My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3577: Ula! Ula!

Hearing Su Jin's response, the compass floating in front of the Empress Maid slowly disappeared, and the cold in her eyes gradually softened.

Open the door.

Only when the maiden concubine saw Su Jin, she felt a ray of light engulf her body, and the door was closed heavily!


The laughter of Yingying and Yanyan resounded in an underground hot spring pool. The dark hot spring pool, from a distance, the entire hot spring pool is not small, and the pool water and mist are exuding cold white. Light.

Soon, the laughter gradually stopped--

At the entrance of the underground hot spring pool, a woman who seemed to be ashamed of her beauty, as if she was a little uncomfortable, was slowly seen by a group of enchanting girls in the distance.

The Goddess of Time was concealing her embarrassment, her face seemed calm, but in fact she felt uncomfortable now.

"Your Majesty the Goddess..." Qingxian Demon Fairy's voice trembled slightly. She and Lan Demon Fairy didn't enter the hot spring pool. As before, even the clothes were very decent.

"I am the same as you now. From now on, your Majesty the goddess will stop calling." The Goddess of Time said.

"Don't do it like this... You will always be the master in our minds." Blue Demon Ji saluted.

"Ye Di left us, what does he want to do? He knows clearly that Yang Qiwu doesn't exist." Qingxian Demon Fairy took a deep breath. This question has been incomprehensible.

The Goddess of Time shook her head.

Blue Demon Ji changed the subject at the right time and smiled: "No matter how he treats us, we will still serve Your Majesty as before... Qing Xian, we will wait for your Majesty to change clothes."

"No." The Goddess of Time couldn't help but shook her head and said.

Gradually, time seemed to pass in the wind and sand, and the twilight began to gradually cover the small town of Star River——

In three hours, Star River Town declared night! In the distance, the vast "Melting Galaxy", like a ring of powerful ribbons, is endless!

The night here is far brighter than the day!

At nightfall, Su Jin's figure stopped from the door of the imperial concubine's room, then he adjusted his collar and turned his face slightly, the coldness on his face was stronger than ever...

After returning to the room, Su Jin stood in front of the window, looking at the dense silhouettes of people on the street, all kinds of colored lights, and even the lifting flower boat, all showed up.

"I've been out for more than an hour." Chaosheng Banshee entered the room, "inquired some news."

"Speak." Su Jin nodded.

"It's really more dangerous than looking on the face, it's not just melting galaxy."

The Chaosheng Banshee continued: "The forces on this continent, the Bandit League, are still not in the top ten, let alone the other continents."

"A few days later, everything here has nothing to do with us. If this violent galaxy does not stop, we will force to walk to the other side." Su Jin said.

"Alright, I can't wait here for the first half of the year." The Chaosheng Banshee hesitated and began to whisper in her voice: "Are you always worried about the Empress?"

"I can't tell you--" Su Jin shook his head.

"I passed by her room just now, and after many thoughts, I didn't go in." The Chaosheng Banshee said with a smile.

"She is unwell today."


The Chaosheng Banshee has a weird expression. At their level of cultivation, can they still feel unwell? In an instant, she seemed to understand something.

Although Su Jin didn't say that he didn't trust the Queen's Concubine, he did it really hard!

Looking at the Galaxy Town outside the window, the Chaosheng Banshee seemed to remember something, and immediately smiled: "Do you know why the night here is so lively?"

"Why—" Su Jin asked.

"Outside there is noisy gongs and drums and gorgeous lanterns. It's not just that the people in this town love to lively, they are attracting star beasts in the melting galaxy.

The Chaosheng Banshee said again: "The bright lights and the breath of life can attract some star beasts outside the galaxy. If they are lucky, they can hunt down some good quality star beasts and obtain materials from the star beasts."

"It turned out to be like this. Outsiders like us, I'm really not used to..." Su Jin felt okay. Like other people, if you want to fall asleep in this environment, it's a foolish dream.

"It's boring to be idle anyway, why don't we go and see?" The Chaosheng Banshee asked.

"I'll go for a walk in a while." Su Jin nodded.

"Hehe, I'm going to see the beautiful Goddess..." The tide sound banshee blinked at Su Jin, and finally approached Su Jin, whispering in his ear: "They seem to be in an underground hot spring pool, you You can visit them first, and then take a few out..."

The helplessness of Su Jin's mouth was very obvious. He grabbed a window and landed directly on the street of the small town——

It's so lively... Star River Town now looks like two worlds from daytime, very different!

The local human races wearing weird costumes often have animal patterns on their clothes. Of course, there are other monks from other regions who stay here in other restaurants, and the number of this type of people is not as small as Su Jin imagined.




Thousands of people lined up in a circle wearing the costumes of the clan, jumping and screaming in unison. The sound of these men and women can travel far!

"Xiongtai, are you a monk from outside the world?" Someone patted Su Jin.

Su Jin looked back and found a young man with animal teeth on his neck, looking at him kindly.

"Yes -" Su Jin nodded.

"Hey, my name is Bona and I live in Zhennan. need some souvenirs?" Bona shook the circle of teeth on his neck.

With a smile on his face, Su Jin shook his head decisively, then pointed to the crowd dancing and drinking, "What does Ula mean?"

"The meaning of calling a star beast... You can understand it this way, anger, yes... there was a very intelligent star beast, but it was killed by our strong man in Xinghe Town. From then on, you can call "Ula". Improve the chances of the star beast coming—" Bona said seriously.

"I travel everywhere, and many people are afraid of powerful beasts, but you want them to come..." When Su Jin said, he was also moved by the strangeness of the world.

"Our race is invincible! No matter how powerful the star beasts are, they must be killed, flesh, bones, and even power star stones taken out!" Bona said without concealing his pride in his tone!

Su Jin showed approving eyes...

But Bona finally seemed to be discouraged, and said, "But the star beasts are too rare. It took nearly half a month to attract two star beasts to Galaxy Town. You see, this scale is from the star beast. I paid a lot of money. I bought it... Xiongtai, if you want it, I can sell it to you!"

"No money--" Su Jin shrugged.

Bona scratched his head and smiled: "We're all right! Let's make friends."

Su Jin motioned to him to turn around, Bona was also acquainted, and looked at him in a golden robe very enviously, but in the end he was not embarrassed to say anything.

The small town of Galaxy, it is not too big. If you walk normally, you can turn the time around. During this period, Su Jin heard no less than 500 "Ula". He who was already used to it, suddenly couldn’t dance. Jumping again, the voice stopped shouting, which made him look back directly--

In the crowd of people, horse fleas began to move.

I saw a golden carriage galloping from the west. In front of the golden carriage, there stood four guards in strange armor, and a woman in black with a saber.

"People from Blue King City..." Someone whispered.

"Our town is under the jurisdiction of Qingwang City, but in this area on the edge of the Star River, the people of Qingwang City are rare in a century. Who is coming from the golden carriage?"

"Three months ago, City Lord Qingwang held a wedding banquet. I heard that the young city lord and the daughter of the ancient business alliance were married, but the wedding has passed three months. This carriage will not be the result of that happy event. Right?"

"Hush...Don't you know that Young City Lord burned a virtuous body thirty years ago, and half of his body was scrapped. The ancient family of the ancient business alliance fell into the middle of the family a thousand years ago, and wants to use the Qingwangcheng to come back..."

"Isn't that... a living widow?"

"Maybe because of this! Young City Master has been depressed and tempered for three months. Maybe it is possible to come here to relax and enjoy the galaxy scenery."

"Ah! Look! The mayor, the mayor is out!"

The people on several streets saw the mayor of Xinghe walk up into the void. After the golden carriage stopped, the mayor knelt gently, "Xinghe Town, Mayor Xu Mushan, welcome the son, the princess, and the son lady!"

The golden carriage, the curtain was opened--

One of them appeared pushing a golden wheelchair! There is also a young girl with a playful appearance. She is a petite and exquisite type, and she also seems to be obviously spoiled.

"Brother Yang, here we are." The woman pushing the golden wheelchair said slowly.

"The time is just right." Long Qingyang, the elder son, nodded, "Fei Xi, ask Xu Mushan and give him the things."

"My brother explained the affairs of Xinghe Town a few days ago, are you ready?" Feixi inserted the girl's waist and looked at Xu Mushan and asked.

"Anytime--" Xu Mushan nodded his head.

"That's it."

Feixi pinched his nose with his fingers, shook his other hand gently, and waved an altar of mysterious objects emitting a peculiar smell from the storage bracelet.

Xu Mushan's face was solemn, and he stepped forward to catch the smelly thing, and then said: "The elder son is tired, I am afraid that he is a little tired. Is the elder son to see now, or to live in the humble house for a few days..."

Long Qingyang's eyes burst into a chill, and he said angrily: "Am I like that unbearable person? you think I am"

"Brother Yang." The woman pushing the wheelchair quickly pressed his shoulder and persuaded to move.

Long Qingyang pushed the woman several meters away, even if it was Mrs. Shizi, there were a few scratches on her wrist now!

Knowing that he had made a big mistake, Xu Mushan quickly kowtowed his head and begged for mercy, "Xu, I have no intention of this! Please... please forgive me!"




Xu Mushan began to slap himself, until after hundreds of slaps, his faces on both sides were swollen!

Long Qingyang panted heavily, his eyes just wanted to kill! Afterwards, he seemed to calm down, his face changed faster than ever, and he called the woman to his side and smiled: "Scared Liuer... I don't want to be like this... This old dog is deceiving me incompetent !he……"

"He didn't mean it." Gu Liuer calmed down and said slowly.

"Hmm... Does it hurt..." Long Qingyang caressed Gu Liu'er's scratched wrist and became concerned.

"You don't hurry to prepare! Do you want to die?" Fei Xi was also taken aback just now, and now hastened Xu Mushan to get up.

"Yes, yes." Xu Mushan wiped the sweat left on his forehead, picked up the mysterious jar floating on the side, and walked directly to the void in the center of Star River Town.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet again--

Xu Mushan coughed slightly, and slowly said: "A few days ago, Lord Shizi sent someone to send a message to the villain. He will come in these two days and... bring some body oil from Wula!"

Ula's body oil! The highly intelligent star beast that was once beheaded in Xinghe Town!

The entire Galaxy Town began to boil!

"You are right, the elder son, the elder wife, and the princess, not only to appreciate the splendid'Melting Galaxy', but also to enjoy a feast of hunting!"

Xu Mushan shouted in a deep voice: "Burning Wula's corpse oil will cause a wave of beasts!"

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