My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3587: Immeasurable Palm

Facing the self-confidence of Yunguo ancestors, Su Jin would only respond with a sneer!

Recently, Su Jin couldn't find much fun, and the reincarnation Taoist a few days ago was slightly valued by him, but the reincarnation Taoist at that time did not arouse Su Jin's particularly strong sense of victory and defeat.

But now, the ancestor of the country of Yun has completely ignited Su Jin's anger. Regardless of other things, he is going to fight the other party based solely on the ‘unreasonable’ crime of unsuccessful death!

Since it is unreasonable, it makes no sense to call you!

Su Jin’s ‘wisdom Buddha pupil’ on the center of his eyebrows, with the circulation of the golden body, quickly radiated the Buddha’s light, and the pupil techniques such as the golden pupil and the prison eye of Maha town instantly superimposed!

My Buddha can be seen everywhere in Yunshen Continent.

The Cloud God Continent, as if turned into a world of Buddhas, tens of billions of Buddha powers, singing in unison, those golden Buddhist scriptures that are comparable to a long river, shuttle between heaven and earth, that kind of transcendent power makes many powerful people, Moved a few times!

In Su Jin's "Great Wisdom Buddha Eye", he saw some of the rules of the dark god. He admitted that this ancestor of the Yun Kingdom actually had a more tyrannical understanding than the "reincarnation Taoist" a few days ago. His heavenly way, It is more profound than the way of heaven that the Taoists of Samsara comprehend!

This is probably where the confidence of the ancestors of Yunguo lies!


The Buddhist scriptures were shaken, and the blue water and blue sky were shining like golden basins by the golden Buddha light, and many people were excited to discover a terrible fact.

Su Jin's Buddhism is aloof and powerful, but it can't dispel the darkness, and it doesn't even affect the power of the ancestor of the Yun Nation!

"The ancestor... invincible!" The Yun Guo royal family naturally knew the current animal tide, and now that the ancestor was born, it once again shocked the world. The tenacity and toughness of this ancestor made the Yun Dynasty imperial clan moved inexplicably, tearing down!

"Emperor Yun cannot tolerate humiliation! Kingdom of Yun, do not tolerate blasphemy! His Royal Highness Chen in the deserted courtyard was originally the prince who would be the most favorable contender for the throne in the future. He was loved by His Majesty, and even... he has rights that other princes do not have! He has also seen Yun The prince with the most ancestors in the country!"

"Buddha, this is the way to cross people, how can you attack and kill, how can you match the ancestor! This young man, facing the ancestor now, is simply seeking his own death!"

"The ancestor blessed the country of Yun and guaranteed that the country of Yun will flourish for millions of years, and he will live forever and defend the country of Yun! That expert in Buddhism and Taoism, who ignores His Highness and dies, is a serious crime, and dares to quibble! What a lifeless thing !"

"Cut off his head, hang the corpse on the gate of the imperial city, and expose it to the sun for thousands of years!"

"An outside human race who offends the emperor's prestige is not a pity to die...."

at this time.

Su Jin used the blessing of tens of billions of Buddha energy. The **** Buddha seal swept across the void, breaking through scenes of void passages, and shattering several layers of abysses, but the'swastika' Buddha seal was still brutally killed. In front of the ancestors of Yunguo!


The ancestor of the cloud kingdom was directly lifted by the huge shadow of the dark god, and the whole person seemed to have disappeared into the dark night. The **** and the Buddha seal, when he was killed, the dark **** seemed to turn into a hundred black rivers. Scattered away.

Good means!

Su Jin can't despise the opponent just because the opponent is an enemy, and the opponent's clever means will naturally draw his cheers! He thought that this battle would be a little bit troublesome, but he didn't expect that the opponent would use his own sense of heaven to cover the dark shadow of the **** of darkness, causing his pupil technique to lose its power!

In other words, the opponent turned into a long black river scattered in hundreds of places, and Su Jin couldn't see which path was the way for the ancestors of the Yun Nation to avoid this attack.

Then Su Jin gave a soft drink!

Above the world of buddhas, the sword intent is high, and the swords of the people in the world begin to tremble!

On the hundred black rivers, there are sword mountains, like a brilliant and bright divine wall, the sword marks are in the sword mountains, I don't know how many traces there are!

In the sky, there is a sword country falling!

This piece of sword country began to suppress the hundreds of black rivers that were running away!




In just five breaths, the sound of swords in the sword kingdom rose up several times, and at the time of these five breaths, a hundred black rivers were cut off from 80!

"You're very good! Very good!" The ancestor of Yunguo was quite surprised by this sword. If he hadn't been able to dodge one of the swords just now if he hadn't used the power of heaven, he admitted that Su Jin really had the power to threaten him!

"Warm up, I hope you can force my strongest strength." Su Jinyun responded calmly.

Crazy, crazy!

The ancestor of the country of Yun directly stretched out his hand and manifested on the body of the dark god. As soon as he shot his hand, heaven seemed to flow in his fingers, and then, all over his body, there was a strange and inexplicable voice of heaven burst out!

It was a dense collection of divine characters. This was a handwriting made by Heaven. There were not many handwritings. Each divine character was emitting light, enough to envelop the ancestors of the country of Yun.

Rumble...After several fierce collisions, the big hands of the ancestors of the Yun Kingdom broke the last sword mountain, but during this period, his dry Dao body trembled several times!

Obviously, the price to be paid for annihilating the Sword Country is not small for him!

"I have never seen a young evildoer like you in the mainland of Yunguo. You are qualified to contend with me." In the deep eye sockets of the ancestors of the Yunguo, the brilliance of the eyes began to condense, and he looked at Su Jin deeply. At a glance.

"This king did not expect that this small continent can also hide dragons and crouching tigers. Unfortunately, for this king, you are just a little surprised." Su Jin said lightly.

"Haha...young man, can a person like you think of the way of heaven that I have understood over the years? Although you are strong, you don't know what way of heaven is!"

The ancestor of the country of Yun shot back.

Su Jin didn't explain, just now he took the first blow, and since the opponent can take it, he naturally can't let people be offended. He...waits for the opponent to make a move!

In fact, the ancestors of the Yun Kingdom are now looking at Su Jin! No matter what Su Jin thinks of him, he can only say that he is surprised that the opponent can possess such strength at this age!

"Buddha, help the world and help people, save the suffering, why don't you save Chen'er! If you don't save, then what is the use of these Buddhas!" The ancestors of the Yun Kingdom scanned the tens of billions of gods and Buddhas, shaking the mountains and shaking together. The power of the dark **** erupts from the earth!

It was a hundred million black demon claws, and every time it swept toward the gods and buddhas, it would break into pieces of buddha shadows!

But it's strange to say that when those Buddha images were swept into pieces, they turned into golden fireflies that couldn't be dissipated. Each golden firefly was as small as a bean!

With a bang, the tens of billions of gods and Buddhas turned into golden fireflies in the sky, floating in the void of the entire Cloud God Continent!

"On this level?" Su Jin said coldly.

"All Buddhas, I also cut them down! Your strongest Buddhist way, sword way, was broken by me, you...defeated!" Yun Guo ancestor said Shen.

"Really?" Su Jin's voice was full of mockery!

The golden Buddha grains all over the sky seem to be undergoing an incredible change!

The people of the world finally saw the power of Buddhism!

The ancestor of the country of Yun, his dry body suddenly shook, and in his shriveled eye sockets, he swallowed a few feet, and it was hard to believe what he saw!

Although the tens of billions of gods and buddhas dissipated into golden buddha grains, at this moment they are gathering together madly, forming the "Cloud God Continent", except for the accident of the "Melt Galaxy", the most shocking scene in the history!

Moreover, there is still no one!

These Foguang bean grains form a side-lying Buddha site across the continent of Yunshen!

The big Buddha lying on the side, even if you look at it casually, can make people stunned. The prosperity of the Buddha, everything about the Buddha, seems to have reached the level of'infinite' at this moment!

Emperor Yun and Tianyao Long were directly shocked by the huge Buddha's prestige, taking a few steps back! The storm was faltering and swept across the Cloud God Continent! Countless buildings and countless gods are trembling!

"Reclining Buddha! moving!" Yun Huang shouted in surprise in an incredible tone.

"This side-lying Buddha is about to stand up! It... why does it have such a powerful performance!"

"Buddhas say that there are immeasurable Buddhas. In the past, the farthest one in the Buddhist path was the immeasurable gods and Buddhas! Nowadays, tens of billions of gods and Buddhas have disappeared and formed this great Buddha, but the rhyme of the Buddha is vast and immeasurable. ...Could it be transformed into the once great immeasurable **** and buddha?" Gu Xian possessed the simple principles of Buddhism. After all, he had once been a monk and now feels the Buddha's prestige. Naturally, he guessed the'big immeasurable **** and buddha' in an instant.

"This is just a young man! How good is he and want the help of immeasurable gods and Buddhas!"

"His Buddhism is by no means ordinary! I feel that it is not the Boundless God and Buddha to help him, but...but the Boundless God and Buddha, and follow his Buddhism Avenue..."

"Is it the head of the Buddha!"

"Quiet! Quiet! I don’t know what you are panicking! As the ancestors of Yunguo said, this expert is still young, and it is absolutely impossible to realize the way of heaven. After a while, the ancestors of Yunguo exhibited the way of heaven, which is why this humanity disappears. Time!"

The ancestor of the country of Yun is inevitably shocked now, but he just froze for a moment, and immediately wakes up, the trajectory of the heavenly path that surrounds him is those erratic divine characters!

"It's useless, all your methods are useless to me." The ancestor of Yunguo is not afraid of everything. He just hit and failed to break Su Jin's Buddhist path, and now... he is waiting for the other party to hit again!

The immeasurable gods and Buddhas, from their stalwart and majestic posture, as if a small piece of land, have stood up!


No mistake!

Not lying on your side, not sitting cross-legged, but standing up!

The immeasurable gods and Buddhas transformed by these tens of billions of gods and Buddhas, like a flash of light, jumped up directly, and in a flash, they turned into a palm that could hold the lake and sea!

The palm of the Buddha seems to be frivolous, but it is impossible to guard against, and there is no way to hide it! This palm, directly towards the ancestor of the Yun Dynasty, grabbed it immediately!


The wheel of universal law, trembling violently! The ancestor of the country of Yun, simply did not hide, stood proudly on the **** of darkness, let the palm of the Buddha grasp it!


Immediately, the Wanfa Dao Wheel could no longer hold it, and thin cracks began to appear. The ancestors of the Yun Kingdom were shocked by the power of this blow. He finally couldn't help it, and raised his hand to block this immeasurable god. Palm!

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