My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3584: Izumo Sword Emperor

Emperor Yun, never like this before, wants to kill someone so much! Although he doesn't know each other, he carries hundreds of ancient sages today, not afraid of heaven, not afraid of anything!

Seeing death without saving, let him fall, and he will die!

"Bitch!" The middle-aged beautiful woman pulled Fei Xi aside and looked downstairs at the bright moon. She really saw Gu Liuer at a glance!

Gu Liuer's face was flustered, in public... Kneeled down towards Qing Wang and her mother-in-law, but she still did not dare to walk out of the range of the Moon Tower!

"You know it's wrong!" The middle-aged beautiful woman hates the sky, and now she wants some people to bury Long Qingyang!

"I'm not wrong." Although Gu Liuer knelt down, she was about to complain and did not admit her mistake.

"You watched Yang'er die, let him call for help, but the guard was weak, he... died alive, helplessly, why did he die, not you!" The middle-aged beautiful woman had hatred in her eyes, She is still holding on to a big grudge, she almost fainted by the bad news just now.

"Mother...sister-in-law can't help it..." Fei Xi didn't think so much after all. Now when she saw her mother's troubles, she naturally understood her sister-in-law's suffering.

She didn't want to leave the Moon Tower.

But not dare.

If Gu Liu'er was in front of Fei Xi's parents, he would definitely slap her to death with one palm, and there would be no way out! This is the biggest reason Gu Liuer refused to go out!

Azure King Long Tianyao, staring at the "Bright Moon Tower" unanimously, with a strong hatred! Full of gunpowder!

At this moment, Su Jin's heart is calm! How big is his scene?

Now the goddess of time is sitting on his right leg, and the virgin concubine, sitting on his left leg, is holding the two beauties who upside down all living beings, and there is a light cloud on his face!

"No matter who you are...come out and die!" Yunhuang's complexion flushed, and he roared at the Moon Tower.

"Pay your life for my son!" Qing Wang Long Tianyao, the murderous intention has been established!

After about three breaths, an indifferent voice appeared in the ears of a group of powerful people, even the three major colleges, and the royal family!

"Within ten feet of the Moon Tower, kill without mercy." Su Jin's voice.

Ten feet!

Kill without mercy!

Emperor Yun, a hundred ancient sages, and the blue king Long Tianyao all smiled grimly. Who is in this Moonlight Tower? There is no limit to the madness!

"Your Majesty Yun!" An ancient sage in Chinese clothes with a sword on his back, with the appearance of a young man, bowed directly to the Emperor Yun and said: "I would like to petition to kill the enemy."

"Okay! It's up to you,'Izumo Sword Emperor', to catch him! You save him for life first, I want him to regret it, I want him to withstand one hundred tortures of my Yunguo, and tortured him to death. , Finally hit him again!" Yun Huang said with a grim expression.


Sword Emperor Izumo, directly facing the ‘Bright Moon Tower’, his eyes were solemn, but tyrannical like him, he was already the first sword **** of ‘Xingwu Yunguo’ and even the entire ‘Cloud God Continent’! He has the qualifications to be arrogant, take this task!

Without hesitation, Sword Emperor Izumo stepped into the air step by step and walked towards the Moon Tower, but he was very precise and stopped ten meters away.

"I Izumo Sword Emperor, I have practiced swords all my life, and I have seen many strong men who look down upon the heroes, but you said these things in front of me waiting for hundreds of ancient sages, you... passed it!" Izumo The sword emperor's body was full of sword intent, his feet slowly raised, and he was about to take that step directly!

Hundreds of ancient sages who went on the expedition with Yunhuang, as well as those millions of soldiers, are all watching Izumo Sword Emperor!

But among the hundred ancient sages, there is only one person, showing worry—

The old man over there!

Although the sword emperor Izumo, his kendo cultivation is second to none and unique! But the strong in the "Bright Moon Tower" can kill the existence of the "Stone Beast King" with one blow!

Last night, Stone Beast King single-handedly managed to take down the attacks of six ancient sages including his elder god!

"Faced with the anger of our Majesty Yun, the other party dared to do this. I have to say that this tone is a bit loud! It's hard to say that if our Emperor Yun enters the'Bright Moon Tower', we will be killed without pardon! "There were soldiers watching the battle in the distance, whispering, but they were awakened and asked him to speak quietly.

"This person is a powerful person in Buddhism and Taoism, and the beast tide advanced before, but no beast king dared to move this ‘bright moon tower’. This strong person is somewhat unimaginable!"

"What are you afraid of? What a detached existence is the Sword Emperor Izumo. He is in the Continent of Cloud God, and he is lonely in swordsmanship. No Gu Xian dares to fight him alone. His swordsmanship has risen to a level that you and I can't even imagine."

"Sword Emperor Izumo makes a move, naturally you should rest assured--"

"In the Bright Moon Tower, he is a **** in the end. Facing the power of His Majesty Yun, he dare not walk out of the Bright Moon Tower and fight against the strong! After all, I am afraid of death!"

"Sword Emperor Izumo, lonely and arrogant all his life, never thought that the opponent's performance today was even more rampant than him. I just don't know if the opponent can force him to cut a sword."

"How lonely is invincibility, the sword emperor Izumo can best interpret the meaning of the words loneliness of the strong!"

"Look! Izumo sword emperor... stepped into the ten feet of the Moon Tower!"



What no one has expected is that a kind of super coercion, as if to directly make the world sad! The feeling of Sword Emperor Izumo is the most real!

what happened……

The sword emperor Izumo was shocked in his heart. When he stepped into the ten-meter range of the Moon Tower, he felt that the ground under his feet seemed to become unreal. With his kendo cultivation skills, he was even a little unstable. !

"Your kendo is not worth mentioning in front of me."

When Su Jin's voice appeared, Sword Emperor Izumo was shocked!

In the eyes of Sword Emperor Izumo, the world is colorless! When that gleam of sword light appeared, it was almost too late for him to be able to chase him in his life!

This sword cut open the void where Sword Emperor Izumo was located! Although he is strong, how can he avoid this sword in an instant? The reason is very real, he can't avoid it!


A dull voice did not sound like a sword sound at all, but the body of the sword emperor Izumo, including the Jiuzhang Void outside the Moon Tower, had been cut off the barriers of the thousand-layer Void Abyss. At that moment, it seemed like heaven... Being cut open a space-time sky moat, it makes people look terrifying!

Sword Emperor Izumo, the corpse is in another place! He fell heavily to the ground and couldn't catch his eyes!

The audience is quiet--

No one had Gu Liuer really watched this scene. She was outside the door of the Moon Tower, watching the body of "Izumo Sword Emperor" not far away, and the blood...was flowing into a large pool!

However, in the terrace above the Moonlight Tower, many enchanting girls didn’t mean anything unexpected. The Xinyue Fox, who had just taken a bath and changed into a very good-fitting dress, just saw this scene...

She has nothing to say except stunned!

Emperor Yun and Tianyao Long are stunned on the spot!

Sword Emperor Izumo was beheaded by a single blow?

"Who is the person in the Moon Tower! Is the Sword Emperor Izumo so weak? He was taken away by the opponent with one move before he could show his true strength! It looks like... it seems that the opponent is also using the sword. !" In the rear, countless people were in an uproar!

This situation is definitely a terrifying event!

"Broken broken." Someone from a group of strong men directly cried out bad things after seeing this scene, and then said: "His Royal Highness Yun Haichen is dead, it is the fault of the Qing Wang Shizi who died himself, now your Majesty is attacking. An outsider, but he didn't expect the other party to be so powerful!"

"The opponent is a bit too strong, now the strong is the principle, the hard way! The opponent is so powerful, naturally does not care about His Royal Highness Yun Haichen!"

"Don't be afraid! Hundreds of us ancient sages can even reach the depths of the galaxy and cut off the beast tide. I don't believe that even a mysterious person can't be cut off!"

"The sword emperor Izumo was too careless, he should have a chance. He never thought that the opponent could produce the sword so fast! It's a pity that the peerless sword **** was killed by a single blow!"

"Look at Emperor Yun and King Qing... and even those ancient sages and great abilities, they are all shocked, I don't think things will be that simple!"

"Will Emperor Yun still try?"



That amazing sword, Gu Xian present, is all weighing it! Measure whether you can survive if you face that sword! But even if the gods are included, they all deny themselves in their hearts!

Strong like Izumo Sword Emperor can't do, then they... also can't! Unless, Emperor Yun uses the real power against the sky behind the royal family!

"Who else wants to go to war! If you kill this person, I will give you twenty **** cities! Seal... the weather!" After being shocked, Emperor Yun shivered directly and stared at the ancient sages!

"This person said that people are not allowed to step into the ten feet of the Moon Tower, but there is no limit to the number of people! I will be able to win when I get out of the ten ancient sages!" Gu Xian said loudly.

"Okay!" Emperor Yun vowed to cut off the ‘senior man’ in the Moon Tower, and once again promised various benefits.

Really... The last thing Yunhuang lacks is God City, land! He is even willing to pay a heavier price!

Immediately, the ten strong men who had just suggested that Gu Xian step out were the first to stand up.

"I! Count one!" Another Gu Xian in Tsing Yi stood up directly.



Soon, ten ancient sages, step out!

Under the gaze of the Azure King Long Tianyao and Yunhuang, these ten ancient sages were still careless. In their view, the sword emperor Izumo had no power, but was cut off by the opponent by chance. They... naturally did not. Will make the same mistake as Izumo Sword Emperor!

Just in the void of the Moon Tower, ten feet away, these ten ancient sages burned with divine will and blessed each other, as if to support a splendid ancient sage divine light!


This oppression is too strong.

Gu Liuer and some of the remaining residents of Xinghe Town all felt the throbbing of their souls, and their bodies trembled constantly, then... but ten ancient sages!

If it is in normal times, each of these ancient sages has the power to shock the sky. This is definitely not a joke. Gu Liuer felt that if the expert in the Moon Tower could not hold it, she might also be The ten Guxians who joined hands were cut off by the way!

Pale... Faced with such pressure, Gu Liuer even wanted to leave this range for a while. But she also knew that as long as she stepped out, her mother-in-law would definitely be the first to catch her and kill her directly!

"Your Excellency wouldn't really think that you alone can compete with our ten ancient sages!" Among the ten, one ancient sage, wearing a shirt with a brand of stars, tentatively asked the'Bright Moon Tower'.

no respond--

There was no response at this time, as if there was an invisible pressure that fell to the ten people.

Just now Izumo Sword God, is there really no chance of a sword... Is it really careless?

Now... the ten of them have no way out! After all, under the supervision of Emperor Yun!

Ten ancient sages, look at each other! Finally, unanimously hold his eyes firmly!

Stepping on their feet together, the ancient sages in their bodies are burning, their aura is terrifying!

Emperor Yun and Long Tianyao, staring at the steps of these ten ancient sages without blinking their eyes, finally... the ten people stepped into the range of ten feet of the Moon Tower!


After the two breaths, countless people were pleasantly surprised to find that the ten ancient sages were all in peace!

But in the next second, another sword light flashed...

Puff puff puff... ten ancient sage skulls, as if being thrown heavily by great power, spilling into the void! The etched corpse head rolled far away on the streets of Galaxy Town!

Xinghe Town is silent for an instant!

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