My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3582: Who wants to be friends with you

"Two days ago, we had the same thoughts as you, but Ye Di ruthlessly crushed our confidence in a world-famous posture, so your thoughts are very dangerous..." Qingxian Yaoji said lightly.

Xinyue Fox is extremely shocked. Other Demon Fairy may have little qualifications, but this Qingxian Demon Fairy is an ancient sage, even she said so...

On the platform, the women looked at the lonely back figure walking in the Moon Tower, the enthusiasm in their eyes was not reduced by Ye Di's departure!

By an open garden--

Qin Haiyang appeared with a strange expression.

"Brother Ye." Qin Haiyang looked around before calling Su Jin quietly.

"The tide of beasts outside is getting stronger and stronger, the three of your siblings still don't go out..." Su Jin said.

"Go out? What are you going out to do..." Qin Haiyang cried strangely, "Brother Ye, my eldest sister is looking for you for something--"

"It's late at night, isn't it convenient..." Su Jin shook his head, "rest early."

"Don't! I told you anyway, you just walk along this garden, turn right, and then the fourth celestial house will be." Qin Haiyang turned around and left without giving Su Jin again. Opportunity rejected.

Su Jin:...

Now, Su Jin is really in no mood. If it wasn't for the reason of "Dissolving Galaxy", he would have liked to go to the Ancient Immortal Realm now to pick up the Life Immortal King, and then return to China with the Three Swords White Emperor.

Homecoming is like an arrow. Using this term to describe Su Jin's current state of mind is naturally perfect.

In the hazy night, the Moon Tower shrouded in golden light was brighter than daylight, and the huge galaxy not far away gave Su Jin a special feeling.

Refusing to refuse, Su Jin even put Qin Haiyang’s words behind his head. He walked, and the Moon Tower was actually not too big—

The fourth "Heaven" character room.

Su Jin stepped forward.

With a sudden smile, in front of this passage, his eyes could already see the fourth room. In fact, it was a little quiet here, and only Qin Qingwu's room was lit.

"Miss Qin has something to do with me?" Su Jin still walked to the door and said lightly.

Although I didn't enter the house, and there was still a door, there seemed to be an awkward atmosphere spreading——

Qin Qingwu didn't respond, and didn't know how to respond. The slender figure illuminated by the light was faintly visible, and she soon opened the door.

After opening the door, no matter how exquisite the design of the "Tian" room is, it seems that it cannot match that face... This is the first time that Qin Qingwu has shown her face in front of Su Jin!

She is also regarded as the best beauty among the best in Jinqin Xianguo, but recently, after seeing the virgin concubine, the goddess of time, and even the Yushi concubine, she has deeply felt inferior.

Su Jin's eyes lit up.

Qin Qingwu belonged to the kind of superbly handsome woman. Although she didn't have the beauty of inverting sentient beings, she carried a lethal heroic spirit.

And although the heroic spirit is strong, the sesame-sized beauty mole on the corner of her right eye seems to be "a little bit soft", which makes people want to look more. Already regarded as a first-class beauty...

Regardless of the advantages of her face, Qin Qingwu's figure seems to be better than those of the girls. She is a full 1.7 meters tall and is now wearing a water-red dress.

The skirt is on the lap of one finger--

The length of this skirt is already the greatest tolerance for Qin Qingwu. She has always been tightly wrapped since she was young.

"You seem to be very unhappy recently..." Qin Qingwu stepped aside, obviously in order to let Su Jin enter the house.

"Homesick, homesick." Su Jin hesitated a little, and went into the house.

"After we met at Tianguan, when we were assassinated in Jinxiancheng, my brother and I were assassinated. You saved us... From then on, I learned a truth." Qin Qingwu dared to mention old things. She knew that she looked down on Ye Di at the time. But... knowing mistakes can make corrections, and she has become a lot more mature in seeing people.

"What's the reason?"

"You can't underestimate anyone--" Qin Qingwu said.

Su Jin nodded, "People will always grow. When I first started practicing, I also showed off my sharp edge. I want to become famous in the first battle, and I always want to be the focus of the audience."

"Then what?" Qin Qingwu asked curiously.

"Great hidden in the city, small hidden in the wild, ordinary is true."

"Your understanding is far beyond ordinary people..."

"No, the truth of the heavens, who would dare to say that it can surpass all people? I concentrate on carving, quit the last trace of impetuousness, three hundred and sixty lines, all actions are number one in the world, since there are so many number one in the world, Why don't you fight for that inch of light and be seen as a joke."

"If you don't argue, you will be misunderstood and even scorned by the world. The occasional sharpness is nothing more than that people can look at you directly." Qin Qingwu said.

"Haha, I didn't expect Miss Qin to be like me, but she can be a confidant, at least not like other people, fearing me, surrendering me, and willing to become a slave." Su Jin was very contrived and continued: "Now, outside beasts The tide is fierce, and it's not a good time to have a good chat... Let's leave first--"

"Don't leave..." Qin Qingwu was immediately anxious and blurted out.


"What else? I know you are very grateful to me, but I really don't blame you. Didn't I say that we can be confidants and close friends." Su Jingang turned around, but did not look back.

"Who wants to be friends with you..." Qin Qingwu whispered.

"What are you talking about?"

"I won't go back to Jinqinxian Country, you take me away..."

As he spoke, Qin Qingwu's voice trembled.

She is a bold person, hard to hide things, dare to love and hate, once a decision is made, she is definitely the kind of woman who will not regret breaking the South Wall!

"There are still a few days to return to the Ancient Immortal Realm, you will consider again..."

"Don't think about it. If you don't take me away, you can drive me away, but I will find you in the future, even if I walk the heavens."

"You are stunned, take a good night's sleep." Su Jin walked to the door and said with concern.

"You hate me so much?"


The wick in the room seemed to be cut off by a sharp sword mark, and entered a long, dreamy black environment...

Dawn broke in the sky.

Layers of wind and sand swept across the broken Star River town——

Su Jin closed Qin Qingwu's door and walked through the garden until he saw the goddess of time and others.

The Empress Maid returned to normal after a night's rest, and she was standing beside the Chaosheng Banshee...except that she occasionally avoided her eyes.

Because every time I look at Su Jin, a pink color will appear on her white skin... from the face to the soles of her feet, there is an extremely abnormal heat.

"What do you think of me like that? What about Xinyue Fox?" Su Jin asked in astonishment when almost everyone was looking at him.

"Throw it on the terrace, that demon girl really doesn't know how to praise, Master Ye Di, she will definitely not be obedient to us in the future," said Yao Ji.

"What should I do if the sand is so big and dirty? Let's go, take a look--" Su Jin said immediately, not like joking.

Bright Moon Tower, roof terrace!

Xinyuehu was still wearing a flawless and beautiful clothes last night, now there is a faint plaster mark on her face, and her hair is also beautifully messy.

Sure enough, when he saw Su Jin, Xinyuehu's anger was far stronger than last night.


Really embarrassed——

Xinyue Fox loves cleanliness, and can't even tolerate a dust on her body. As a result, she enjoyed a night of wind and sand last night, but she couldn't get rid of it!

Pulling out the socks stuck in his mouth, Su Jin apologized and said, "I didn't explain it yesterday. I left you here. Are you okay."

"Ye Di! You can't die!" Xinyue Fox was already so angry that if she had just been arrested last night, she might have been worried about whether she would die, but long as Su Jin dared to let her go, she immediately followed This person desperately!

"Negligence, but don't yell or scream, threaten me with something nasty, otherwise...I will let you and your arrogance sink into the pit together--" Su Jin's expression was cold and his words were sharp. , Suffocating Xinyue Fox instantly.

She... She dare not doubt Su Jin's determination!

The virgin concubine was unable to get up yesterday, and in the rest room, she had never seen this Xinyue Fox. When she saw the other person, even her eyes could not help but flash in surprise.

The slightly dirty Xinyue Fox already possesses such power of charm, plus her appearance, it is indeed indispensable.

Listening to the laughter of the thirty demon girls, Xinyuehu's face was ugly, and the feeling of humiliation under the fence appeared in her heart like never before!

"Sister Xinyue Fox, it's okay, we'll take you to the hot spring pool for a wash in a while--" Yao Ji laughed.

"The hot spring pool under the Moon Tower is very comfortable, you will love it very much."

"We usually serve your majesty the goddess, we can do everything, we will dress you up in a while, but what if you can't move, let us carry you over."


Su Jin untied those few crystal red chains, and Xinyue Fox had never felt that freedom was so wonderful. This night, she was sour who tied her up.

"Aren't you afraid of me running?" Xin Yuehu looked at Su Jin coldly.

"You can't run." The Blue Demon Ji shook her head. She saw a mark on the back of Xinyue Fox's neck, which was similar to theirs.

"Try it." Su Jin said, leaving Xinyuehu alone.

When Xin Yuehu was **** last night, the bizarre crystal red chain suppressed her power. Now that she was loosened, she immediately felt that she had returned to her peak!

But...under Xinyuehu's perception, it instantly understood that Su Jin's methods were far from that simple!

"You... poisoned me." Xin Yuehu said in a daze.

"A little bit of candle dragon poison, it doesn't matter, you can run back to let your so-called ancient galaxy go to a solution--" Su Jin said.

The candle dragon is poisonous!

King of all poisons!

The number one poison in the heavens, this man... so vicious! Xin Yuehu immediately gave up the idea of ​​running away. Her eyes were filled with resentment, and she was dragged to the underground hot spring pool surrounded by a group of demons...

Su Jin straightened his body, standing on the terrace with his hands under his hands, watching the situation on both sides——

His night at Qin Qingwu’s place was surprisingly quiet. The beast tide had crossed the small town of Star River, but there was no intention to move forward. And those continents had also sent a dense lineup to guard against death. Confronting the entire beast tide!

And downstairs in the bright moon, within the scope of the Buddha's light, the only hundreds of residents of Xinghe Town were trembling, because not far away, there were star beasts staring at them.

"Sister-in-law, how can we go back..." Fei Xi was already desperate. She wanted to return to the Blue King City, but except for the Moon Tower, all the stars had already occupied the place.

"This time the beast tide is by no means easy, Qingwang City...may have to be trampled down by the beast tide, after all, this galaxy town is also under the jurisdiction of Qingwang City." Gu Liuer Qingmo said.

"Then what to do..." Fei Xi's expression was startled.

Gu Liuer sighed: "This expert in the Moon Tower will definitely be able to take us out of the beast tide and return to the Blue King City. But... he is definitely not willing to help."

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