My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3574: Holy Emperor Tianxiang

Just point to the face of Emperor Haotian and ask, do you dare!

This scene is extremely terrifying!

Think of the Holy Emperor Vast Sky, there are countless battles in his life, but in any battle in his life, how can there be such a situation today!

The Holy Emperor Haotian really hesitated. Now Su Jin called him'Ninety-nine to You Xing Chen Tian', suppressing five super powerful ancient sages, and can point him at him with a divine axe. Obviously, the opponent has not yet taken it. Out of full strength!

Dark Wing Demon Lord, Era God Lord, Thousand Hands Martial God, Taiyuan Patriarch, Blood Guanyin! No one dares to imagine the despair of these five people!

The Thousand Hands Martial God was even more shocked--

Could it be that... Holy Emperor Haotian was so frightened?

Really... no chance at all?

Darkwing Demon Lord's expressions are stubborn, they have never been so confident! But now, Su Jin's strength is far underestimated. It turns out that the power of the sword just now, they are just targets for sword testing!

"The Saint Emperor will definitely take action, definitely!" Taiyuan ancestor roared.

"This blow has not yet fallen, we are already difficult to stop! The ancient emperor of the starry sky, the strong man who has ruled the heavens for years, are worshiping him! His identity...I am afraid it is not you and I can imagine!" Xue Guanyin gritted his teeth. .

"That is not the real ancient emperor of the starry sky, but... a Taoist shadow of the ancient emperor of the starry sky! Holy emperor, are you going to abandon us!" The Emperor Jiyuan also shouted in despair.

This battle will have a profound impact on the ancient world in the future——

The fluctuations in the battlefield spread to any corner of the ancient world, but all practitioners, no matter how high or low their cultivation level is, all felt the shock of their souls!

Six ancient sages, when one died in battle, that terrifying figure suppressed the other five, even the Holy Emperor Haotian hesitated!

"The saint emperor's life is an invincible life! He will never sit back and watch! Each of the five people has made great achievements and made great contributions to the stability of the ancient world!"

The shock of the ancient world even reached the ancient imperial city, and now no one in the ancient imperial city dares to sleep peacefully! The entire sky over the ancient imperial city is manifesting the battle over the'Inle River'!

"The Tianzhu Divine Tortoise suffered a very serious injury! Only few people know how the emperor died before, but there is a gossip. It was the mysterious young man who smashed the palace fault on the turtle back with one blow. My son died!"

"The powerful Saint Emperor, why are you still hesitating! The six warlords just now have already consumed this person's enormous power. Don't cut it now, but when will you wait!"

"Winang, wimp! When did the holy emperor suffer such anger and be threatened by others!"

If today is over, if the young man does not die, many people will feel that the Vast Sky Saint Emperor will lose his reputation!

This shame needs the blood of that mysterious young man to wash away!

Obviously, not only the monks in the ancient world had such thoughts, even the Holy Emperor Haotian knew this. He first looked at the five ancient sages who showed desperate expressions!

Then... Holy Emperor Vast Sky shook his heart and shouted in a low voice: "Let them go, I... take your blow!"

"Holy Emperor..." Xue Guanyin was deeply moved.

Su Jin's face was numb, and he said lightly: "You can't take it."

The Haotian Saint Emperor's face was blue, and he said angrily: "I can!"

Su Jin smiled and brushed his sleeves directly, sweeping away all the five ancient sages including Xue Guanyin!

Seriously, these five lives die, he really doesn't care! After all, it is not an existence of magnitude-

Haotian Saint Emperor's face became more and more gloomy, and it was almost gloomy to the extreme, and there was an unstable aura bursting out of him!

Seeing Haotian Saint Emperor like this, Su Jin's eyes were a little strange.

Burn the old sage? That's not right... Su Jin was amazed, when he saw the holy emperor Haotian behave like this, he immediately understood the other party's plan.

Under normal circumstances, unless you want to die together, the ordinary ancient sage will only burn the ancient sage’s left or right arm, and can only abandon one leg, but it is by no means like the Vast Sky Saint Emperor...

The Holy Emperor Haotian burned...It was his Gu Xian's left eye!

This is what makes Su Jin strange.

As if seeing Su Jin’s doubts, Vast Sky Saint Emperor said solemnly: "My life, there are countless battles between life and death! Just as you might guess, my hands and feet have all been ruined!"


Su Jin nodded silently, already thinking about it in his heart——

"Try your blow." Su Jin's tone was as flat as ever.

Holy Emperor Haotian took a deep breath, his left eye, the burning divine flame, is definitely not something ordinary people can see! Although he had been prepared for a long time, the feeling of getting more and more painful, even if it was him, Holy Emperor Vast Sky! He kept groaning in pain.

The surrounding void, as if frozen!

The storm, thunder, and even the water of the'Inle River' all turned to stillness in an instant! Three Thousand Avenue, after the Holy Emperor Vast Sky burned a left eye, this battlefield would not exist for a short time!

However, the sword pattern in the void is still there!

Hundreds of miles away, the five ancient sages who had just been taken away by Su Jin truly learned about Su Jin's power! They only believed it at this time. It turned out that what Su Jin said before was not arrogant!

"It's really not in the Three Thousand Avenue, not in the Five Elements, not in reincarnation!" The ancestor Taiyuan said he was knowledgeable and knowledgeable in the long years, but today, he is so knowledgeable!

"What's the solution?" Qianshou Wushen asked with lingering fears.

"The Holy Emperor Vast Sky burns his left eye, and with his power, it is enough to prevent the Dao Yun of all the great roads from being present on the battlefield! But...even if the Saint Emperor Vast Sky is as strong as the current Saint Emperor Vast Sky, it does not affect those sword patterns!" Too When the ancestor said in a low voice, his tone of horror did not diminish at all.

"Holy Emperor Haotian, there may not be no chance!" Darkwing Demon Lord was a little upset, and said slowly.

"Difficult--" Ji Yuan Shenjun shook his head directly.

Is it really difficult?

The Haotian Saint Emperor burned his left eye, as if he was incarnate as the master of this room. He was bathed in the flames of ancient sages and gods. In the brilliance of that giant blue moon, an extremely terrifying scene appeared directly!

Thousands of miles around, there seemed to be a giant blood pupil condensing out!

That blood pupil seemed to be looking up at the sky, looking up at the high place "Nine-Nine to You Xingchen Tian"!

"Holy Emperor Tianxiang!" Xue Guanyin said excitedly!

Originally, it seemed that the war situation was one-sided, but now the atmosphere in the deserted village suddenly skyrocketed!

Many people saw the ‘Holy Emperor’s Heaven’! It seems to be a huge figure lying on the back in the void, and the left eye of the ‘Shadow’ is the scary ‘blood pupil’!

"It's hard to say--" The pressure of the Empress Maid suddenly increased. She felt that when the Vast Sky Saint Emperor was burning his'left eye', whether it was power or great power, it was showing a violent surge!

Just a short time! After ten breaths, almost every breath doubled the power! This... is the Holy Emperor Haotian!

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