My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3585: The patron saint of cloud country

After the deathly silence, expressions of horror began to appear in the Cloud God Continent!

With the same sword, the masters in the "Bright Moon Tower" treated the sword emperor Izumo and the ten ancient sages as if they were no different!

One sword cuts out Yun Jiandi, one sword cuts ten ancient sages! no difference!

On the ground, ten ancient sage skulls, their expressions were still cautious, this detail was seen by all masters! This shows that this sword is reaching an incredible level! It was almost that the ten Guxians did not react, and then they were beheaded!

Emperor Yun couldn't wake up from the shock for a long time--

The same performance as him is the Azure King Long Tianyao! They can't even imagine what kind of existence they provoke! When the opponent cut out Emperor Yunjian and ten other ancient sages, he couldn't even see his personal shadows!

"Yijian, ten ancient sages!" The old man was scared and silly. Although he has existed for a long time, he has not lived enough. This is why he did not take the initiative to ask for it!

Because he doesn't believe it, if he doesn't believe in a strong man who can blast the Stone Beast King, he will be afraid of Izumo Sword Emperor or Ten Ancient Sages!

"Two swords, we have already lost eleven people, eleven ancient sages! He... is definitely not a person in our world, Yunhuang... will incur an extinction disaster for our Cloud God Continent!" After coming over, it was decided now, no matter how many promises Yun Huang made, it was not as precious as his own old life.

"It's extremely ridiculous, this is definitely a peerless powerhouse who can laugh proudly at the'Cloud God Continent'! In this way, the way Yun Huang and Qing Wang vent their anger is ridiculous!"

"Yes! Think about it! That expert has such a peerless power, so he naturally regards life as a must. If Yunhuang's son and Qingwang's son die, what to do with him! Just because he can't save him, he will be killed. The other party, this has completely offended the expert!"

"Emperor Yun... so scared that he dare not speak--"

"Only strength and fist can shut up the rich and powerful! Those absurd and unreasonable demands will surely bring bitter results!"


Emperor Yun's throat was moving up and down, he swallowed, and the long-lasting fear in the depths of his pupils appeared!

If it is said that Emperor Yun Jian was only beheaded, then how should the defenses exhibited by these ten ancient sages unite be explained!

"Your Majesty...hurry...find a way..." Long Tianyao's face was filled with bean-sized beads of sweat rolling off. The cruel words just before the war have become enemies. If they want to leave, it may become very unrealistic Thing!

Ridiculous, simply ridiculous joke!

Hundreds of dignified ancient sages, faced with a tall man in the bright moon building who is not visible, seem to have failed, and everyone is in danger! This is a scene that was unimaginable before!


Upstairs, Xinyue Fox looked at the heads of the ten ancient sages with a shocked face. She felt it in her heart. If facing five opponents at the same time, no more than six, she might be able to figure out a way to kill them. , But it's definitely not so easy for Su Jin!

For Xinyue Fox, Su Jin is like a fanatic man. She... She originally thought that Su Jin’s enchanting girls were just blindly worshipping. Who knows, their strength is far away Exceeded her estimate!

"I will make it clear today, one is allowed to leave." Su Jin's voice once again spread throughout the battlefield——

Not allowed to go!

Threatening Yunhuang and Qingwang!

It was terrible. In a word, the scared Emperor Yun and Long Tianyao did not dare to move!

Gradually, the Buddhist technique of turning the prayer wheel disappeared, and the Moon Tower was completely seen as usual! On that terrace, dozens of beautifully dressed women made people excited!

"Xinyue Fox... dare to ask your Excellency, what is the relationship with Gu Zun Xinghe!" The Emperor Yun asked when he saw Xinyue Fox, and at the moment he was no longer so tough.

"Catch it to hand over the tea for this king --" Su Jin said with disdain.

He... caught a star in the galaxy and transformed himself into the heart and moon fox king of mankind, just for? Bring tea and pour water!

The beauty of Xinyue Fox, even Yunhuang, who was in deep crisis, couldn't help but beat his heart, and couldn't help but give birth to a little greed in his heart.

But everyone knows what kind of existence Xinyue Fox is, she... can kill the swordsman in a flash, and has the ability of the ancient sage in a flash! Now... but controlled by one person.

In this way, the other party first blasted the stone beast king last night, and then caught the heart and moon fox, almost causing the two beast kings to be damaged in the beast tide! This kind of strong man made his scalp numb when he saw it, and he was so fearful in his heart!

"Your Excellency... are both human races, capable of repelling the tide of beasts. If you could save your majesty last night, save my son of the Azure King, plus your identity as a powerful Buddhist and Tao... Merit..." Long Tianyao said tremblingly.

"Don't tell me anything about the same human race." Su Jin glanced at Long Tianyao, "In my eyes, your status is not as good as those star beasts."

"This..." Although Long Tianyao wanted to quibble, he was unable to argue. He was afraid that one would be bad, and the other party would cut him with a sword!

"Then I will tell you the truth and teach you how to behave. Taking you as a human race as an example, I am especially an individual, so why do you want to survive me, who is also a human race?" Su Jin mocked. Tao.

"We... don't know the status of an expert——" Long Tianyao bowed his head.

"First, I don’t know any of you, and I’m not obligated to save your Highness. Second, you are the son of Qingwangcheng, angering the Beast King, attracting animal tides, causing disasters, and causing the human race to be in the water and fire. You are evil in itself. amnesty!"

Su Jin said indifferently: "It's the same with the so-called Highness, who is bullying and bullying. He has a royal style, and he will die."

Emperor Yun's face was blue, and Long Tianyao didn't dare to speak out!

Probably Su Jin's voice fell for about five breaths, a remote cloud country, a remote place! A monstrous vision began to be exhibited!

It was a dark blue wheel of universal law, slowly rising from the sky! Above the Dao Wheel, infinite symbols are neatly arranged, glance at it at will, in addition to shock, there is vastness!

"Good, good! What a survivor! I don’t need an outsider to judge my Highness Yunguo!" A huge old voice came from the Wanfa Dao Wheel. At this moment, the world was boiling!

Emperor Yun reddened his eyes, clenched his fists, and looked at the ‘wheel of ten thousand dharma’!

Today, outsiders deceive him Yunguo! Sure enough... the ancestor couldn't help it!

Boiling is not only present in more than ninety ancient sages!

In addition to the elite army brought, the entire Yunshen Continent also broke out in a shocking noise!

"The patron saint of Yunguo... the ancestor of the Yun family who helped Yunguo rule the'Cloud God Continent' has been born--" I don't know how many people were shocked by this scene, and messages came out one after another.

"It is said that the ancient Venerable in the Galaxy, because of the existence of this ancestor, has not dared to offend the Cloud God Continent for 100,000 years! This is a true invincible powerhouse who has a deep understanding of the way of heaven!"

"In the past 100,000 years, there was a rumor that the ancestor was ruined, but he was still alive and still so strong! He... unwilling to be bullied by outsiders to the royal family, and even angry that the emperor Yun bowed his head at the other party! He... is coming. !"

"Sansheng is fortunate to be able to see the scene of the birth of the ancestor of the country of Yun. He hasn't seen his face for ten thousand years. The last time was ten thousand years ago! The time when tens of billions of beasts were killed!"

"The Cloud God Continent, and even several other continents, have an endless vengeance with Star Beasts! This time, he walked out because of an outsider, but it was not those beasts!"

"The opponent is so young, how can he be the opponent of the ancestors of the Yun Kingdom!"


Emperor Yun has choked up several times now. He lost his son yesterday, but today someone insulted him in Yun Guo! He is ashamed and has no strength to refute the opponent! The feeling of uselessness is even more intense at this time!

"Alarming ancestors, boy... guilty!" Emperor Yun knelt at the ‘wheel of ten thousand dharma’, shocking the world!

The Azure King Long Tianyao, knelt on one knee at the wheel, to show respect!

Ninety Guxian, kneel!

All the people of Yunguo mainland face the north sky, kneeling!

The patron saint, deserve this treatment!

"Not good." Xinyue Fox whispered, her gaze was solemn, and she gradually turned to the depths of the galaxy to the east. Now the patron saint of the Kingdom of Yun was born, but Gu Zun has not yet been seen, and the beast tide was counted earlier than originally planned. Nian, Gu Zun...Is it possible to know?

The Stone Beast King died yesterday, and her Xinyue Fox has been captured by Su Jin. In this galaxy, the strongest force under Gu Zun's command is only eight Beast Kings. How can he stop this ancestor of the Yun Nation!

Xinyue Fox knew that because she knew the existence of that ancestor, her galaxy beast tide would only travel more than 3,000 miles outside of Galaxy Town, and stop!

And Xinyue Fox now doesn't think Su Jin can beat the opponent! Because the patron saint of Yunguo, and their ancient galaxies, are unique existences!

Su Jin just killed the sword emperor Izumo and killed ten ancient sages with a single sword. For this ancestor of the country of Yun, it was also a pediatric method, because the opponent could also do this step, even easier!

"On the continent of this little Star River, there is such a powerful person who understands the way of heaven." The maiden emperor was surprised, but deep in her heart she marveled at the miracles of the heavens, but she didn't know how many hidden world powers there were.

The goddess of time, even if her waist was gripped by Su Jin's palm, she couldn't help but trembled when she saw the "Wheel of Ten Thousand Fadao" that filled the sky.

Too strong……

The ancestor of the country Yun gave her the feeling that she was looking at a sea of ​​stars, so deep that it was indescribable! According to her feeling, today's night emperor, I am afraid that he has really met an opponent!

"I hope this ancestor of the Yun country, don't let your husband down." The Chaosheng Banshee said slowly.


So confident?

Heart Moon Fox, Empress Virgo, Goddess of Time! All the enchantresses all looked at the Chaosheng Banshee!

Chaosheng Banshee's confidence in Su Jin is absolutely understandable! There was a moment of loss in the eyes of the Goddess of Time. She remembered that when Su Jin was walking in the God Realm of Time, at that time... it was simply invincible!

Su Jin was indifferent, stood up from the terrace above the Moon Tower, holding his hand, stepping out of the Moon Tower! Go to the void!

"What are you, you don't need to be judged by outsiders, so why treat an outsider's crime of not being saved!" Su Jin said softly.

"You are guilty if you don't save yourself."

"Old dog put your shit!"

Strongly unreasonable!

This is what the ancestors of Yunguo did! Sure enough, what kind of ancestor there is, there will be what kind of descendants! These words really made Su Jin angry.

But this is the situation in the world of monks! If you are strong, you can be unreasonable! The other party says you are guilty of not saving you, you are... guilty!

Truly, it will never be bigger than the fist of the invincible powerhouse!

Under the gaze of the crowd, countless startled eyes looked at Su Jin who stepped into the void step by step! He who dares to scold Yun Guo so much, and even the patron saint of Yunshen Continent, he... is the first!

However, Su Jin was convicted of the crime of'seeing death without saving', which was the only time in his life!

In the daytime, in a tense atmosphere, the fighting spirit is intense!

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