My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3592: The storm is coming!

"Come on--" The Chaosheng Banshee smiled at the corner of her mouth, shook her body, and brought Gu Liuer to the top of the building.

Xin Yuehu sighed secretly and saw that Su Jin was staring at her. She immediately formed a seal with her hands, and with a light wave, a void passageway directly into the depths of the galaxy!

No one cares about Feixi's life or death, even when Su Jin and his party walked into the void passage, she was the last one to enter! Before she went in, without looking back, she said to the middle-aged beautiful woman who was crying out of town: "Mother, you just treat me as dead... Died in this catastrophe."

The girl Feixi, sank into the passage——

When the void passage slowly closed, all this seemed to have never happened before, only the void of the void storm, as if to remind the rest of the entire Galaxy Town, that person...has been...has brought a destruction Great disaster!

At the edge of the galaxy, everyone was crossing the "Melting Galaxy". In the void passage, Su Jin looked at the rolling galaxy storm with a calm expression.

"Don't look at the melting galaxy being very violent, in fact, as long as you understand the laws of the galaxy's movement and find the rules that belong to this place, you can open the void passage and cross the past." Xinyuehu explained.

"It's no wonder that yesterday's attempt was unsuccessful--" Chaosheng Banshee laughed.

"Ye Di, if you want to see Gu Zun Xinghe, I'm not sure where he is, or not here, the advance of this beast tide would have been much earlier.

"It's not important, I have seen it."

Su Jin’s "year golden pupil" on the heart of Su Jin’s eyebrows is superimposed with several pupil skills, sweeping the extremely far-reaching galaxy in the void channel, his current expression is as weird as it is!

That was an old old man Su Jin knew well...

Behind him was a Dao sheep who had a good relationship with Su Jin. For some reason, Su Jin had a feeling of wanting to laugh out loud. This is probably his happiest thing recently...

Isn't that senior Yang Zun?

At the beginning, he appeared outside the territory, even passing through hell, passing Fengdu City and Nai River, but Su Jin never expected that Yang Zun was the master of this ‘melting galaxy’!

The heavens are so big, yet they seem so small!

"Can't see me, can't see me... That little guy has changed so much! One person destroyed the Cloud God Continent and the ancestors of the Yun Kingdom! Old man... but he didn't even dare to take his head... Shouldn't come back, really shouldn't come back." Yang Zun hid in the depths of the galaxy nervously...

The Taoist sheep was picked up by the Yang Zun, wrapped around his neck, holding his fore and aft hooves in both hands, constantly probed, and stared at the void passage across the ‘galaxy’!

If you don’t see it, you won’t see it——

Sooner or later, when I meet again, but Su Jin feels that this predecessor is hiding so deeply. When he appeared in the China Great World, could it be... really found a trace of his ‘not the world’s’ identity?

"Yang Zun! Man, I took it away." Su Jin laughed wantonly, meaning something, but his voice echoed deep in the galaxy!

"You... do you know Gu Zun Xinghe?" Xinyue Fox's face was dumbfounded, even frightened.

"You said it's a coincidence, old friend..." Su Jin was climbing Xinyue Fox with his right arm, holding her hand on her Xiuzhi shoulder. Her skin was so good that her shoulders were gripped and even appeared. A little wonderful red.

You Xinyue Fox blessed the "Void Channel", and the time to cross this galaxy was reduced too much-

The fallen angel and the holy angel sisters glanced at each other. In addition to the bitter expressions, the two sisters also came up with three words in their minds very tacitly... Prisoner...

Domineering, once become a slave!

Probably, half a stick of incense time!

Beyond the galaxy!

Su Jin's mood seemed to suddenly open up! He left the ancient immortal realm, it has been delayed for a long time, but fortunately, he will go back soon—

In the jade slip obtained from the ancient world, the star map is clearly marked, and the ancient sage world is on the far side of the galaxy! As long as you find a long-distance teleportation array, you can directly return to the ancient fairy world!

Everyone present saw the smile on Su Jin's face——

That kind of fearful majesty seemed to weaken a lot in an instant.

"Two angel sisters, you are so beautiful, are you really born at the same time?" A demon girl began to chirp again.

"Hmm--" The holy angel'Zero' nodded gently.

The fallen angel dominates, looking at other people fiercely. She is not used to crowded places, and her mind is full of evil thoughts.

"Don't be nervous, stay with Ye Di, as long as you get used to it, we are the same as you two, Ye Di's slave girls..." And Yao Ji laughed and said to the holy angel.

"You are not afraid of me--" The fallen angel stared at the demons with a dark expression, but did not arouse the worries of those demons.

"Why should I be afraid of you... No matter how fierce you are, Ye Di has a way to cure you."

There was a demon girl wearing a goose-yellow dress, pouting directly at the fallen angel. She was not afraid of each other at all. It was absolutely safe where the Ye Emperor was there!

Fallen Angel:...

On the other side of the galaxy, after passing through a period of uninhabited void land, Su Jin and others finally saw a continent full of life a million miles away!

Xinyue Fox seemed to be familiar with the road, and directly opened a void barrier, as if it had opened up the void on a **** city, everyone came here!

Not long after, the monks of God City saw an absolutely beautiful lineup coming! In that teleportation formation, Yingying Yanyan's beauties, some of them even existed as inverted beings! It's the kind that looks at it and has a blank mind, and only feels that his soul is floating away, and it will never be forgotten!

It's a pity that these people didn't stay for long at all, they just sat in the teleportation formation and didn't know where to go--

Ancient fairy world!

"I'm back..." Qin Haiyang looked at the familiar Golden Immortal City. A few days ago, he was in danger outside the city. Ye Di threw a stunning knife and saved their lives!

Although walking outside, only for a short time, now coming to a place full of immortals is like a world away!

Jinxiancheng, a big shock!

That night emperor is back!

Yedi’s return is disturbing--

Many people shuddered and watched Su Jin and his party walking towards the Yunmeng Academy!

"Emperor Ye returns, but he doesn't know what happened in the past few days. If he knows, he must... must be furious..." Someone was pale, and their bodies were shaking with fright, as if they felt deep when they thought of what was about to happen. His fear is imprinted in my heart.

"He came back to pick up the Life Fairy...but...but..."

"Yunmeng Guxian, I'm afraid it's in dire straits right now. She really can't help it. Neither party can offend it. That night, the emperor occupied the concubine of an invincible emperor. How could the other party give up--"

"Ye Di was angry, and the blood flowed into a river again! Hope this battle...not to happen in our ancient immortal world, we...really can't bear his anger."

"Tianguan Jue Dian, Yedi became famous in the first battle, and the immortal world knows everything. The Yushi concubine also said several times that she would leave Yunmeng Academy and follow Yedi, but... but Yedi should take her away at that time. If she were to be taken away then, naturally there would be nothing like the present..."


Tianguan, the familiar Tianguan, Su Jin just glanced at it now--

However, along the way, Su Jin also saw a lot of monks, all of them showing fear, and the atmosphere was a little bit wrong.

When Su Jin and the others walked to the top of Yunmeng Academy, Su Jin's originally normal expression gradually began to become unhealthy, with an iceberg-like aura, directly pressing on the entire Yunmeng Academy!

Yunmeng Guxian, who has already led other monks from other colleges, couldn't kneel down, and worshiped Su Jin!

"Where's Yushi concubine..." Su Jin was startled slightly, he did not notice any breath of Yushi concubine, that is to say, the life fairy is not in this Yunmeng Academy!

"Blessed Lord...I... my fault." Yunmeng Guxian felt that his teeth were smashing up and down, the kind of trembling that she had never had before!

"Xiao Suxian...Where..." Su Jin's sharp eyes seemed to penetrate the hearts of one person after another. If he wanted to, one look could kill these people!

"Someone came last night, forcing me to hand over my concubine! I will also... also capture the Ancient Immortal Realm Master you arranged..." Ancient Xian Yunmeng said in shock.


Why last night!

There was a panic flashing in the depths of the virgin concubine's pupils, but she quickly disappeared. She went on to say, "It must be from the Emperor Sect--"

"I didn't let the Taoist Samsara lead the talk, that battle was in the Eastern Peak God Realm!" Su Jin gave a cold look at the Maid Empress.

The entire Putuo Wonderland seemed to be quiet, and that quietness seemed to be a prelude to a storm!

Empress Maid, silence!

"Who are all here?" Chaosheng Banshee asked Yunmeng Guxian.

"A total of five people came! One with a long dragon horn on the head, the other four, a black white-patterned robe, and a saber back. Of these five people, I can't even hold the power of one." Yun Menggu Xian said.

"Except for the long dragon horn, are the other four people yin and yang faces?" The virgin concubine asked.

"Yes--" Yunmeng Guxian nodded quickly.

The maiden concubine said: "Yes, the dragon head with long horns is the proud dragon god, and the four born with yin and yang faces are the four gods and ancient sages of the'yundao Tiangong'. By the way, when they arrested people, did they leave nothing behind? words?"


Yunmeng Guxian swallowed, took a look at Su Jin, and then said: "They let the world-honor, raise their heads to see you!"

Head up, see you!

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