My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3591: I give you a chance

When those crystal red eyes were seen by the angel sisters——

Two women, everything is ashamed!

Not far away, the two young angels who had just joined the battlefield had their **** wings torn off. They were rolling all over the floor, wailing to the sky!

Holy angels dominate, zero! I finally realized what despair is! In the Cloud God Continent, not only the creatures are wailing, even the land is turning into shards of red!

It was from then on...

The big crash happened!

In the Western Regions of the Cloud God Continent, the Divine Land collapsed, as if being swallowed by one after another collapsed vortex! This kind of process is very fast, and the rivers and mountains that have just been fine for a long time are crushing into crystal powder! And this collapse is accelerating!

Zhongyu, the Imperial City of Yunguo! The Southwest Territory has also disappeared in a short time!

Within dozens of breaths, more than half of the Cloud God Continent disappeared without a trace!

The holy angel dominates want to cry, she is powerless to save, powerless to change the status quo! She even felt that if the Cloud God Continent collapsed, would it be their Angel Continent next?

"Stop..." The Holy Angel Lord shook his head——

If there is only one place that is still a warm harbor, it is...Xinghe Town!

Star River Town, Bright Moon Tower... Also stunned is the Goddess of Time... It turns out that Su Jin's true power is so terrifying!

It turned out that Yedi didn't really move at all when he was in the Time God Realm! At that time, the goddess of time also knew that he had already made Yedi angry. When she sacrificed the way, Yedi was probably also ready for the "eternal galaxy"!

Fortunately, the Time God Realm is not like the "Cloud God Continent"!

"You're not a dad..." The fallen angel ruler looked towards the back with a sad smile.

The holy angel dominates, her hands are sealed again, and the transcendent holy light directly illuminates a large area of ​​the void. With the supreme holy voice, she shouts with a clear voice: "Contract, eternal guardian!"

A strange scene, appeared!

The fallen angel dominates the black wings that were laid down, as if glowing with black light, and the feathers floated towards ‘zero’ one by one, and the fallen angel dominate seemed to instantly become full of vitality!

The person with crystal red eyes is Su Jin!

When Su Jin turned his head and walked into nothingness, the ancestor of the country of Yun was still roaring constantly, forcing his best to resist the unknown force!



The ancestor of the country of Yun was pale, his ancient sage realm, and even heaven, were declining! Those ‘dead’ words can’t be prevented at all--

However, the ancestor of the Yun Kingdom is not too worried about these "Dead Man Sutras" alone. The key is that under the influence of that unknown power, his body is stiffening. If it continues like this, he will become a stone man. It's a foregone conclusion!

"I... I can't look at my eyes..." The ancestor of Yunguo shook his body, and the dead man entangled up, and his arms quickly spread out of stone!

This scene, don't be too scary!

When the ancestors of the Yun Kingdom were silent, Su Jin's lonely back figure still stood proudly in the void!

It is said that the country is broken and the mountains and rivers are there, and the current Yunshen Continent is only a town square! The end is not bad!

And the nearly one hundred ancient sage stone men, with Su Jin's big wave of his hand, including Emperor Yun, all landed neatly outside the entrance of ‘Xinghe Town’!

"Father..." Fei Xi's Huarong paled, as if she couldn't stand the blow. Within a day, she watched the two closest relatives die! !

Bright moon upstairs!

The heart moon fox, the virgin concubine and the female cultivators were all shocked by the chaotic void to the present. Since the launch of "Unworldly Galaxy", in their eyes, apart from shock, they are still shocked!

"Is this the power of the emperor..." Xinyuehu's body seemed to lose strength, she instantly understood that this kind of power was beyond her reach, she even had some cautious thinking about running away, but in absolute terms Under her power, she can only choose to yield!

"The entire'Melting Galaxy' has turned into a crystal red color. The power of the emperor is not exactly the power of the nine realms. His strongest state is'not the world-honored'! Remember, he is not the world-honored!" Chao Sheng The banshee looked at the goddess of time and other women with playful eyes...

In this group of beauties, apart from her Chaosheng Banshee, I am afraid that there is no one who can truly accompany the Ye Emperor. Now... it is time for them to recognize reality!

The goddess of time listened silently...she was at a loss--

Outside the building, the residents of the town are better!

Gu Liuer had been desperate a long time ago, and the Cloud God Continent had almost disappeared, so her home... the Ancient Business League, hadn't it been erased from the world?

"Cloud God Continent, it's gone..." The residents of Xinghe Town have so much pain on their faces. Sooner or later, this divine soil, which is thousands of miles away, will disappear sooner or later and become a part of this "melting galaxy"!

"If it hadn't been for the expert to protect Galaxy Town, I'm afraid we wouldn't exist either—"

"The envoy continent was also involved in that day, and the two masters couldn't compete with this peerless powerhouse!"

No one thought that a small beast wave could cause such a disaster for the Cloud God Continent! And now, the ‘cross’ frame standing on the ground that day is still extremely shocking!

"You are left..."

When the ancestor of Yun Nation, who turned into a stone man, was kicked out of Xinghe Town by Su Jin, his figure appeared at the ‘cross’ frame, before the fallen angel ruler.

The holy angel ruled, his face flushed, and this cataclysmic storm, as if it never stopped, was still getting stronger and stronger, and if it moved a certain distance northward, it would spread to her "Angel Land"!

"You are... Qi Tian is not the world-honor..." The holy angel master saluted Su Jin respectfully. If she knew the identity of the other party long ago, she would never help the ancestor of the country of Yun!

Even if the Cloud God Continent was destroyed a thousand or ten thousand times, she would never dare to help!

"You...know me." Su Jin's tone was still cold.

He remembers that when he was in the Time God Realm not long ago, people in that realm had never heard of him. He was a little surprised when he heard the word ‘not the world’s noble’ here!

"I know. Gu Zun Xinghe, mentioned more than a hundred times -" said the holy angel master.

Su Jin was slightly silent.

The ancient galaxy master, who dominates the existence of the ‘dissolving galaxy’, did not appear under that kind of beast tide, but he knew ‘not the god’! Seriously, he really wanted to meet!

"Your kingdom, there is no need for it to exist. Let's annihilate it with the Cloud God Continent..." Su Jin said.

"No... please..." The holy angel master panicked and begged for mercy!

"Sister...Sister..." Fallen angels dominate, killing all her life, and not in the Angel Continent all the year round. Why hasn't she heard of the name ‘Not the World-Honored’!

"My sister, I would like to apologize with death... to preserve the homeland--" The Holy Angel Lord shook his head.

Su Jin stared at the two women for a long time. The first time he played "Unworldly Galaxy", he felt that it was not going well! This technique, he thought he was a bit complete, in fact, the power shouldn't be just that.

Originally, Su Jin expected that the "Cloud God Continent" should be wiped out at the moment when "Unworldly Galaxy" was released, but the result was not satisfactory!

Now, the other party wants to apologize with death! It was nothing more than to protect the homeland, for fear of the fall of the ancestors of the country of Yun, and the great catastrophe of the beast tide, appearing in the land of angels.

"As a slave for a long time, let you two leave and return to this place--" Su Jin turned around with his hands in his hands, calm and breezy!

The sky is starting to return to daylight! The backward "Melt Galaxy", as if nothing happened, returned to normal!

But the Cloud God Continent, as if evaporated out of thin air, there was only one Galaxy Town left, which was broken on the shore of the Galaxy!

The holy angel dominated and communicated with the fallen angel dominator silently, and finally they could only choose to agree!

The angel wings of the two slowly disappeared. This is the advantage of the angels here. Under normal circumstances, they are almost like ordinary people, but to outsiders, they are more like a group of elves!

On the cross, the fallen angel master felt a little discomfort. She touched her neck. It was a small piece of bright red. This... after all, it will be impossible to escape...

Galaxy Town!

Master, return!

No cheers, some...only fear of the strong! This person is no longer a person, he is a god! He seems like the sky again! Possess appalling destructive power! Today, he is still there, but Yun Nation and even Yunshen Continent are not there anymore!

Even... captured two human angels! Those are the two strongest masters on the Angel Continent! But even if you dominate, you must bow to him, surrender, and worship!

Bright Moon Tower! The goddess of time and others are like sitting on pins and needles! They had never felt this way before the technique of "Unworldly Galaxy" just now!

"Crossing the galaxy--" Su Jin glanced indifferently. Although his eyes returned to their colors and everything was the same as before, the demon girls were almost frightened cry by his gaze.

"Xinyue Fox, do you know how to cross this galaxy?" The Chaosheng Banshee looked at Xinyue Fox and asked.

"I know." Xin Yuehu nodded.

Su Jin hesitated slightly, looked at Xinyue Fox, and said, "You Gu Zun, seem to know me well?"

"I don't know you, but... he knows that he doesn't know the world." Xinyuehu now knows the identity of Su Jin, but it is impossible for Su Jin and Gu Zun Xinghe to know him now. She has this contradictory answer.

"When crossing the galaxy, let him see me—" Su Jin said calmly.

at this time! Amidst the sounds of surprise, a touch of icy blue divine light cut directly from a short distance. Even her mother was caught off guard and could not stop the slender girl!

"You killed my dad... you..."


I got the ice blue short knife and slashed it directly on Su Jin's shoulder, but it was like glass, it turned into shards, and... it didn't even shake Su Jin! Even a millimetre!

Fei Xi's mind was blank, looking at the handle of the knife in her hand, she was almost taken off by her own power just now—

"Fei Xi!" The middle-aged beautiful woman held the Long Tianyao who was turned into a stone, and now she watched her daughter commit the danger alone, she stretched out her hand and cried constantly.

"You Nizi, are you crazy?" Qin Haiyang walked upstairs strangely. He came up with Qin Shan and Qin Qingwu, but he did not expect to encounter this scene!

Qin Haiyang had just brewed some complaints in the Moon Tower just now...who complained about? Naturally complaining about Brother Ye...

Brother Ye is so cruel, a beauty with such a stubborn personality as the eldest sister, she hasn't rested yet!

"Let's go--" Su Jin motioned to Qin Haiyang, then said to Chaosheng Banshee and others.

"Dare you, dare you let me follow... As long as I have a chance, I will kill you... Definitely!" Fei Xi trembled with the young girl's body, she knew that the other party would not agree!

"Okay, I'll give you a chance." Su Jin promised more decisively than ever.

"Please... Your lord accept me, I am willing to serve your lord forever..."

The person who spoke was beyond everyone's expectations. It was not someone else, but Fei Xi's sister-in-law! Gu... Liuer!

Galaxy Town is so big, Gu Liuer can't escape far! This happened because of her, her mother-in-law was at the gate of the town, and her cultivation was far behind her counterpart, staying here, there is only one dead end!

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