My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3572: Six generals!

"What a Haotian Emperor!"

Seeing the power of this palm, the imperial concubine was deeply threatened. Of course, in her eyes, the strength of the Emperor Vast Sky might have been close to her.

This feeling is compared with the time when the virgin concubine owned the "Wanbao River". Now the "Wanbao River" has become the object of the emperor. As the embellishment of the "Eternal Life Palace", if she fights the Haotian Emperor with her bare hands, she may not be Have the upper hand.

"If it's only like this, then the Haotian Emperor who has experienced all kinds of battles is planted." The Chaosheng Banshee sneered.

At least, if the Vast Sky Emperor is the number one power in the ancient realm, then Su Jin will be invincible in this realm. Although the opponent's strength is very strong, the night emperor... is already beyond the first class existence——


Su Jin really didn't notice the palm that Emperor Vast Sky pressed!

Although Emperor Haotian's perception of the way of heaven was obviously different from that of others, it was far from enough for Su Jin!

The huge palm covering the sky and the moon is blazing with the ancient sage divine will of Emperor Vast Sky! With this palm falling to the sky, Gu Bai, the thirty great sages and others who looked at it were full of enthusiasm!

"This guy, you should die now!" Like the other thirty great sages, this thought came to mind.

"The holy emperor Haotian's'five senses divine will' is recognized by the ancient world as the strongest existence! Judging from the current situation, the five senses burst out and are already fully opened. Obviously this mysterious person has already let Haotian kill the emperor. The holy emperor is extremely angry!" Daxian said.

"Did you have five sleeps? To deal with this kind of person, you need five sleeps? To me, one sleep is enough to kill this fellow in seconds!"

"The Haotian Saint Emperor deserves to be an invincible presence in the world! The young man who doesn't know what is good or bad, has his own meager strength, and wants to challenge the Saint Emperor! It's really unrelenting!"

"The palm of the holy emperor is pressed down, enough to sweep these sword patterns, and then we can also take the opportunity to escape!"


Su Jin stands tall in the void!

For those great sages' remarks, he blocked almost all of them, compared with him, what would the other party compare with him! His right arm bones are all made by heaven!

Besides, can the opponent's palm really destroy his sword patterns?

The Haotian Saint Emperor's confidence in himself is absolutely blind, he can almost ignore everything, even the great sages who are deeply trapped in the sword pattern, he can completely ignore it!

He wants Ye Di to die!

Died a hundred times more miserable than him!

"Ah!" With the palm that Emperor Vast Sky pressed, he suddenly felt the restriction!

When his **** palm covering the void wanted to smash the sword pattern, he was in big trouble!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Emperor Haotian knew that although this palm was condensed from him, the heavenly way contained in it, the divine will of ancient sages, and various insights all resonated with his body!

But now... this palm can't even break those sword patterns!

how is this possible!

Emperor Vast Sky stared blankly at the huge giant palm he condensed out of being shredded! This is equivalent to him sweeping away the sword patterns, but the dense sword patterns have not disappeared!

"Who are you--" Emperor Vast Sky encountered this weird situation for the first time. He watched his condensed giant hand disappear into nothing, and finally seemed to wake up a little bit, looking at Su Jin!

"People you can't afford."

Su Jin snorted coldly, and then said: "If you only have this low-end trick, then you won't have a chance at all."

Emperor Haotian's face was dark.

The young man in his eyes is too strong. Those thirty great sages have been trapped in those sword patterns for a long time, but the sword power in them has not disappeared! It can even easily shred his condensed Gu Xian arm!

Strange, it is no longer possible to describe Su Jin's mystery!

"Brother Emperor, we will help you!"

In the direction of the ancient emperor city, there are a total of six powerful people who stepped into the air. These six people, wearing three black and three white clothes, are obviously extremely powerful in the ancient world!

"Nether King, God of the Era, the ancestor of Taiyuan!"

Many of the people who came here have some muscle twitches!

"The three on the left, Dark Wing Demon Lord, Thousand Hands Martial God, Blood Guanyin!"

"What a powerful lineup! It is rumored that the sage monarch of the era and the ancestor of the Taiyuan have fallen, how can they still appear here! Could it be... breakthrough the bottleneck!"

"Impossible! These six people are almost the strongest power in the ancient emperor city. If it weren't for the discovery of something wrong here, they wouldn't have just ventured out of the hermit!"

"In this battle, many areas of the ancient world have been alarmed!"


More than alarm!

Six ancient sages with extremely tyrannical cultivation bases appeared together. It was a remarkable event in itself. Moreover, Emperor Vast Sky hadn't taken a shot for a long time, and never thought that this time he shot, he could not take the enemy with one blow!

"It's okay if you are here--" Vast Sky Emperor stared at Su Jin and said to the six people: "Be careful, this kid is a little weird."

"This person seems to be majoring in kendo and has a superb kendo cultivation base. In this battle, let the six of us fight him. We... will definitely seek justice for the Saint Emperor!" Qianshou Martial God said lightly.

"That's right, a mere junior, Saint Emperor Haotian can rest assured to let us handle it." Saint King Nether said.

"Kill him with the hand of the holy emperor and dirty your hands. From my point of view, he has nothing special, but he bullies some great sages with his cultivation base." Darkwing Demon Lord licked his lips. He just came. When I glanced at it, I sensed the breath of a lot of pure female cultivators, right in the deserted village in front.

Had Haotian Saint Emperor not been there, he would have been unable to restrain himself, and would have rushed to find out——

"Then leave it to you..." Holy Emperor Vast Sky originally wanted to try again how much strength Su Jin had. After being complimented by these six people for a while, he was relieved a lot. Finally, he withdrew from the battlefield and looked at that. On the other side of the river bank, his face was strangely ugly.

Under this river, his concubine was buried.

River bank! But even his emperor was met by an accident, and there was no dead body! For the Holy Emperor Haotian, this is definitely a sad place!

Atmosphere, tense!

The Dark Wing Demon Lord, Thousand Hands Martial God, Blood Guanyin, Nether Saint King, Era God Lord, and Taiyuan Old Ancestor, directly looked solemnly at Su Jin!

"Such a powerful kendo, the entire ancient world, it is absolutely difficult to find one!" Taiyuan ancestor secretly transmitted the sound to the other five humans.

"Just now under his swordsmanship, the Holy Emperor Haotian couldn't destroy these sword patterns with a single palm. I don't know if the five of us can compete with his swordsmanship." Xue Guanyin hesitated.

"Everything is for the saint emperor! We use the strongest strength, no matter how hard it is, we can consume him. At that time, the Haotian saint emperor will not cut him casually!" Jiyuan God Jundao.

"it is good!"

The six Qianshou Wushen looked at each other, and finally they all drank together!

The momentum of the six-person alliance is even close to the Holy Emperor Haotian! And it's still climbing! These six people are really extremely powerful in Gu Xianzhong!

Thousand-handed Martial God, directly folded his hands in front of him, a blood-colored Martial God vision, as tall as three sacred mountains, the entire "Inle River" seemed to be under the shadow of his huge figure!

Moreover, he is far more powerful than that! His strength is not manifested in the physical aspect, but mainly attacked with visions. It can be said that this Martial God vision is his most powerful means!

In this vision of the **** of war, five hundred arms are manifested on the left side, and the number on the right is also five hundred!

"Netherworld! The place of eternal life! Open!" The Nether King walked out a few steps, bursts of strange black holes propped up from him, and those black holes seemed to turn into whirlpools around him. God probe, I am afraid that even the soul will be sucked in!

"My Dao body is the era, the era is immortal, I am immortal! My body will last forever, eternal and immortal!" The voice of the **** of the era appeared, his voice was very thin and soft, and then he unfolded himself Only one phantom stood on the road of God.

"The seed of blood lotus, the lotus opens ten thousand ways!" Blood Guanyin was wrapped in blood of ten thousand feet, followed by thousands of blood lotus, directly drowning his figure.

When the blood lotus reopened, every lotus room seemed to sit on a blood goddess!

"The beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the Taoist Mirror of the Taiyuan!" The ancestor of the Taiyuan raised his arm, his palm was empty and long, a dazzling sacred mirror, bursting out thousands of divine rays of light, could not be a world!

Su Jin's figure is lofty and motionless!

"Boy! Death!" Thousand-handed Martial God suddenly yelled, his Martial God vision, thousands of arms, opened all together, directly shook the void, crowding out all the avenues!


"I'm in a bad mood, and I can play with you--" Su Jin watched as the five hundred arms on the right side of the Qianshou Wushen grabbed it, and his figure flickered and disappeared.

"Fast speed!" The scalp was numb when the Qianshou Martial God looked at him. He had caught more than 500 times in just two breaths. This speed is already his limit. It can be said that he is martial arts. Thousands of hands on the elephant, just like the phantom!

But that's it, it seems that every time there is only a slight difference, you can't touch the other party at all!

"Brother Qianshou, if you can't do it, get out of the way quickly--" The Netherworld Saint King was anxious to try Su Jin's power, he hadn't encountered a real opponent for a long time.

"You come!" Thousand-handed Valkyrie stepped back!

The Nether Saint King’s "Netherworld" directly dominates the battlefield. Those rotating black holes, even if they are Taiyuan ancestors and others, dare not get too close!

The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised a radian, and he raised his hand directly——

A sword light slashed directly towards the Nether King!

"It's useless! My Netherworld can swallow all power! Even, I can send you to a place where no one has ever set foot in thousands of years!" The Nether King laughed strangely, making no secret of the complacency on his face .

"Really?" Su Jin looked at him coldly.

"Do you know in vain? Your swordsmanship is indeed horrible, but my Netherworld Realm restrains your swordsmanship! Therefore, I can take all your power, and the'Netherworld Realm' cannot be destroyed!" I really feel that Su Jin is not very good!

Su Jin sneered, and the whole void began to mottle!

The Nether King's heart suddenly burst, and immediately... his vision was full of prominent sword lights everywhere!

Qiang Qiang!

Even if every hair on the human body, every minute of the position, there are endless sword marks! The Nether King knows that it's a big deal!

All the black holes formed by the Nether Worlds are directly annihilated! And the Nether King also felt a powerful pressure, it was a tyrannical force that he could not even imagine!

puff! A column of blood fog, under the blue moonlight like daylight, is extremely clear!

Nether King, spurting blood directly to the sky!

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