My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3581: Who is he

"Ah----" Xinyuehu's panicked voice resounded in every corner of Galaxy Town.

be quiet.

Quiet and terrible!

The Xu Mu Mountain in the distance, even Gu Liu'er and Fei Xi, all looked dumbfounded!

What kind of existence was hidden in the Moon Tower? One person, with one blow, exploded the Stone Beast King, and even caught the Xinyue Fox that could kill the swordsman!

Unbelievable and shocking!

At this moment, the beast tide in the galaxy is intensifying! Even the outside of Galaxy Town is densely packed with powerful star beasts!

Gu Liuer and Feixi knew that they could not escape. The place where they fell was the northeast corner of Galaxy Town. If they stepped into the void at present, they would definitely be unable to escape.

"Go to the Moon Tower..." Gu Liuer said with difficulty.

"My brother, what should my brother do?" Feixi asked in tears.

"He is dead."

Just now, the Stone Beast King was blown up, and when Xinyue Fox was captured, Long Qingyang, who was too seriously injured, lost his last breath and passed away!

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Fei Xi stretched out his hand to try Long Qingyang's nose, his face was even paler. With this short time, the temperature of Long Qingyang's body has faded a lot.

Dead...the good guy who just survived...dead!

Xu Mushan was distraught. It was not a pity that Long Qingyang died, but that Yun Haichen was obliterated. For him, it was a great disaster!

If he does not leave this world and wander into the starry sky, he might be destined to die! The imperial chase was not a joke, and now that Long Qingyang is also dead, Qingwangcheng will not let him go!

"Your Excellency has the power to fight against the tide of beasts, why didn't you help me just now!" Xu Mushan was very angry, and directly asked the Moon Tower.

He feels like he can't escape far, anyway...he's done--

In the quiet Moon Tower, under the light of the Buddha, Xu Mushan couldn't see the people inside, but his question was answered.

"Why should I help?" Su Jin asked back.

"The tide of beasts is fierce, and these big demons are extremely rampant! As a great power of Buddhism and Daoism, and you belong to the human race, you naturally have a reason to help." Xu Mushan said, becoming less and less emboldened.

"Have you benefited me? What do I have to do with you? Besides, I am a traveler in the starry sky, not a monk in your world, why bother to help you?" Su Jin felt that this person had lost his reason.

After a few questions, Xu Mushan was speechless.

Xu Mushan understands, the other party... is not from this world! Indeed, there is no reason for him to shoot!

"Your Excellency! Yun Haichen is the royal family! Long Qingyang, and even the elder son of Qingwangcheng, you have the power to fight against the beast tide...but regardless of their lives and life, you...will be condemned by the royal family...just do it yourself!"

Xu Mushan turned around and left. After Galaxy Town is over, he has no need to stay! The next half of his life is probably going to be spent in fleeing!

Bright moon upstairs--

The big beauty Xinyuehu, even if she is angry, she has no charm on Su Jin's heart. She is now tied into a zongzi by a circle of crystal red chains. She also has a socks on her mouth that the demon girl put away after bathing during the day. Can't speak.

"These eyelashes, how long, so long, so beautiful." There was a bold girl demon girl, who looked closely at Xinyue Fox, and exclaimed.

"And this complexion is so supple, elder sister...what kind of skin do you usually care for?"

"Didn't you see her eyes? It's so beautiful. It's estimated that only our goddess can compare with her--"

"Any kind of temperament can be displayed on her face, wow... even anger seems to turn sentient beings upside down."

Xinyue Fox, full of anger showed in his eyes——

Once upon a time, even Guxian masters were afraid of seeing her besides worshiping her. What did this group of people regard her? It's like visiting a beautiful object!

The goddess of time, blushing all the time, did not speak...

Su Jin's station today is so cheap, it's utterly cheap, and even many enchantresses have seen his previous performances, but there is one thing that Goddess of Time has to admit...the strong, really attractive.

Just look at this group of demons and little fans, you can see that Su Jin is regarded as an idol and **** to worship!

"Want to talk?" Su Jin gestured, and a little fan directly pulled out the socks on Xinyue Fox's mouth.

"You... wouldn't you think that Stone Beast King and I are the most powerful people in this beast tide, right?" Xinyue Fox looked at each other angrily, and then said: "The original beast tide brewed by the ancient galaxy will take a few years. Will be dispatched, but today's fault lies entirely with you!"

"Don't slander good people--" Su Jin smiled: "I just said that, I'm just a traveler in the starry sky. Don't blame me for the grudges between the human race in this world and you."

"You have become our enemy! You killed the Stone Beast King, you...are bound to be beheaded by the ancient galaxy, you..."

"It's better to block it, looks, temperament, everything is good, but too much talk." Su Jin sighed and motioned.

Xinyue Fox suffocated!

Eyes want to eat people!

However, the anger returned to the anger, Xinyue Fox was surprised, and there were still some——

This person can actually interrupt her "Heart Moon Seal"! Moreover, the feeling of facing him before was very weak, and even that level of power made her feel the vastness!

"Tell you, elder sister, you are just like us, you are both slaves of Ye Di..." Yao Ji said with a smile.


So happy to be a slave girl?

Xinyue Fox struggled, but was unable to break free at all successfully——

"It's better not to threaten Ye Di. No matter what Dahe Ancient Venerable or Xinghe Ancient Venerable, it is not Ye Di’s opponent. You will show off your charm in the future and please our Ye Di’s favor. He will definitely do well. I spoil you." Demon Ji laughed again.


Xinyue Fox is now desperate to collapse. She and Stone Beast King were the forwards, and they occupied the Star River Town, and won a victory that was almost crushing. But now... the despair came so quickly, she changed her ranks to prison. Up?

"Accept fate." The Goddess of Time spoke a rare word, and said to Xinyue Fox.

"Have you heard? Her appearance, don't lose you, she is our goddess. Not long ago, the majesty who mastered the scepter of time and space is much stronger than you."

Listening to some Yingying Yanyan and chirping girls talking, Xinyuehu looked suspiciously at the goddess of time——

What they said is true?

This woman is indeed not weak in appearance, but she is powerful...

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. Do you know the Time God Realm?" A demon girl asked Xin Yuehu, and continued: "Our Majesty, but the master of the Time God Realm, controls the entire Time God Realm, and 120 Eighteen gods' realms."


Xinyue Fox's eyes were dull instantly!

Time God Realm! Naturally, she had heard of it. Although it was far away from here, it did exist, and she never expected that this extremely beautiful woman in front of her was the master of the Time God Realm!

It's terrible...the point is that she is the master of the Time God Realm, this man who masters the Time Goddess...who is it!

Horror and unfathomable, this is the only thought of Xinyue Fox now!

Su Jin got up...

Looking at the small town of Star River after being hit by the Stone Beast King, it was almost fragmented. If he hadn't protected the'Bright Moon Tower', it would have become a ruin.

"When is Chunhuaqiuyue? How much do you know about the past. Xiaolou was in the east wind last night..." Su Jin leaned against the railing, looking at the boundless galaxy, sighed, and read the poem.

Seeing Su Jin like this, no one wants to disturb him...

A group of enchantresses, including Lan Enchantress, Qingxian Enchantress, and the goddess of time, all watched Su Jin turn around and went down the stairs!

"Sister, tell me, are you born with this look?" A group of enchantresses surrounded Xinyue Fox——

"Your Majesty the goddess, you... seem to have a heavy heart." Lan Yaoji asked with some distress about the goddess of time.

"No." A layer of mist appeared in the eyes of the goddess of time, "our home, I don't know what it has become..."

"Ye Di said... that the Time God Realm will become the grave of all beings..." Qingxian Yaoji really didn't want to hit the Goddess of Time at this time. This is something everyone knows.

"The grave of sentient beings is not something that can be formed overnight, he can stop it, he can go against the sky..." Lan Yaoji started to hesitate, and then said: "If your Majesty still doesn't obey him, the God Realm... is helpless. "

The Goddess of Time deeply felt the taste of "people under the eaves", walked to the railing, let the wind blow away the tears that did not fall in her eyes, and said: "He didn't ask for it at all..."

There is no requirement...what to talk about...submitting...

Even if it was a group of enchanting girls of Yingying and Yanyan, and the Xinyue Fox who had just caught the upside-down sentient beings, he didn't look at it any more and left alone.

In the world of the strong, some people think that they are strong, such as the goddess of time before, or... the Xinyue fox before today, but in front of that lonely man... nothing.

This is a difficult game!

The goddess of time has shown a tendency to be soft, but that person... seems to still have an unsolvable loneliness in his heart——

"You better let me go..." Xinyue Fox really disgusted that sock. When he saw the enchantress surrounding him, his eyes turned to Lan Enchantress and the goddess of time.

"Don't, do you know that following Ye Di will make you feel very happy, and soon you will be like us, waving the flag for Ye Di, wanting to dedicate all happiness to him!" You Yao Ji hurriedly said.

"Dreaming!" Xin Yuehu sneered.

"Then just walk and see, your natural charm, you can't let Ye Di look at you more, but Ye Di's temperament... is simply a god, you will surrender him!"

"Emperor Ye, sooner or later he will set foot on the peak of the heavens, even if it is a slave, it can shock all the strong, you have to be acquainted--"

"Soon, Gu Zun Xinghe will crush these mainland human races, no matter who you are or who he is, you will fall." Xinyue Fox said angrily.

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