My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3583: Cut him alive!

Yeah, I never knew my life, for nothing, why would anyone help them?

Gu Liuer was completely disappointed in Qingwangcheng. She married into Long's family and was wronged for three months, but also tortured by that Long Qingyang for three months!

Of course, with the passing of Long Qingyang, her Gu Liuer is also relieved, and she is afraid that Qingwangcheng will pursue it, and even pursue her ancient business alliance——

Fei Xi, who looked like a lovely girl, was caught in a dilemma. They would definitely not be able to get out of this ‘bright moon tower’, and going out was a dead end.

"The beast tide has advanced a lot. People who don't believe in the dynasty don't know it, and my father, family ancestors, they must also be discussing countermeasures, they will come to save us." Fei Xi firmly said.

Although he lost his brother, Fei Xi...knows that he can live here! Now she really deeply understands the feeling of being in trouble for the Phoenix. Before, as the princess, she was carefree, where she had been in such a desperate situation.

"It can only be this way." Gu Liuer was a little annoyed, anyway, Feixi must be fine anyway, she... couldn't tell.

at this time!

To the west of Xinghe Town, three thousand five hundred miles away!

The cultivator team in the Blue King City is staring at the movement of the beast wave with all their strength, and the members of the Long Family are all extremely anxious! Because they didn't know that Long Qingyang was dead, they just heard that they were seriously injured!

"Why didn't you go in! Why?!" There was a middle-aged beautiful woman who went into battle in person, constantly berating other people, and beside her, Long Tianyao, the lord of the Blue King, was looking towards the eastern border with a solemn face. It is the direction of'Xinghe Town'.

He... only has a son, Long Qingyang. It can be said that he is the hope of the Long Family to inherit the incense in the future. Although the injury has caused this hope to be a little slim, he, Long Tianyao has been trying to heal Long Qingyang.

The news that Long Qingyang was seriously injured, Long Tianyao and his wife were more anxious than anyone else! They even ignored some of Fei Xi's whereabouts!

"Madam, don't worry... The Dynasty Yun family hasn't all come yet. If there is news of hands-on later, I... will definitely take you to kill and save Yang'er!" Long Tianyao comforted.

"Wait, wait! When will you have to wait! Why is that **** of the ancient family okay? I was different from this marriage at the time, so I blame you..." the middle-aged beautiful woman said and cried.

"The Green King!"

At this moment, a young man in battle armor went forward and knelt on one knee, saluting and shouting.

Long Tianyao's eyes were hot, and he quickly said, "Is there any news?"

The young man shook his head. When he saw Qing Wang Long Tianyao's face sinking, he said: "Someone saw Mayor Xinghe escape, and said Mayor Xinghe had released!"

"What!" Long Tianyao became anxious.

"There was an expert in the Moon Tower, protecting a group of people from the town, but when His Highness Yun Haichen fell, the other party did not move at all."

"Where's my son!" Long Tianyao clenched his fists, his knuckles turned white.

"Mayor Xinghe didn't say the whereabouts of the son--" said the young man.

"Xu Mushan!!" Long Tianyao hated this person.

Long Tianyao's eyes seemed to fly into the sand, and tears gradually poured. He seemed to lose his strength for a moment, waved his hand, and let the youth retreat. He really had an ominous premonition, Yang'er... Up.

"Master, don't you go...I'll go..." The middle-aged beautiful woman burst into tears and rushed to Xinghe Town desperately!

"To shut up!"

Long Tianyao's sudden anger directly frightened his wife. His face was gloomy and terrifying, and he continued to roar: "You think I don't want to go! You know, who caused this disaster!"

"The great disaster is not as important as the yanger." The middle-aged beautiful woman lowered her voice a lot.

"Why is there no more? If Yang'er brought the corpse oil to induce the beast tide, how could His Highness Yun Haichen die! I, Qingwangcheng, I am afraid that I will have to hand it over in the future because of this! We, too, will receive the Emperor Yun's Punishment, or even death! Okay, you go, you try now, it was swallowed by a star beast, and you have no chance to see the corpses of your son and daughter!"

Long Tianyao froze.

"Where is the Blue King!"

A majestic momentum descended from the back of the sky, and in that golden dragon aura, a palace descended! The ruler of the Cloud God Continent, the Emperor Yun of the Xingwu Cloud Nation, sat on that hall impressively!

"Your Majesty Yunhuang!" Long Tianyao and his wife, as well as the guards and masters of the other Qingwang City, all worshipped at that palace!

"You know you are guilty!" The Emperor Yun couldn't restrain his monstrous anger, and roared.

"Child... The child made a terrible mistake, I, Long Tianyao, would like to take it alone!" Long Tianyao didn't even dare to lift his head.

"It depends on your performance of Qingwangcheng this time! If you can't catch the Xinyue Fox, I will destroy your Nine Clan!" The Emperor Yun was angry, and the world was pale!

Xinyue Fox, the beheaded Yun Haichen!

Together with Yun Haichen, the eight deserted courtyard masters are all destroyed!

The people who went to Thunder Academy were completely wiped out by the beast wave!

The Xianglong Academy is the same, and near that hall, the masters of these three academies are also listed!

"My boy, although he made a big mistake, but... Tianyao is bold, there is something to report!" Long Tianyao clasped his fist.

"What's the matter!"

"In the Moon Tower, there is a hidden world expert, even if your Highness falls and my son is injured, I will ignore it and let the beast wave attack! This person... also deserves death!" Long Tianyao was full of hatred. .

"The old man has already told me to retreat these animal tides first, and when I get to Star River Town, I...take him alive!" Yunhuang hummed heavily, and then waved, "Hands! Retreat the animal tides!"

"My three ancestors of the Long Family, go ahead!" Long Tianyao directly took the command and shouted. He performed better than anyone else, first drew out the war sword and started to kill the animal tide!

Speaking of which, it was so fast!

Although not all the ancient sages and powers of the Xingwu Cloud Nation were here, most of the masters of the deserted courtyard, the Xianglong, and the Thunder were also present.

Roughly speaking, a hundred ancient sages have begun to sweep the animal tide!

For a time, less than half an hour, the beast tide has been cleared to the east three thousand miles! In other words, there is only less than five hundred miles left to reach Star River Town!

"Beast tide, counterattack!"

Gu Xian was shocked. With their gazes, he could naturally see the "Melting Galaxy". According to legend, there are ten mysterious beast kings in the galaxy, and every beast king has power against the sky!

But last night, there was a message that the Stone Beast King was beheaded by the mysterious adult in the Moon Tower, and the Heart Moon Fox might also be in the Moon Tower!

But where are the remaining eight beast kings!

How powerful is the existence of the top ten beast kings? All of this is still unknown, it is just another ancient legend. It is said that there is an ancient galaxy in the depths of the galaxy, but... through the ages, few people have seen it!

In this large wave of star beasts, there are vaguely large monsters near Guxian, and the number is extremely large, even if these hundreds of ancient sages are killed, it is not a star beast that can be cleared in a short time, and has come out of the galaxy. , Most have terrible defenses.

For example, now... the rows of star-armored rhinos, whose skin is so thick and thick that they are even harder than some refining materials, tens of thousands of them attack together, and the momentum of that kind of air wave slows the speed of advancement!

Bright Moon Tower!

Su Jin was a little surprised--

Here, you can even gather a hundred ancient sages! You must know that this is only a strong man on the continent, like the strong human races on the continents close to here, I am afraid that they have not yet arrived.

"If you keep me here, they will definitely give you a charge of colluding with the animal tide..."

Xinyue Fox’s voice was transmitted from the underground of the Moon Tower to Su Jin’s ears.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, if you want to add a crime, there is nothing wrong with it." Su Jin sneered.

When Xu Mushan fled earlier, he had already reminded him, but who was Su Jin? Are you afraid of this battle? It's ridiculous!

The bravery of Yunguo really has an unstoppable trend. Although the speed of this five hundred li advancement has slowed down, it still suppresses the star beast within the scope of Galaxy Town!

Emperor Yun, here it is!

Qing Wang, has arrived!

Downstairs in the bright moon, Gu Liuer's face is as gray as death! Aside, the girl Feixi cried with excitement.

"Sister-in-law! Look! Daddy came to pick us up!" Fei Xi felt relieved in an instant.

Gu Liuer, do not speak!

Qiang Qiang!

Thousands of sword auras landed directly in Galaxy Town, and the star beasts, including the Xinyue Void Beast that surrounded the'Bright Moon Tower', were all beheaded!

"Father! Father! We are here!" Fei Xi grabbed Gu Liu'er and hurriedly spoke loudly. She even dragged Gu Liu'er out of the void, knowing that she was safe.

But... why doesn't my sister-in-law move...

"Let's go..." Gu Liuer said without moving, gritting his teeth.

"Sister-in-law! My parents have already come to pick us up, do you want to stay here? Stop making trouble, let's go home!" Fei Xi still couldn't pull Gu Liuer.

"You go first..." Gu Liuer said with an ugly expression.

Feixi stomped her feet. She saw her father. There was nowhere to be safe. Seeing to persuade Gu Liuer, she went straight away!

Long Tianyao scanned the entire Galaxy Town, he... did not see his son Long Qingyang!

" about your brother..." the middle-aged beautiful woman held Feixi in her arms, squeezed her arm, and asked nervously.

Feixi couldn't hide his grief, and burst into tears, "Brother is...dead...he was originally a waste body, unable to withstand that kind of strength, his injuries were too serious, and I took away his body..."



For Long Tianyao and his wife, this is like a bolt from the blue! Stayed completely on the spot! Didn’t you hear that it was just a serious injury... Why did you die! why!

"My son is dead, and your son who caused the trouble has also received retribution! It's just that... my family Chen'er died unjustly!" Yunhuang looked sad and didn't hide his words.

When Long Tianyao heard the bad news, he was already distraught! His mind was hot, and he looked at Emperor Yun and said, "This is a bad word! Dare to ask my emperor, Qingwangcheng, Xinghezhen, but my Qingwang fief!"

"Yes!" Yun Huang trembled, slapped the dragon chair and stood up.

"It is my son's fault to bring corpse oil and lead out the beast tide! I admit it! But my son, I didn't tell anyone about it! Dare to ask, how did His Highness Yun Haichen in the deserted courtyard know?"

Long Tianyao lost his reason and continued to roar: "My son is disabled! The world is watching my Yang'er's jokes. I wonder if my emperor would like to inquire, if his Highness made fun of my Yang'er!"

"You're so bold!" Emperor Yun was dumbfounded, pointing angrily at Long Tianyao, and died with him. Wasn't it because of the beast tide caused by Long Qingyang?

"Originally, His Royal Highness Yun Haichen and I, Yang'er, still had a chance to not die! Thousands of mistakes were made by that one person...The expert in the Moon Tower, ignores His Highness, ignores my Qing King, and ignores my emperor! He...he can't save him!"

Long Tianyao pointed at the Moon Tower, anger, transfer!

Bright Moon Tower, on the terrace!

The aura of Buddhism is still strong! People outside naturally cannot see the shadows on the terrace.

"He's the most damn!" Emperor Yun turned around and looked at the Moon Tower, angrily.

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