My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3590: Folded wings


A ray of weird crystal red light swept across the 32 billion mile radius centered on'Cloud God Continent' in an instant!

At that moment, this world full of ignorant idiots seemed to have entered the process of destruction of the "catastrophe"!

Everyone felt that time was rapidly slowing down, and even freezing, and then time seemed to be speeding back. At this moment, no one could speak, and could only watch the strange stars flooding the world!

Back in time!

Really go back in time!

The melting galaxy has always been from north to south, flowing galaxy storms, but now! The galloping galaxy storm is actually turning backwards! The melting galaxy is also flowing backwards!


The Continent of Cloud God, never where the World Lord stood, is directly separated by a canyon and a moat! The crack depth does not know how far away, pillars of magma, in the depths of the rift valley, scarlet like a demon river!

Boom boom boom!

Yunshen Continent, in all directions, the destruction caused by the cracking of the ground is desperate! That pillar of magma is as large as several thousand feet wide! Magma, burst!

The terrible process of destruction, the light can be clearly seen even in the distant ancient world! Feel the storms that swept through!

The ancestors of the Kingdom of Yun and the two angels ruled, at the moment when the'catastrophe' arrived, there was a blank in his mind, and he couldn't believe everything he saw in his eyes!

"I like it so much and I'm still a child... I like it so much... the dead trees come in spring..."

The strange voice was vaguely similar to Su Jin's voice. The ancestor of the Yun Kingdom trembled and looked at a crystal red figure in the distance.

"Who are you..." Yun Guo's ancestor said with a trembling voice. Even if he has thousands of insights, he now understands that he has provoked someone who could have avoided provoking him!

The ancestor of the country of Yun even felt endless fear. His body and skin were getting younger and younger, but this kind of thing seemed not a good thing to him!

In the eyes of countless people, it seems that every particle of dust has turned into a crystal red color. In the void in the distance, there are many terrible stars, including the unworldly Lord’s "Fate Star", "Six Stars", and all kinds of stars. In the column!

In the distance, there is even a coiled golden dragon star! The star that the golden sacred dragon turned into, whispered slightly, and the dragon chanted!

The words of the ancestors of the Yun Dynasty did not get Su Jin's response...

Su Jin did not need to respond to an existence that was about to disappear.

Emperor Yun, Tianyao Long, and nearly a hundred sages! All under the influence of that inexplicable power, now it seems like a soft-footed shrimp, very frightened and paralyzed in the void...

If you knew that Su Jin had this kind of power, who... would dare to provoke!

Who would dare to put his sins at risk?

It is ridiculous to see the crime of not being saved! !

Emperor Yun was frightened and cried, he is not sorry to die! However, the Cloud God Continent might be erased. In such a short period of time, the mountains and rivers have been changed, the country is devastated, and the country... is broken!

All the creatures are charcoal!

The blood of creatures was melted by magma, and thousands of corpses were dissolved in the earth. The Emperor Yun had never seen such a tragic situation, but all this was due to a ridiculous accusation!

"Wrong, a thousand mistakes... I am the fault of one person... Please spare the rest of the world, and I will bear it!" The Emperor Yun kowtowed at all directions, but the person was not seen!

The fallen angel ruler and the holy angel ruler are now trembling, and the black feathers and white feathers that are falling and burning cannot stop the power that Su Jin exerts on them!

The horrible time passed, like a nightmare, real appeared to them——

"Ah..." The fallen angel ruled, with a real scream, she was terrified, and the world around her at this moment seemed not to be in the Cloud God Continent!

But...but because time passed, returning to the nightmare of the year!

A drop of blood dripped on her body, dominated by fallen angels, folded wings!

"Why did my mother treat me like this...why..." The fallen angel ruled, who had experienced ninety-nine nine hundred and ninety-nine times, tragic folding of her wings. This will not make her shrink, but will only make her feel evil in her heart. , To reach the extreme, make her fallen wings after being healed by the healing light become stronger and stronger!

Only the sister, the holy angel dominates, loves her every time and hugs her every time she folds her wings. She never gets close to anyone. No matter how evil the world describes her, she always... regards her as the only relative!

But this time, the fallen angel dominated, and she experienced great pain, and she looked around, as if in this absolutely real situation, she did not see the existence of the holy angel dominating!

"Zero...Zero..." The call was piercing the heart of the holy angel dominating! The most kind holy angel ruler in the world heard his sister's call, anxious, but no one was seen everywhere!

The name of the holy angel ruler has only one!


The screams of her sister's fallen angel dominator made Ling pale. She seemed to see that on a huge cross, her sister's fallen wings were broken, and countless punishments were like **** on earth, and she had seen her sister experience. The scene nearly 100,000 times, now... it seems to be a real reproduction!

"The power of angels!" The holy angel dominates, her snow-white scallion fingers directly formed a beautiful handprint, her snow-white wings are floating with feathers, and the holy halo has directly eliminated all obstacles!

"Zero..." The fallen angel master saw his sister, as if he saw a warm savior, and screamed out his hand.

"Healing halo!" Zero yelled, letting a ring of flawless snow-white halo float on the fallen angel ruler. The **** state of folding wings made her very worried!

But the next second, zero... and the fallen angel ruler, all stayed!

Healing aura, useless!

The black wings that had been put up were still in the state of folded wings! That drop of blood, the healing halo did not stop!

How could this be!

"Sister...I hurt...I hurt..." The fallen angel ruled, crying like a heartbreak.

the other side!

Long Tianyao, nearly a hundred wise men! It was all shocked because of Emperor Yun's kneeling! These Gu Xians finally knew what kind of existence they provoke!

When Emperor Yun knelt, they also begged to kneel down!

Countless people who were suffering in the deep water, looked up and saw the scene of Emperor Yun and other Gu Xian kneeling down! This scene is not scary!

However, the other party seemed to be waiting for this scene. I don't know where Gu Xian started, and the screams of horror began to happen!

"My hands, my hands..." In the Guxian crowd, someone looked at his hands in fear. His hands, starting from between his fingers, quickly began to petrify, he was turning into a stone man! !

This is like a shocking curse, one after another ancient sage, this happened! Including Yunhuang!




But ten breaths, nearly a hundred ancient sages, turned into stones alive! Under the inexplicable vicissitudes of life, eternal disappearance!

"The imperial city, the imperial city of the kingdom of cloud, the blood relatives of millions of emperors, died for a moment! Ah...the dead man's scripture, it is the dead man's scripture!" Someone saw among the collapsed ruined city walls, strands of dead people who looked like dragons. The scriptures are taking away monks with royal blood!

The city wall fell, as if there was no invisible big hand toppled it down!

"What happened? What are we going through..." Some people cry in despair, some kneel to pray for blessings, and no one knows if they can live today!

"The Emperor Yun provokes the anger of the sky, and the cloud city collapses! The royal family is destroyed! His patron saint of the country is the emperor, and he doesn't care about us at all!" Someone was furious and thought it was a disaster caused by the Yun family!

"It's the arrogance of the royal family, and the catastrophe caused by it! Let us bear the price we shouldn't bear, all the dogs of the Yun family, **** it! Damn it!"

"The dead have been plundered, this is the punishment from the shocking gods. Today's disaster could have been avoided! It was the royal family who pushed the Cloud God Continent to destruction step by step. It is the Emperor Yun, the old dog of the ancestor of the Yun country!"

"Disaster...the disaster is over quickly!"


Looking at the devastated country, the ancestors of Yunguo were shocked and angry!

But in the dark, that kind of blood-linked death cloud seemed to appear in the perception of the ancestors of the country of Yun!

"Not good!" The ancestor of Yunguo gave a startled, exhausted all his strength, exhausted all his own comprehension, and even... began to burn the old sage on the left side!

At this moment, the ancestors of the Yun Nation seemed to have power against the sky! His shining ancient sage's divine power formed a glorious ancient sage realm around him. It was here that the "Dead Man" was directly shaken by him with a powerful force!


The ancestor of the Yun Kingdom was sweating, and half an inch of stone gray appeared on his right middle finger! But in such a strong state, he exhausted his strength to force the fingertips gray bit by bit!

"The Dead Man's Sutra!" The ancestor of the Yunguo cried out desperately: "I'm the Yunguo is over!"

Just now, the Dead Man Sutra followed his blood and fate, and this ancestor of the Yun Kingdom knew well that Yun Nation could no longer exist. The Yun family, except for him, might have all been killed by the "Dead Man Sutra" overnight!

Ever had the ancestors of Yunguo ever had such a desperate time!

He has gone through the ages, but he did not expect to be planted in the hands of a junior today!

Hate, endless talk!

On the other side, the terrible scene continues--

On the earth, a ‘cross’ frame formed by solidified lava, began to rise from the ground between the world!

The fallen angel ruled, already crying into tears, she was mentally broken, she had succumbed 99,999 times, this time, she is probably the same!

When the earth-shattering cross appeared, the body of the fallen angel ruled began to be entangled with crystal red chains——

A touch of strange and familiar back, with a stalwart figure, greeted the eye!

"Dad... why do you treat me like this..." A chain was pierced under the collarbone dominated by the fallen angel, and he was firmly nailed to the cross!

But the next moment, sister angels, stay together!

The fallen angel ruler looked at that stalwart figure, his slightly side face, and his eyes... were actually incredibly magical and crystal red!

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