My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3575: Get star map


Su Jin was a little surprised. He had never seen such a magical power. When he was fighting a strong enemy before, in the process of increasing his strength, he used either the secret of the heavens or the "Nine Dead Gods", which is the "Dead Man Jing". .

But even so, it's just superposition, even if it is the enemy he has encountered, there is no existence that directly soars so much——

"Holy Emperor Tianxiang, I think it will be difficult to display in this life. The cost of losing Gu Xian's left eye is far more serious than that of Gu Xian's hands and feet."

Haotian Saint Emperor has no regrets, and then said: "I will take your blow!"

Su Jin unexpectedly developed a little admiration from his heart, and then said: "You who have soared so much power are not as powerful as a strong man I defeated not long ago. Nothing, let you see."

He was shocked!

Several colors quickly merged into the pupils——

Douzi Tian Mi!


Wordless secret!


Su Jin clenched the'Aotian Divine Axe', and began to circle around the word'death'!

His power is also climbing, a terrifying climb!

"Three kinds of secrets!" The Goddess of Time stayed on the bank of the Inle River!

"The Book of the Dead..." Haotian Saint emperor said desperately, what kind of existence did they offend in the ancient world... on earth!

Just a single "Dead Man Sutra" is enough to cause chaos in the world! It is easy to destroy a small ancient world. The key is that this "Dead Man" is still in the hands of such a powerful man!



A halo slowly rises from Su Jin's feet, directly on the whole body——

The first way, Vulcan Way!

Immediately afterwards, the second lacquered black halo was superimposed on the Vulcan Road halo!

The third way.

The fifth way.

The seventh way-

God! Nine Ways!

The five ancient sages, the Blood Guanyin and the Thousand Hands Martial God, looked numb! The brilliant halo that surrounds the circle all represents one! Because Su Jin does not exist in the Five Elements, the Three Thousand Dao, and the Samsara, his Dao is completely unaffected by anyone!

Even the Vast Sky Emperor who exhibited the "Holy Emperor Tianxiang" could not stop the appearance of these nine ways!

"Is it the Nine Dao Xiu..." Xue Guanyin's voice was trembling, and asked the other four people blankly.

"That circle is the kendo halo he used before. He... is definitely Nine Dao Xiu!" Ji Yuan Shenjun looked at his hands, his body was shaking, especially his hands, shaking violently!

"Under the blessing of the Saint Emperor Tianxiang, our Vast Sky Saint Emperor can temporarily explode more than ten times the strength! But the opponent... the strength of the opponent, with the blessing of the Tian Mi and the'Dead Man Jing', has also risen several times. ——"

"Three kinds of secrets... are the heavens so small... why can one person have three kinds of secrets!"

"No! He...he has all the secrets, and the Dead Man's Sutra is also blessing, why...why is the power still rising! He...he has a wonderful way to increase power!"

Xue Guanyin sensed something was wrong, and said in shock!

Ji Yuan Shenjun immediately felt that one head was two big! He felt his left calf, the special spirit in it, disappeared!

"Tiangu--" Taiyuan ancestor said with difficulty.

Tian Bone?

Except for the Era God, the four of them have already doubted their lives...

"It's not a normal sky bone, it's a king bone--" Ji Yuan Shenjun's face flushed.


The vast Sky Bone King's intention is shocking the soul, emitting a magnificent light on the "Aotian God Axe"!


A lotus in the eternal blue sky, the unpredictable deep space, in the fearful eyes of other people, unexpectedly began to emit the light of the king!

Om~~Om~~~ The entire ancient world, as long as it is Gu Xian! They all saw the panicking scene, they seemed to be able to clearly see through Su Jin's right arm, the right arm bone, the light is infinite! !

This is the time when the three kingpins, in the true sense, shine together! The king's intent emanating from the three king-grade celestial bones was enough to make Su Jin's power rise again!

The huge rumbling sound resounded nine days away! The ‘Ninety-Nine to You Xingchen Tian’ under Su Jin’s feet, every level of the sky is trembling! The Dao Ying of the "Starry Sky Ancient Emperor" who worshipped Su Jin seemed to look up in an instant. Although it was a Dao Ying, it seemed to be taken by the Dao King's bones!

"I..." Holy Emperor Haotian was shocked and at a loss. He originally thought that he still had a lot of opportunities, but now... he just wants to give him a good time!

Deserted village!

All the enchanting girls are all red, and they all feel the heat inside and outside of the body! Hot! They even started screaming constantly!

"Even the great divine way that Ye Di is not the world-honored person hasn't been forced out, this Vast Sky Saint Emperor... is still not qualified." The maid emperor said lightly.

"Eternal Life Palace and Wanbaohe did not resort to..." The Chaosheng Banshee nodded in agreement.

Gradually, under everyone's gaze, the flames in the left eye of the Holy Emperor Haotian began to extinguish, he gave up, knowing he would die, and only hoped that his death would not anger this peerless powerhouse! Otherwise, if the "Dead Man Sutra" exists among the ancient worlds, the whole world will be overwhelmed!

Accident... an unparalleled accident——

After the Holy Emperor Haotian dispersed the'Holy Emperor Heavenly Phase', he also saw that the'Ninety-nine Zhiyou Xingchen Tian' under Su Jin's feet was disappearing. Soon, with many methods, even the'Blue Sky Lotus' 'All disappeared.

"You... don't kill me..." Haotian Saint Emperor covered his left eye, he didn't believe that Su Jin would have such kindness.

"Forget it, people in your world are going to be scared to cry." Su Jin's body lifted up, and the godless **** seat appeared behind him. He sat down and dangled Erlang's legs.

In fact, after Su Jin learned that the opponent had burned Gu Xian’s hands and feet, he didn’t plan to kill the Vast Sky Saint Emperor——

At least this person is not bad, according to Su Jin's guess, this Vast Sky Saint Emperor is not easy.

"The emperor is offended, and there is more than a guilty death. I, the Holy Emperor of Vast Sky...On behalf of the creatures of the ancient world, thank you for not killing..." The Emperor of Vast Sky worshipped the ‘No Sky God Seat’.

It would be best if he could not die, and the hatred of Emperor Vast Sky disappeared in no time.

"You have a star map in the ancient world." Su Jinfa asked.


The Emperor Vast Sky carefully searched for it, and finally turned to a jade slip in the space on his thumb. With a light sweep, the star map recorded in the jade slip appeared above the void.

"Do you know the Time God Realm?" Su Jin asked.

"In the southwest—"

"What about the Ancient Immortal Realm...Also, is there any record in the Eastern Peak Divine Realm?" Su Jin's heart moved, he really couldn't see the labels of those star patterns.

"It's too far away, but... if you want to go to these places, you have to go through the'Melting Galaxy', from the other side of the galaxy, through the teleportation array to reach." The Holy Emperor Haotian told the truth.

Su Jin really didn't expect to find a star road here, and then grabbed the flying jade slip, and said lightly: "It's all about you—"

Holding the jade slip, Su Jin was moved in his heart, he...after all, he wants to go back, the best, he can live soon after a battle with the Sandao Baidi! Alive...back to the east!

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