My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3573: Unworldly power

Nether King, defeated by this sword!

The other five people were all shocked!

Although the power of the Nether King is not the strongest among the six of them, as soon as his origin ‘Nether World’ is opened, no one has to avoid the edge for a while!

From the time when the Nether King became famous, no matter how powerful opponents he encountered, he could escape into his own "Nether World" and leave safely!

But... today is different!

‘Nether World’, was destroyed by Sword Dao! The Nether King didn’t even have a chance to escape--

"One sword defeated the Holy King Netherworld!" The ghost of the Era God Monarch muttered to himself on his Era God Road, and he was stunned.

"We...Even if we try our best, we are definitely not the opponent of this person! vitality is passing fast!" No one understands the despair of the Nether King!

Among those tens of millions of blood lotus, every "Blood Guanyin" looked at the Nether King!

Thousand-handed Martial God, Taiyuan ancestor, Dark Wing Demon Lord, and Era God Lord, just look at it directly after hearing this!

Every inch of the skin on the Nether King's body seemed to be cracked like a blood vessel. He... is far more than just the injuries on the bright face!


Everyone was completely stunned!

The Qianshou Martial God deeply felt the power of Su Jin. According to his guess, the ancient sage bones, internal organs, and even Zhoutian meridians in the Nether Sage King's body were all cracked like they showed on the skin!

In other words... Holy King Nether, the way is gone! This sword has almost cut him into countless pieces!

Sure enough, the frightening scene directly and truly caught everyone's eyes!

The Nether King, directly in the form of a human, his body collapsed instantly like a sand sculpture!

One sword, cut the Nether Saint King!

"Is this still a human..." In the deserted village, some villagers collapsed to the ground in fright. In their cognition, Daxian was already an extremely great'major cultivator', but he never expected that Ye Di... Cut down a powerful ancient sage in the ancient world!

"This distinguished guest, a distinguished guest from outside the world, what kind of extraordinary skills are there..." Delao's face was not well, a green blush, but he confessed his life. In short, it is a blessing or a curse, and a misfortune cannot be avoided!

If the night emperor dies, their deserted village will be wiped out! If the Vast Sky Emperor loses, they will not end well either!

"Ye Di's kendo is more sophisticated -" The Empress Virgo was deeply shocked, because once Ye Di used the kendo, her virgin Qin Xing Yuan would make the sound of singing the piano, and she was most qualified to explain Ye Di's Kendo degree.

"These ancient sages are even better than me." The Chaosheng Banshee sighed.

"Oh, Lord Yedi bullied Your Majesty the goddess and cried..." There is a demon girl who misses the goddess of time. Although this is their cause, how can they not bow their heads under the eaves?

Qin Qingwu looked at the young man standing high in the sky, feeling humble...

Of course, Su Jin didn't know all this!

Su Jin was still thinking, after all, the sword just now had some flaws in his opinion, it was not perfect!

"I'm coming!" Taiyuan ancestor gritted his teeth fiercely and raised the "Taiyuan Taoist Mirror"!

"Tao Yuan Dao! Be very careful!" The Qianshou Martial God had taught Su Jin's power, but he could not stop it.


The ancestor of Taiyuan held the "Dao Mirror" that seemed to penetrate Xuan Ming. The mirror seemed to have infinite power. Once it was displayed, the world was blocked by him!

At present, all eight trigrams are floating in all directions, and there are more than 30 yin and yang Tao fishes, prominently appearing! Block all life paths!

"If you have blocked your kendo, you can still display the power if you don't believe it!" Taiyuan ancestor did not believe in evil.

Su Jin glanced at the Taiyuan ancestor, and mocked: "My avenue and my body are not in the five elements, not in reincarnation, how do you block them?"

"What? Impossible!" The Taiyuan ancestor heard his scalp numb, how could he believe it, he thought it was absolutely bluffing!

"To show off Daoism in front of this Dao God, your brain is afraid of being kicked by a donkey." Su Jin said lightly.

The ancestor of Taiyuan said with a calm face, "Nine Arts of Taiyuan! Destroy the soul, lock the body, ban the sun, kill and kill!"

The surrounding gossip mirror light all shined on Su Jin, but the divine power that Taiyuan ancestors had hoped for did not come, just like a normal mirror light, shining on the human body without any effect!

"Nine Skills of Taiyuan! Kill, kill, kill!" Taiyuan ancestor tried again.

"You really flashed into Lao Tzu's eyes--" Su Jin said a little displeased in apathy.


The ancestor of Taiyuan only felt that a tyrannical force hits him in front of him, and the "Taiyuan Taoist Mirror" he lifted was directly broken! !

Embarrassed, extremely embarrassed! Taiyuan ancestors doubted his life! Facing an enemy like Su Jin, it really seemed like a dream! A nightmare!

Deserted village! A burst of Yingying laughter appeared! More than 30 enchantresses, covering their noses and chuckling, obviously did not expect Ye Emperor's indifferent side to be so funny again!

"Come on for me..."

Above the thousands of blood lotuses in full bloom, every "Blood Guanyin" began to look at Su Jin. This blood lotus, even in the depths of the ancient world, can be seen by people looking up!

Su Jin glanced at the blood lotus----

The sea of ​​qi in his body seemed to have set off a turbulent wave like earth-shaking! One of the green lotus immediately disappeared instantly, and when it manifested again, it was already high in the sky!

Blood Guanyin, his face changed wildly!

Blossoms of blood lotus, from wilting to withering, just a moment! The blood lotus is disappearing in pieces, he... has never seen such a terrifying scene!

"Eternal blue sky, a lotus!" Emperor Haotian suddenly roared in the distance of the battlefield.

What is the origin of this person...

Why did this person come to the ancient world!

Being able to possess the existence of "Eternal Blue Sky and a Lotus" is far beyond their ancient realm's ability to offend!

On the banks of the Inle River, the Goddess of Time felt the icy river breeze. Although she is now very wronged and numb, when she saw the'green sky lotus' emerging from the sky, she was still...shocked!

The blue sky lotus is so vast, the rhizomes do not know where they are planted, and at a glance, what you see always makes people feel vast!

Blood Guanyin, thousands of blood lotus, was eventually forced out of his true body! Even, he can no longer show his avenue!

This is... how to fight!

Xue Guanyin looked dumbfounded.

Qianshou Wushen looked dumbfounded.

Dark Wing Demon... Taiyuan Patriarch... Even the Era Divine Lord, there is an urge to escape——

This is too strong!

When the six came, they were extremely confident! But now, one person has been broken! The Nether King is dead!

"There is no challenge. You five stand together. If you can take a blow from me, you can leave." Su Jin said.


Blood Guanyin, Thousand Hands God of War...

The five began to hesitate.

Stand together and let Su Jin fight? They have no confidence at all next! Finally...Five pairs of eyes, looking at the Vast Sky Emperor in the distance...

"Come or not, you can't go if you don't fight." Su Jin said in a huff: "Thousand-handed Martial God, right? If you break your 1,000 opponents, you can go away."

"Let's come!" Of course, Qianshou Martial God did not want to. He knew that Su Jin had seen his flaws. To know his power, most of them must rely on the "War God Vision" to display. Once the right hand of the deity is destroyed, Or with the left hand, the vision of the **** of war will no longer be flawless, if the deity's hands are all cut, the "thousand hands" in the vision of the **** of war will naturally no longer!

Blood Guanyin was in conflict! He was a little unwilling, although the ‘Eternal Blue Sky Lotus’ only appeared in a flash and disappeared in a flash, then he didn’t want to die here.

"Fight!" Dark Wing Demon Lord walked to the side of Taiyuan ancestor with a black face.

"Are we... his opponent..." Tai Yuan Dao was questioning himself.

After Jiyuan Shenjun's brief silence passed, Jiyuan Shenlu began to envelop the other four people and said one word: "War!"

"War!" The Thousand Hands Valkyrie shouted loudly.

Five people are now equivalent to fighting side by side!

The strength of the five people, so strong, naturally increased some confidence in everyone's heart!

Su Jin nodded, raised his arm gently, and grabbed the void with his hand. The whole person was already above the sky!



Thousands of thousands of feet of thunder and lightning, connecting the sky and the earth, a circle of collapsed void, blue ink streamers out! Su Jin grabbed his Aotian Shenwu! That axe!

The mighty sky is crushing every creature in the world! He holds an axe on his right arm, and the ‘Aotian Shenwu’ produced by the bones of the Aotian King is even more blessed with tears of honor!


From the ninety-nine floor to Youxingchentian, he appeared directly at the feet of Su Jin! In the ninety-nine layers of heaven, each layer seemed to be separated by a mysterious Milky Way, with an endless and profound feeling!

Not far from Su Jin, a shadow of the Taoist knelt down, exhibiting the unpredictable power of the starry sky, that power...heaven!

"Starry sky... ancient emperor..." Haotian Saint Emperor was already outside the battlefield, already dumbfounded, he was... desperate.

Also desperate, there are the five blood Guanyin in Baotuan!



"You are a dignified and unworldly power, so... you even let me wait for the five to take this blow!"

Taiyuan ancestors and others curse, naturally there is a reason! Because facing such a powerful Ye Emperor, this blow is tantamount to letting them die!

In other words, when they first appeared, Ye Di had no plans to let them go!

"The ancient emperor of the starry sky, the ancient emperor of the starry sky will kneel to the emperor..." In the deserted village, all the charming enchantresses in various dresses were also shocked by this method!

"So, Yedi asked the Haotian emperor to see him in three steps and nine steps, without any bragging--" There was also the girl demon girl with big intelligent eyes, already convinced that it could not be described as'five-body throwing on the ground' Up.

In the eyes of all the enchantresses, Ye Di was a miracle!

Qingxian Demon Fairy and Lan Demon Fairy glanced at each other and laughed bitterly together. After all, they provoke the wrong person in the Time God the beginning... they were wrong!

"Holy emperor help!" Xue Guanyin was the first to be unable to withstand the pressure, and directly called the Haotian holy emperor.

"We...we will definitely be killed by this blow! The Holy Emperor will make an effort soon!" The Qianshou Martial God blushed, and he had never been so embarrassed.

"This blow will shatter my Era Divine Road, and I will disappear!" The fear in Era Divine Monarch could not be suppressed at all, and he shouted at the Haotian Saint Emperor.

In their opinion, Holy Emperor Vast Sky will definitely help them!

Su Jin insisted on the "Aotian God Axe", pointed at the Vast Sky Saint Emperor, and said quietly: "Do you dare?"

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