My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3579: There is an expert upstairs in the moon

"The humanoid galaxy monster!"

Yun Haichen's face gradually became ugly.

This beast tide is extraordinary. In the past thousand years, there have been no less than a hundred animal tides, big and small, but they have never been as big as today!

"His Royal Highness, be careful!" The other seven people in the deserted courtyard have quickly assembled by Yun Haichen's side, and they also saw the faintly appearing human figure.

The monks of Star River Town struggled to kill the monsters, and the second wave of beasts was more than the stone heart beasts. This kind of star beast called the "Xinyue Void Beast", each one is as strong as a calf, and the whole body is pink. Foxes in the depths of the galaxy.

"Void beasts are middle-grade star beasts, which are more valuable than stone heart beasts. Their fur has the highest value. The oil has a natural fragrance and can be used as spices!" The monk in Xinghe Town was extremely excited, "a complete one. Void beast, worth at least two hundred stars!"

"Yeah! Developed! If you are lucky, you can dig out some power star stones, but these void beasts produce charm star stones."

"They can only use three methods, one is the charm of the original power, the other is the open-tail energy slash, and the third is the whistling moon. Please remember not to be charmed, their power is very low!"

"Kill, the more the better!"


It's so exciting--

Then, the shouts shook the sky! Although the monks in Star River Town were far from that huge herd of beasts, the local human race obviously knew how to hunt star beasts, and had far more experience than people outside.

It was too late, the team led by Yun Haichen in the desert was in big trouble!

Yun Haichen was uncertain, looking at the five void beasts that appeared not far away, this kind of fox tribe void beast, facing the eight'strong men' of them, directly shocked, behind the five void beasts, fully opened. Six tails!

"Six tails!" Yun Haichen's expression changed drastically, "Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

Under normal circumstances, as a sage close to Daxian, Yun Haichen can contend with the six-tailed ‘Heart Moon Void Beast’, but he can only contend with one! He has eight people on this trip. As the team leader, he is naturally the strongest, while the other seven are much weaker.

"Humans! Give me all to die—"

Five heart-moon void beasts, each with six tails, each tail is a full thirty feet high, and the momentum is extremely amazing!

The people in the deserted yard are in big trouble, not to mention for the time being, an astonishing scene also appeared in Galaxy Town.

In this small town next to the "Melting Galaxy", some residents who hadn't gone out to kill the star beasts looked towards the port of the east!

To the east, on the banks of the Galaxy, a head gradually lifted up. With just one head, it was twice as large as ‘Xinghe Town’, and there were even dense peaks of sharp protrusions on the head!

The pair of revealing eyes are as bright as stars, and suddenly, a fierce light appears!



so big!

In the entire ‘Star River Town’, even the monks who went out to hunt the beasts and star beasts all felt panic. The fierce beast that appeared on the banks of the galaxy was completely beyond imagination!

Moreover, the fierce power of this star beast has already approached the ‘Ula’ of the year!

Xu Mushan was still calm and chose to go backwards. The seven ancient sages he invited were already ready to go!

"Oh, that's not bad."

Upstairs in the Moonlight, Su Jin held the waist of the "Goddess of Time" with his right hand, ignoring the murderous gazes of the Goddess of Time--

Goddess of Time, how can I adapt!

A few days ago, the Goddess of Time herself took the throne on the "Temple of Time" alone, beside her, no one had dared to do this, sitting on an equal footing with her!

But now, it is enough for a group of enchanting girls to be surrounded by this man, and she...will also be completely controlled by the opponent.

"This Melting Galaxy is really mysterious. Judging from its aura, the star beasts appearing on the banks of the Galaxy are already not weak in the cultivation of ancient sages." Lan Yaoji stood aside and said softly.

"The most important thing is the humanoid star beasts in the depths of the galaxy, and I don't know how many." Su Jin has seen two different figures with his **** pupils, but according to his estimation, there should be more than two humanoid star beasts.


The behemoth that appeared on the banks of the Galaxy raised the beast's claws that seemed to cover a lake and snapped it directly at "Star River Town"!

Buzzing~~~ The town protection enchantment in the entire Galaxy Town, Dang Even shining with colorful colors, manifested.

At the same time, around the Moon Tower! Circles of golden light are overflowing, and Su Jin’s "Turning Wheel" is displayed impressively. The six "Turning Wheel" beads, each containing a six-character mantra of Buddha, directly set the moon tower. Surrounded, with a bang, the prayer wheel revolves!

And above the Moon Tower, a condensed golden Buddha seal with the word "卍" also protects the sky above!

"So strong!" The mayor Xu Mushan's expression changed suddenly. He was not attracted by the golden light above the moon, because his mind was no longer there!

The behemoth on the bank of the Star River smashed the town protection barrier with one claw!

"Do it!"

An ancient sage's low voice spread all over the town and outside the town!

This is an old man wearing a gray robe. There are a few sharp lines on the gray robe. He... raised his palm! In the center of the palm, a **** eye was opened!

"God eyes in the palm! This is a natural god-man!" Above the Moon Tower, the Blue Demon Ji exclaimed in exclamation, her slightly mature beautiful face was shocked.

However, the heavens are so big, how amazingly powerful they have the opportunity to appear in this world, and it is not surprising that the old man like this gray robe can walk to the ancient sage.

"Old God, this wicked animal is not to be feared, so let me enjoy it first--"

Another person walked out. This was a middle-aged strong man, who seemed to be less than forty, with a slender Taishou on his waist.

"His Royal Highness is facing the Xinyue Void Beast, those few are six-tailed existence, you still don't go to protect Your Highness." When the old man raised his palm, that flexible divine eye directly released a beam of light, directly towards the bank of the star !


A huge sound that is enough to make people deaf, swept across the world, this natural god-man, with a palm eye, actually shattered several big mountains on the head of that behemoth!

"Quickly extinguish the flames of the corpse oil!" The old man's face was solemn, and his attack failed to penetrate the opponent's body armor, and when he angered the behemoth, the opponent raised his hand again, adding another three points of power. !

"I'll go, be careful!" The middle-aged man holding the handle of the sword disappeared into the void in one step. When he reappeared, few people saw the speed of his sword!

Because of his sword technique, many figures have been submerged in the light of the sword!


Cut out a void sky moat together! Many people saw an extremely far-reaching void, separated on both sides, the sword intent seemed to be unstoppable!

And the five Xinyue Void Beasts that had opened six tails were directly cut to ashes!

The middle-aged man in Taito seemed to have not drawn a sword, standing in front of Yun Haichen——

"Uncle Han." Yun Haichen wiped the sweat off his face with his sleeve, and said to the middle-aged man.

"It's already very difficult for you to hold five six-tailed void beasts by yourself, so let's step back and recover. Leave these to me." The middle-aged Taidao said with a side look.

"it is good."

Yun Haichen and the seven other sects of the deserted courtyard all retreated far away, not far from the dragon Qingyang.


Xu Mushan was very obedient and wanted to extinguish the flames of corpse oil, but in the next second, his instincts trembled!

Between the shaking of the earth and the mountains, even the void was filled with cracks, that... the behemoth on the bank of the galaxy actually stood up and slapped it with both claws!

"Stone Beast King! A small beast hunting event, how could this king be attracted to him! Wrong... After Na Wula was hunted, there was a roar of sorrow from the depths of the galaxy for five days... Very similar!" Xu Mushan's aftermath passed by the void directly shook off!

"Dear fellow daoists, don't you plan to make a move?" The words of the old gods were naturally directed at the other five Gu Xian invited by Xu Mushan.


Five human figures appeared directly beside the old god, and their six ancient sages were naturally not afraid of facing a stone beast king!

"Have you seen that Bright Moon Tower..." One of the white-robed youths slowly fanned the folding fan and asked the old man and the others.

"Buddhism and Dao power? Our realm does not have such a strong Buddha power..." The old **** perceives it, only to feel that the Buddha's intent near the Moon Tower is so prosperous that it is beyond words, and he is suddenly surprised.

"There is an expert upstairs in Lunar Moon, that's all... solve this stone beast king first."


Was discovered?

Su Jin smiled, he didn't want to care about this, he just wanted the other party to level the beast tide, and don't affect him to cross to the other bank a few days later.

"Only the strong can be valued so much. They are paying attention to the night emperor..." There was a demon girl from behind Su Jin, placing her chin on one of his shoulders, and the admiration in her tone was very strong.

"Seven ancient sages, I should be able to level the tide of beasts——" Demon Fairy Qingxian looked at the goddess of time as if sitting on pins and needles, she couldn't tell whether she wanted to laugh or something, she said directly.

"I can only say that there are some opportunities." Su Jin yawned, and then said: "I said this stone beast king alone can hold these seven ancient sages, do you believe it or not?"

"How could it be!" Blue Demon Ji was taken aback.

The goddess of time patted Su Jin's hand, just now...

Su Jin said with cold eyes: "There is nothing impossible, even you, facing the Stone Beast King, are helpless. His defense is probably the strongest in this world."

Sure enough, Su Jin said that not long after, the six ancient sages of the old gods rushed to the stone beast king. In addition to making the other party more angry and roaring, those methods hit the other party, which is almost tickling!

"No!" Old God said in surprise.

"Find flaws! Just like the Stone Heart Beast, this Stone Beast King must have flaws to be found! Otherwise, we are wasting our strength!"

"We six ancient sages, although there are no swordsmen, we can also pay attention to dealing with any ancient sage-level strong, but this stone beast king... can resolve all our attack methods——"

"Defensive power! His defensive power is unheard of!"


With a series of surprises, the sword drawman only took two knives, and then cut off the third wave of the star beast demon!

"Why haven't solved it yet!" The knife puller made a dissatisfied voice——

Hearing that, when the old man looked at the sword puller, he screamed: "Be careful!"

The figure of the sword puller flashed and just disappeared. When he appeared in another place, his eyes... directly turned into a rich pink!

"What a strong charm!" Although the sword puller opened his eyes, he didn't seem to see the world he was just in. The surrounding area seemed to be full of miasma, and he couldn't see far.

The sword puller looked at the surroundings vigilantly. He used the strongest sword intent and his own cultivation level to contend with that terrible charm, but his Dao Heart was as strong as him. At this moment, he seemed to see a pink sea, that sea, sparkling Lin, a figure slowly appeared——

"The king of Xinyue Void Beast?" The sword puller had only heard some legends in Galaxy, and then he frowned, unsure: "Xinyue Fox?"

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