My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3580: Heart Moon Fox

The Xinyue Fox, the top ten beast kings in the depths of the galaxy, has been dominating the ‘Xingyue Void Beast’ clan for many years. In the form of a fox, he has lived for many years!

Now... With the cultivation base against the sky, transforming into a human form!

According to legend, no one can resist the almost invincible charm, which can make people perish forever, and even make people die without noticing it—

The swordman, when he saw a graceful back, he immediately closed his eyes.

But even if he closes his eyes, his mind seems to be deeply impressed with that invincible and beautiful figure!

"I drew the swordsman, cut off love and love, Daoxin is merciless, you... don't want to charm me!" The knife in the hand of the sword drew directly seems to be superimposed, from one handle to tens of thousands of handles, protecting whole body.

The knife puller was very nervous, his nerves tense almost exaggerated... Then, he smelled a scent that no man could resist--

Then... his neck, only a coolness flashed across his neck, and a burst of warm blood sprayed out...

"Uncle Han!" Yun Haichen screamed. He watched the sword puller wiped his neck with a pink light, and then, the sword puller's head was thrown away.

Coming, strong and outrageous!

Kill Gu Xian with one blow!

"Xinyue Fox!" God's old face turned blue. The six ancient sages of them are still attacking the stone beast king, and as the sword-drawer fell, the mentality of these six ancient sages was a little collapsed——

Long Qingyang saw the scene of Yun Haichen's sorrow, and although he felt happy in his heart, he also knew...This battle is no longer capable of participating in this battle.

"This beast tide, my husband is afraid of being implicated--" Gu Liuer's face was also a little ugly.

She just joined the Long Family for March, in order to make the Ancient Business League re-emerge, but now... Long Qingyang brought'Wula's corpse oil', which caused a wave of shocking beasts and made a big mistake. This... I'm afraid It will also greatly affect your family.

"Sister-in-law, do we want to hide away..." Fei Xi asked without ever seeing such a scene.

"A lot of people are walking around the Moon Tower... We... It's not appropriate for us to return to the city now." Gu Liuer was caught in a dilemma.

"Going back to Daddy will punish us..." Fei Xi quickly said: "If you don't go to the Moon Tower, the beast tide will be unstoppable for a while, and the Moon Tower will also be submerged by the sky shaking beast tide. We...we leave here and don't go home. You can go anywhere!"

"Where can we go except going home." Long Qingyang shook his head flatly, and yelled: "Xu Mushan! Xu Mushan! Let the six ancient sages **** us away!"


Xu Mushan almost yelled at him, but now he hasn't seen the situation clearly? The swordsman and the old man are Yun Haichen's people!

As for the other five, three had had life and death friendship with him in his early years, and the other two were the ancient sages of Qingwangcheng.

It can be said that there is something wrong with Long Qingyang, and Yun Haichen can't do anything! If Yun Haichen died, even if Xu Mushan had a hundred lives, he wouldn't be enough to die!

"If the Stone Beast King cannot resist, please **** His Highness Yun Haichen away with all your strength!" When Xu Mushan said this, Long Qingyang's face was dull--

"The three martial arts!" Guxian could not support the pressure of the stone beast king immediately, and quickly accelerated the burning of the ancient sage's divine will, his ancient sage's body, instantly skyrocketed.

"Eyes of returning to the ancestors! Chaos divine intention!" The hand of the old man with vertical eyes, one rounded, one terrifying divine eye, opened up above the stone beast king.

The stone beast king held his head with his claws, his mind was like a paste, and all that appeared were chaotic illusions!


When Stone Beast King felt weak, his entire body slammed into'Star River Town'!

"not good!"


The six ancient sages only felt the pressure suddenly increased! They felt that this Galaxy Town was going to end, every inch of land would be crushed by this stone beast king!


Fei Xi and Gu Liu'er were all lifted off by the huge force that shocked the world, vomiting blood to sweep away! The most'poor' is Long Qingyang. He is a useless person. Now he has his neck and his bones are shattered. If it weren't for an ancient sage and god's precious magic jade on his neck that exudes a soft light, I am afraid he would have been wiped out. .

"Help me, help me--" Long Qingyang fainted from the pain, his anger was like a gossamer. Obviously, the immortal would be hard to save. This is also the reason why he is a mortal body, so unfortunate.

Gu Liuer hurriedly stepped forward to check, her face suddenly became colder, Long Qingyang's wheelchair was turned to ashes, and her desperate husband, it was almost impossible to live!

"What's wrong with my brother!" Fei Xi got up from the ground with a pale face, and his anxious expression made people obviously feel helpless!

Xu Mushan stomped anxiously now!

That old man, what is going on!

Just now, the Stone Beast King obviously just hit and didn't fight back. After all, he couldn't break the defense. But once the ‘Eyes of Returning Ancestor’ and the ‘Chaotic God’s Will’ were used, the Stone Beast King was furious!


In the void, twelve tails that looked like openings appeared in the sky! And among those tails, a woman with a crown of beauty appeared slowly!

"Xinyue Fox and Stone Beast King... the six of us... it's hard to contend!" The old **** doesn't want to admit this fact, but if they don't ask for help,'s hard to live!

Thinking about the fate of the swordsman who had just pulled out, there was almost no resistance, and he was killed by Xinyue Fox with a single blow. This evildoer who came out from the depths of the galaxy was so aggressive that it was horrible!

"Xinyue...Xinyue..." Yun Haichen and the other seven people in the deserted courtyard were all stupid.

"His Royal Highness!" The **** boss was anxious.

It can't be stopped at all!

Thunder Academy, Xianglong Academy, Deserted Academy! None of these three parties can match! All were charmed.

A few needle-like traces fell on Yun Haichen and others...

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Several corpses fell directly and weakly!

"I...I'm not able to protect your Highness... You take care, I'll go back and ask for help." The old man slapped a void into the gap and plunged directly into it.

"Go! Go!"

The other five ancient sages saw that the situation was not good, and went straight away! If you continue to fight, I don't know how many big monsters will appear in the beast tide! !

Galaxy Town, lost! Xu Mushan seemed to be dozens of years old for an instant!

The crying, the faces of despair, and even those young people who went out to hunt the star beasts, the casualties have reached shocking levels!

In the town, only the "Bright Moon Tower", the Buddha's light is shining, like a pure land of bliss, always peaceful——

Huh huh...A single heart and moon void beast directly surrounded the ‘Bright Moon Tower’ to a halt.

Xinyue Fox and the already awake Stone Beast King stared at this little Moon Tower, their eyes were a little strange!

"Don't provoke me--" Su Jin's voice appeared in Xinyuehu's ear.

"Human monk? Are you telling a joke?" Xinyuehu made a voice, and she walked away from the void, her charm, even the tide female demon seemed inferior.

The Chaosheng Banshee is a charming color in her bones, but this Xinyue Fox...every inch of skin, even a look in her eyes, has infinite charm in her every move.

"I won't repeat it a second time--" Su Jin's tone was also curious.

"Haha... If the slave family has to provoke you. Can you take others... how about it?" Xinyuehu's eyes were slightly contemptuous.

Xinyuehu became more and more proud, because when she said this, the other party was silent and did not respond to her for a while...

In her opinion, the other party is not special, and should not be much different from those Gu Xian who fled away.

And Xinyue Fox saw that the other party was an extremely advanced Buddha, but I didn’t know if this Buddha could stop her charm!

"Then you're going to get involved—"

As soon as Su Jin's words fell, Xinyue Fox's body was shocked!

The terrible coercion was directly perceived by her in the sky above Xinyue Fox's head! When she looked up, the shock was like seeing a miracle!

high altitude--

It was a huge arm that the ancient sage could condense casually. This attack method was too common, but at this moment! Xinyue Fox knows that this arm is not easy!

"Heaven...Heaven Arm!" Xinyuehu lost her voice.

That majestic majesty is definitely not a fake! The strong man in the "Bright Moon Tower" can actually display his heavenly arms! If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes and felt it herself, she would definitely think this was a dream!

Xinyue Fox's Dao Xin seemed to be suppressed by the unpredictable Tianwei, she looked up, even if she had several escape methods, she seemed to be unable to escape this blow! She... far underestimated Su Jin!

Yes, you can only carry it hard! Or, Xinyue Fox uses its own power to break this sky arm! But... how can she do it!

"Damn human race! I'm coming!"

The stone beast king uttered a rage and jumped up directly. Its size was like a small land. When it jumped, it raised its arm, punched it and blasted the arm against that day!

"No!" Xin Yuehu stopped loudly!


The gravel is flying! Xinyue Fox only felt the power emanating from the arm that day, covering the sky illuminated by the galaxy! The stone heart beast, with such a strong defense force, was crushed by the arm... one blow! Can't even maintain the body!

Stone Beast King... disappeared on the spot!

Xinyue Fox was dumbfounded, a circle of pink brilliance prevented the gravel from attacking, but how could the Stone Beast King be broken by a human... in one blow! This...this...this has exceeded Xinyuehu's imagination! !

Xinyue Fox finally felt the great crisis! Immediately, she knotted her hands, and a flawless round of moon vision appeared behind her!

She was disturbed and wanted to escape!

She is definitely the focus of the audience! She seemed to be standing on the moon, her clothes graceful, that kind of charm, even a group of enchantresses felt a great deal of pressure, this kind of fairy, really... no one can let it go if they touch it.

To succeed! Xinyue Fox knew that once she formed the "Xinyue Yin", no matter who the other party was and how powerful it was, it would not stop her from leaving!

Just when the heart moon fox and the round moon vision gradually became transparent and about to disappear...

Bright moon upstairs...

A hand condensed directly, held her directly, and pulled in...

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