look of the tide sound banshee——

Qingxian Demon Fairy and Lan Demon Fairy are all analyzing the meaning of Chaosheng Banshee. Once they become slaves, if they can survive, even if their status is lower, they will be better than Dao Xiao. And this group of charming demons , I don’t know how the goddess of time thinks...

Barren valley, the banks of Inle!

Thirty great sages shouted in unison, each showing their great sages, vowing to sanction Su Jin!


An extremely marvelous and crisp sword sound made the thousands of monks in the'Ancient Emperor City' present directly feel a desperate atmosphere of destruction!

Those are imaginary and transparent sword patterns! The sword patterns are like threads, densely packed, crisscrossing the sky over the barren valley!

Thirty great sages vented their aura and became sluggish, even including Mr. Gu Bai on the "Tianzhu Divine Turtle" dare not move——

These straight-line sword patterns can actually stay in the void and will not dissipate! This is very scary. The past kendo tricks, such as covering water and difficult to harvest, can appear for a long time!

And these so-called ‘major cultivators’, everyone is worthy of being criss-crossed with several ‘sword patterns’, no one dares to move!

"Your Excellency is a master."

It is not human who speaks! It's the ‘Tianzhu Turtle’ from the piggyback palace! It has survived for a long time so far, and it has long been in the realm of ancient sages, but now it is something that has never happened in ten thousand years.

"Remove the palace, you can leave and bring that Emperor Vast Sky to see me--" Su Jin said lightly.

"If I don't..." Tianzhu Divine Tortoise asked.

Obviously, it didn't see Su Jin's reality.

Su Jin smiled.

Raise your right hand directly!

In an instant, the terrifying majesty seemed to descend from Jiuxiao! Su Jin’s fist contains ‘years’ and ‘epochs’, and even when it is performed through the right arm of the heaven, this ‘epoch of the sky’ is enough to change the color of ancient sages!

The Boiling Giant is now shaking with fright! He felt like a dream yesterday. He found that his ‘Ju Tong Quan’ was nothing compared to Su Jin’s one! It's a fart!

The horrible Era Tianquan attracted thousands of irregular lightning, those pale blue lightning, wrapped around the ice blue giant moon, illuminating the entire Inle River!

The world seemed to no longer be this piece of heaven and earth, the one hundred thousand red coffin, whether it was the body of the coffin or the female corpse in it, was instantly smashed into ashes by the lightning and thunder that came down!

Who says Emperor Vast Sky can't provoke him!

Who said that the emperor's family should be lawless!

It was Su Jin's plan to defeat the 100,000 red coffin and let the dead rest in peace!

"You!" The Tianzhu Divine Tortoise realized that he had far underestimated Su Jin, and the opponent's cultivation base obviously did not match this age!

"What's going on outside?" The emperor fell into enjoyment, and there was a constant laughter from a woman, but he felt that the thunder was working outside, and the wind and the moon were not bright, so he asked.

"Emperor! Don't...Don't talk..." The Tianzhu turtle quickly became cautious.

But the words of the Tianzhu Divine Tortoise just fell--

That "Era Tianquan" directly smashed the palace on its back!

Among the dilapidated buildings scattered all over the sky, the **** turtle of Tianzhu roared with pain! The tortoiseshell on its back, which it relies on forever, how strong its defense is! But at this moment... With just a punch, every piece of huge tortoise shell has horrible cracks, and its blood flows in every crack!

That scene was once appalling!

"I'll save your life, do you want me to repeat it again--" Su Jin said to the **** pillar turtle that day in an impatient voice.


This is a blow to keep it alive!

The Heavenly Pillar Turtle was obviously frightened, and the sudden pain did not make it lose its sanity! The strength of the opponent is no longer what it can imagine!

"You killed the emperor... Emperor Vast... favorite son..." The Heavenly Pillar Turtle resisted the pain that he had never felt before, and shouted at Su Jin.

"Kill you kill. If he comes to kill me, I should be passively beheaded by you? I can't fight back? The head is a good thing, but unfortunately you are not a human brain. You are very stupid." Su Jin said with disdain.

The Tianzhu Divine Tortoise trembled with a huge body, and then quickly fled here! He still has the task that Su Jin confided, that is why he kept it alive!

Think of Emperor Haotian. First, he was shocked by the terrible news that Yuefeihe’s tomb was alarmed, and now, the emperor was in mourning! Tianzhu Divine Tortoise couldn't even imagine what would happen to Emperor Vast Sky!

Gu Bai... Gu Bai was directly lifted off in the terrible aftermath just now, shattering the Daxian Dao body, and almost fell because of Su Jin’s "Era Divine Fist" cast on the "Tianzhu Divine Turtle". !

At this time, Gu Bai's thinking was completely messed up! He finally understood what kind of existence he had just offended!

The opponent, at least not weaker than Emperor Haotian!

In the deserted village, except for the predecessor and the former patriarch Qingxian Demon Fairy, the group of charming demon fairies all looked at Ye Di with admiring eyes!

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