My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3578: Shocking tide

Mayor Xu’s words have stirred up waves with one stone!




A wave of sound like the sky was set off, and it began to echo within the scope of ‘Star River Town’!

Burning Ula's corpse oil, causing a tide of beasts, exhibiting the strongest side of the human race here!

"Children, don't worry, I have already arranged! I have already invited several major practitioners, no matter how fierce the beast tide, even if Ula is alive, it will not affect Galaxy Town! Today, I announce! The hunting of star beasts The materials are personally owned!"

Xu Mushan's voice made many people's faces hot. Such a great event is rare in a lifetime!

Su Jin was beside a very inconspicuous street, and he perceived it carefully. He was a little surprised. Xu Mushan seemed a little uncomfortable.

The ‘great practitioners’ mentioned by the other party were actually Gu Xian! Just to please the so-called Qingwangcheng eldest son, it was not easy to invite a few ancient sages.


Su Jin heard a group of local tribes excited.

"The entire corpse of the star beast has always been taken away by the mayor. After the former'Ula' was beheaded, it was so important that it was finally handed over to the Blue King City. We only rewarded some money, but this time is different. Up!"

"Yes, any part of the star beast is valuable, even if it is blood!"

"In the last hundred years, there have been fewer and fewer star beasts. Only in the depths of the galaxy can there be a large number of gatherings. Every good day, when a single star beast strikes, the Xu family will also swallow ordinary grade beasts..."

"I hope that the tide of beasts will be more violent, and I still look forward to marrying a wife with the star beasts... Are you ready, look at me." A young man patted his waist, those deboning knives, peeled off the scales. All of his knives were neatly pinned to his waist.

"The Xu family, I finally did a good thing this time..."

"Well, I didn't expect it."


Many people were eagerly looking forward to it. Of course, Xu Mushan didn't sell it. He directly set off the foul-smelling jar, and a ray of flame floated on the mouth of the jar.

Almost for an instant, a strange fragrance filled the entire Galaxy Town! The corpse oil of this star beast Ula can emit a wonderful fragrance!

Su Jin has always been a cautious person——

It used to be and it is now. He feels that these people are really playing with fire. Of course, Su Jin himself is not worried, but just feels very interesting. After all, other animal tides that the big world shuns, here turned out to be an extremely anticipated carnival, a hunting feast. !


Galaxy Town, West!

A circle of thunder light, blasted down, among them, more than ten figures moved over!

"Thunder Academy! Long Qingyang used to cultivate Dao in this Academy!" Someone recognized the person.


The series of big movements made many people in Galaxy Town feel numb.

"Desolate courtyard! The first desert courtyard of the three large courtyards! Here comes too!"

"That's a major practitioner from Xianglong Academy!"


Long Qingyang's face turned gloomy. It's better to say that he was the last person who didn't want to see Thunder Academy. Back then, as the first pride of Thunder Academy, he almost crushed everyone of his generation, but now... he... …But he is a useless person. As a senior, he knows that the other party meant to come to see a joke——

"Senior Qingyang, it's such a coincidence." Among the dozens of people in the Thunder Academy, a young man wearing a thunder uniform, smiled and greeted Long Qingyang.

"Unexpectedly, after a generation of Tianjiao became a useless person, he could still marry a sweet wife, Long Qingyang, we have heard of you, but unfortunately... you didn't go to the deserted courtyard back then."

When the eight people from the deserted courtyard came, there was also a youth leader who spoke, but the words were more direct than the Thunder Academy.

The irony is full.

"Are you here to see me making a joke?" Long Qingyang said calmly.

"Watching jokes is only one of them, doing the academy task is the second. I wonder if you have heard of me." The leader of the deserted courtyard stared at Long Qingyang and said, "My name is Yun Haichen."

Long Qingyang was shocked...

More than him!

Even the Xianglong Academy and the rest of the Thunder Academy looked at Yun Haichen with surprise.

Think about it, Long Qingyang is the eldest son of Qingwangcheng, his status is terrible enough, but Yun Haichen is not something he can provoke!

Because Yun Haichen is the real royal family! Not like Qingwangcheng! Qingwangcheng is a fief, and his father, Long Qingyang, is a prince!

"I've seen your Highness--" Long Qingyang felt awkward in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface.

"What are you talking about? I can't hear you." Yun Haichen snorted.

"I have seen it! Your Highness!" Long Qingyang said loudly.

Yun Haichen laughed loudly, and finally looked at Long Qingyang's wife Gu Liu'er, looked back and forth several times, and nodded without scruples: "It's a pity."

"You!" Long Qingyang's face was ugly to the extreme...

Feixi glanced at Yun Haichen. Because of her petite and exquisite figure, she looked like a little girl. Although she looked beautiful, she couldn't attract Yun Haichen's attention.

After all, among the seven people behind Yun Haichen, there are three beautiful women with superb builds.

"It turned out to be Your Highness, the supreme arrogant talent in the deserted courtyard!" Twelve people from Xianglong Academy came over and complimented.

"Why didn't Xianglong Academy's first Daozi come?" Yun Haichen asked.

"Brother has something, I have asked me to wait and say hello to your Highness." The leader of Xianglong Academy nodded.

Yun Haichen waved his hand indifferently. He looked at "Melting Galaxy". Now the smell of smell, I am afraid it has appeared in the depths of Melting Galaxy——

Long Qingyang's face was ashen. It turned out that the things he thought he kept secret had already been known to the people on the mainland. This is also to blame for his disability! Who cares about his orders! This news, it won’t work if you don’t want to spread it!

"Lao Xu, I'll wait to pick some top star beasts and bring them back to the academy to hand in the task." Yun Haichen spoke lightly and said to Xu Mushan.

"Yes! Let Your Highness choose first!" Xu Mushan smiled.

"Your face..." Yun Haichen was a little confused.

"It's not bad to speak, it deserves it." Xu Mushan arched his hands.

Yun Haichen looked at Long Qingyang, and finally smiled contemptuously——

Long Qingyang was really dumbfounded.

His family is a prince, and everything in the Blue King City belongs to his Long family, including some of the best star beasts produced here! This Yun Haichen opened his mouth and asked for the best star beast, which completely broke the rules.

And Long Qingyang understood that the news didn't come from him asking for it, but this Xu Mushan! Passed from this galaxy town!

"Xu Mushan!!" Long Qingyang hated it.

"No wonder the elder son, in order to protect the safety of the elder son, I have paid my attention and invited seven ancient sages and great abilities. It is impossible to hide such an important matter." Xu Mushan said lightly.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Long Qingyang yelled three ‘good’ words in a row, and then he forbeared it without speaking.

About a moment later--

In the depths of "Melting Galaxy", an extremely strong coercion, with an unstoppable force, pressed towards the small town of Galaxy!

Su Jin touched his chin and thought about it. He opened his "year golden pupil" and saw that no fewer than a million star beasts were gathering! Among them... there seems to be some extremely terrifying existence faintly——

Playing big.

Su Jin sneered slightly, he felt that these people might not be able to clean up the star beasts.


The first wave of star beasts is already visible!

"Why so many!" Xu Mushan was dumbfounded.

However, the entire ‘Star River Town’ people screamed louder!

"Ready!" Yun Haichen looked solemn, and was also startled by the first wave of tens of thousands of star beasts.

"Fortunately, Your Highness, these are just low-level'stone heart beasts'. They can't eat meat and don't have much blood. Even if it is to build heavy armor, it is not the choice of the top three." A young man said behind Yun Haichen.

"But these stone monsters are very defensive--" a girl said to Yun Haichen.

"I'm waiting for a sage, can I be afraid of these tens of thousands of stone heart beasts?" Yun Haichen said lightly, and directly greeted him step by step. He was the first person to stand out!

"No problem, the enchantment of the town of Galaxy Town is enough to withstand the bombardment of the best star beasts, children, don't do it yet!" Xu Mushan snorted.


"Material, here we are!"

In Xinghe Town, a crowd of black and crushed people rushed directly into the void and greeted the "Melting Galaxy" to the east! These stone heart beasts are not difficult to deal with. Many people have experience in slaying stone heart beasts and know their weaknesses.

"The weakness of the stone heart beast is in the eyes. Find the right time and you can kill one directly with a thunder strike!" A young man from Star River Town has already met a half-human stone heart beast. The light blade just killed one!

"For this stone heart beast, only the middle piece of the spine is useful, and it is very troublesome to take it." Someone complained and wanted to cut the stone body of the stone heart beast. That was a skill.

"do not care."

Someone killed the Stone Heart Beast, and abandoned it, unwilling to waste energy!

The other seven people in the deserted house, Xianglong Academy, including Thunder Academy, all started to do it!

"Liu'er, I used to be... as strong as them! Even... comparable to that Yun Haichen!" Long Qingyang only felt a gurgling sound in his throat, and his hatred was stronger than ever. .

"I know." Gu Liuer tilted his face away a bit.

As the beautiful girl of the ancient business alliance, she is also about to reach Xian, but she is married to a trash, her pressure, other people's criticism of her, why not tortured her all the time.

No one noticed that there was a person on the street walking towards the "Bright Moon Tower" with both hands--

In the Bright Moon Tower a moment later, on the top open-air platform, dozens of charming enchantresses, including the goddess of time who changed into white clothes, were also here.

Su Jin looked up at Yingying Yanyan's talk and laughter above, and appeared directly between the open terraces.

The laughter of more than 30 enchantresses stopped abruptly.

"Master..." The women saluted in unison, as if they had been discussed long ago.

The goddess of time couldn't speak, taciturn, motionless--

"What did you just laugh at?" Su Jin asked.

The women showed their surprised eyes, this is the first time Su Jin has spoken to them so calmly.

"It's nothing, just laughing at how ugly those stone monsters are." Yao Ji said boldly.

"Yes, it's so ugly, Master... Are you tired? Let's squeeze your legs and beat your back--"

"Okay." Su Jin exhibited the Godless Seat, leaning on it, and then said: "You will see in a while what is cruelty."

"Good or bad, Master." The Demon Ji replied with a blushing face.

Su Jin said quietly: "Don't worry, I will keep this Moon Tower safe..."

The goddess of time felt a little sudden, she understood what Su Jin meant, and felt that... the animal tide caused by the star beast Ula corpse oil would cause an extremely tragic disaster!

Among the garlands, Su Jin could even distinguish the different scents on these enchantresses, and finally he said to the goddess of time: "Come here."

Goddess of Time, silently walked to Su Jin's body——

Then, Su Jin was pulled and sat beside his leg, the time goddess bit her teeth tightly, her eyes were about to breathe fire, she...angry.

At this moment, a scream finally appeared in the crowd facing off in the distance!

Desolate Academy, Thunder Academy, Xianglong Academy, and the monks including Yun Haichen, all face changed drastically! Although what they were facing was no longer a stone heart beast, among the star beasts with infinite galaxies, the humanoid star beast was faintly visible!

You know, Ula, who brought disaster back then, is not in human form!

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