My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3588: Pinnacle sword

This scene is so spectacular!

The immeasurable gods and Buddhas were originally in size like a small continent. Under his palm, the ancestor of the country of Yun was as small as dust!

But the ancestor of the country of Yun, this blow still has to be taken! The strangeness that the Wheel of Wanfa Dao almost collapsed has already caused the ancestors of the Yun Kingdom to feel a sense of crisis!

"My way of heaven, flowing through time and space, exists between eternity, the only way of Buddhism, what can I do!" Yun Guo's ancestor seemed to be taken away by the handwriting of heaven that wrapped his dry body, he seemed to be transformed into air, directly from Stand on top of the pressed "Measuring Palm"!

Too soon, the ancestor of the country of Yun seems to have embodied the way of heaven that he deeply felt. Under the power of this way of heaven, he is immortal, immortal and invincible!

"Broken!" Yunguo ancestor burst out loudly.

The **** of darkness, blessed by his heavenly path, now lifts his foot fiercely, the immeasurable palm...broken! !

"So strong--" On the terrace of the Moon Tower, the women trembled, and some enchantresses were already nervous to an unprecedented level.

Judging from the current situation, the ancestors of the Kingdom of Yun can contend against the Ye Emperor! This is definitely bad news for them!

"This old man is really powerful, much stronger than the Taoist Samsara." The Queen Maid gave a very pertinent evaluation, although she could not imagine the situation.

Recently, there are almost no people who can fight Su Jin into this situation! At least the Empress, the Goddess of Time and others have not seen it!

On the other side, Long Tianyao and Yun Huang, and other ancient sages, don’t think so at all! In their view, the ancestors of the country of Yun have already had a great advantage!

"Just let him... while jumping around for a while, the ancestor's comprehension of heaven is no longer inconceivable, under his heaven, there is no one! Even if the performance of this young man is sufficiently surprised, it is far inferior to the ancestor! "The Emperor Yun was relieved, really, at this moment his heart began to calm down.

Long Tianyao looked at Su Jin coldly in the distance, although...Although he knew that Su Jin would die under the hands of the ancestors of Yunguo, this was entirely on his own account!

"It has reached the point of being able to incarnate and comprehend the way of heaven--" Su Jin nodded indifferently, he had to admire in his heart, really amazing!

Su Jin looked at the immeasurable **** and Buddha, and began to disappear gradually, his expression was not affected at all.

"Although you act indifferently if you are not surprised, in fact, the fear in your heart is already difficult to cover up, because... you are a foreigner and don't know my power!" Yunguo Ancestor looked over, and he felt Su Jin His calmness was pretending, and the reason he spoke now was just to pierce his disguise.

"As a senior, so far, in my eyes, you have been able to do well--" Su Jin nodded.

Is it just okay?

The ancestor of Yunguo really laughed. It seems that if this young man's head is not cut off, the other party will still keep his mouth hard!

"Your means, I'm afraid it will reach this point." Yunguo ancestor said.

"Today is considered a good activity, but unfortunately you can't force my strongest method." Su Jin said truthfully, and then his golden body faded!

One step, just one step forward!

The world sword marks, as if gathered in an instant!

Someone was in a daze, as if seeing a sharp sword embryo, manifesting in the heavens and the earth, not right! It's not like... Su Jin turned into a heavenly sword!

Countless years, time and space, including the sword marks brought by the killing intent, began to cut everything in the void, Su Jin's incarnate sword embryo, with endless pressure, was splitting the deep space!

"My God! You can't cut it off!" The ancestor of Yunguo felt that Su Jin was just in vain!

At this moment, everything in the world seems to be eclipsed!

That huge sword embryo is infinitely brilliant! This sword is probably the sword at the peak of Su Jin Sword God Avenue!

"I only use this sword. If you can take it, I will let you know it--" Su Jin's voice spread all over the world!

"Okay! If you can kill me, it won't be a relief to me! You will never understand the loneliness under my power!" The ancestor of the country Yun felt that Su Jin would be very surprised with this sword, but He knew that Su Jin had zero chance of cutting off his heavenly path with this sword!

The Kaifeng Sword Embryo of Su Jin's incarnation, after the voice of the ancestor of the Yun Kingdom fell, seemed to have begun an amazing change——

Originally, the sword embryo just stayed in the state of just opening the front, but now! An inch of turbid air began to peel off the sword embryo, as if stone chips were peeling off!

The light, the light even surpassed the prosperity brought by the "Melting Galaxy"!

The inch-inch pattern is sharp with an unspeakable sword rhyme, as if no one in the heavens has created such an exquisite sword!

The pattern on the sword **** seems to have nine brilliance flowing on every inch of the sword pattern!

In an instant, ninety ancient sages here, paled! Even the Cloud God Continent, including several continents in the distance, and even Melting Galaxy, couldn't conceal the kendo edge!

The world, sad!

The ancestor of Yunguo, finally moved!

The reason is naturally that this sword is too special! That kind of murderous intent, including some wonderful insights, and even the main time and space insights, are contained in this sword!

The ancestors of the Kingdom of Yun, who have already accumulated all the power of the heavens, have begun to defend this attack hard! He knew he couldn't escape! And the opponent's sword will be very fast, after all, there is the blessing of the original space-time kendo! In the ancestors of Yun Nation, although time and space are not the main thing, but the other party's deep understanding of time and space made him... and he was a little surprised after seeing it!

"What kind of evildoer is this..." I don't know how many cultivators in the Cloud God Continent were startled by this sword. The fear that originated from the depths of their hearts burst out at this moment, even Gu Xian. !

"Could this sword threaten the ancestors!" Yunhuang clenched his fists, with red eyes in disbelief. He could see that the sword emperor Izumo, the swordsman who drew the sword, were not as good as the Dao of Origin that he used well. Yedi a little bit!

No wonder, he can cut ten ancient sages with a single sword!

With this sword, let alone ten ancient sages, even if the hundred ancient sages used this technique at the beginning, the hundred ancient sages could not escape the fate!

"When Ye Di is serious, it's really terrible--" The Queen Maid's pupils were full of pink, her skin was hot, and the melodious piano sound burst out from her body.

Many enchantresses also have a deep understanding, and many girls stick out their tongues, marveling at the power of the emperor!

Xinyuehu's face was solemn, and he really didn't expect Ye Di to be so strong! If she were to be her at this moment, she would think that she would be slain by the ancestor of the Yun Nation directly, and she would not even be able to respond to it!

"Your master does not have the blessings of heaven and does not understand the greatness of the ancestors of the country of Yun." Xinyuehu was amazed and exclaimed in her heart, but on the surface she continued to strike a type of female nun.

"Who said that the emperor has no way of heaven? What are you thinking..." The Chaosheng female demon looked at Xinyue Fox weirdly.


Xin Yuehu's expression instantly solidified.

Ye Di fought several times with the ancestor of the Yun Nation who showed the way of heaven, yet he hasn't displayed his way of heaven yet? Moreover, can Yedi's Heavenly Way be better than that of Yunguo ancestor?

Immediately, Xinyue Fox stared at the past again——

The ancestor of Yun Nation, at this moment, raised his arm fiercely, and the strong atmosphere of heaven filled his surroundings for thousands of miles! Now, within the scope of his heavenly path, black whirlpools are tearing apart the void, as if turning this thousand miles into a chaotic Jedi!

"Come on!" Yunguo ancestor roared violently.


That sword sound seemed to be the only sound between the heavens and the earth. Someone was stunned and saw the heavenly vortex with a radius of thousands of miles, as if they were still for a moment...

Immediately afterwards, the monstrous sword wave smashed directly on the head of the ancestor of the country of Yun!

fast! It was 10,000 times faster than a blink of an eye!

"Ah..." Yun Guo's ancestor blessed himself, and Heavenly Dao had blessed him to the strongest point, and his forehead was slashed by a gorgeous sword.

Strands of black and red blood flowed down from his forehead in an instant!

This heaven-shattering war sword is too powerful. Even the ancestor of the country of Yun can only defend so passively, but even so, he is now... almost all the avenues are shaking. Under the test of power, he couldn't prevent this cut!




Not only the Yunguo Imperial City, but the royal family members were all shouting in shock. Even the Yunhuang of Xinghe Town screamed directly, raising his hand, and his red eyes were about to protrude!

Emperor Yun knows! Even if there is something wrong with oneself, the ancestors must never have an accident! The ancestor is the patron saint of Yunshen Continent, and he is the strongest backing of Yunguo royal family! Nothing to lose!

"Ye Di... Ye Di is so amazing..." Xinyue Fox was amazed by that sword. Although she was not facing Ye Di now, she just took a look and felt that her mind began to feel a little bit. collapse!

The ancestors of the country of Yun, the blood is surging! Still flowing!

"Stop! Stop!" Emperor Yun was about to go to the battlefield, but was stopped by several ancient Xians! At this time, who can block the power in the battlefield!

The ancestor of Yun Nation raised his hands to resist the strength of the sword, but he felt his hands were like a drop in the ocean!

Fortunately, his blessings are mostly his own body! Otherwise, the opponent would be able to slash him alive with this sword!

The blade is still on the forehead, but it cannot be killed! The prosperity of the ancestors of the country of Yun is evident!

But gradually, the ancestors of the Yun Kingdom have gradually fallen into a decline! His body was trembling, obviously he was about to be unable to support it!

"Blood holy light!"

On a continent adjacent to Yunshen Continent, that soft yellow and white light instantly illuminates the dark sky! Vaguely, it seemed like a pair of imaginary golden wings, straddling the two ends of the sky!

And the strong man walking in the middle was actually a fair-skinned goddess wearing a crown. The huge pair of wings condensed from her body made people feel that in addition to being sacred, they were still sacred!

"The **** of holy angels! The lord of the angel continent has come to help the ancestors of the Yunguo!" Someone was in an uproar, looking at the sacred angel who could not be blasphemy!

And the ancestor of the Yun Kingdom, the wounds on his forehead are being healed quickly, and the blood is flowing back! There is a sacred halo covering him all over his body!

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