My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3593: Ancient One Sword

Yunmeng Guxian’s attitude is quite sincere--

After all, that was the strong man sent by the emperor. She couldn't resist it, but it was normal. Su Jin was silent for a long time over Yunmeng Academy.

In the same way, Su Jin used his'Mahe Town Prison Eye' to see the whole process of last night. This Yunmeng Guxian did not stop persuading him.

"Not long ago, you played the'Unworldly Milky Way', and it's not sensible to rush now." The Chaosheng Banshee said to Su Jin.

"It doesn't matter--" Su Jin shook his head and said, "The other party is far more arrogant than ordinary people. They took my woman away, and I'm afraid they won't go back to the emperor right away."

"Could it be that they want to set a trap to let you snare yourself?" The Chaosheng Banshee suddenly understood Su Jin's meaning, it was obvious that the other party was confident and had a way to put Su Jin to death!

"Follow me."

Su Jin had a meal at his feet, a stretch of Golden Avenue, approaching the sky! He traced the way back to the other side's departure with the "Mahe Town Prison Eye"!

Even if Su Jin knew that this was a round, he had to go--

Of course, Su Jin will never despise the other party. The opponents are very weird. You must know that not long ago, he defeated the "Samsara Taoist" and asked the other party to take the words back. Under this situation, if the other party sets a trap, obviously It is self-confidence to the extreme.

In any case, this path of tracing back to the past is not to fall into the trap of these people, or to find the emperor directly, and the result is the same, all enemies!

Immediately, when Su Jin was about to take people away, he almost forgot one thing. He turned to look at Qin Haiyang and Qin Shan, and slowly said: "Brother Qin, this is a dangerous trip. You should return to Xian Qin, I will immediately Let Yunmeng Guxian **** you back--"

"Uh, we are not in a hurry." Qin Haiyang waved his hand quickly.

But his explanation was rejected by Su Jin shook his head!

"Well, we won't mess with you either! Big sister, go home often to see--" Qin Haiyang was not disappointed either, thinking about it, he still lives in the comfortable place where the Emperor of the Immortal Kingdom lives, with beautiful beauties and beautiful views. He will be able to sit on the throne of the King of God soon, these few days, it can scare him...

Qin Qingwu nodded silently with red eyes.

Su Jin casually confessed to Yunmeng Guxian. Yunmeng Guxian repeatedly promised that he would send the two brothers Qin Haiyang back safely. Only then did he take his daughters and disappear at the end of the sky!

"It's not too short for us to leave. Why did it happen to be the one who came here last night?" The Chaosheng Banshee wondered.

This is a coincidence.

Why is it not today? If you are hit by them, you don't need to care how insidious the other party is, but now it's different, it's very passive.

Golden Avenue, in a breath, disappeared in the ancient fairy world——

Su Jin’s face is getting colder and colder. He knows the location of the Eastern Peak God's Domain because of the'Jade Simple Star Map', but he traces the direction of the opponent's departure with the'Mahe Town Prison Eye', but he follows the'Eastern Peak God's Domain 'It's the opposite direction!

At the moment, Su Jin was sure that the other party did not bring the two women to return to the emperor.

These people, absolutely set up a terrifying killing field, are waiting for him to pass!

"Farther and farther, are we going to the Eastern Peak Divine Realm?" The virgin concubine's eyes flickered, as if she hadn't heard the words of the Chaosheng Banshee, and asked Su Jin.

"No." Su Jin responded lightly.

"In that case, they didn't follow the instructions of the emperor. Instead, they didn't want to be troublesome. They just wanted to solve you, the emperor, Chaosheng said.

There was a sneer at the corner of Su Jin's mouth.

The Goddess of Time was in a bad mood. Looking at the boundless deep sky, it was obvious that this was a star road, not just stars, but some floating land, large and small, were becoming scarcer.

"Ye Di, if you don't use that technique, can you stop me?" The fallen angel walked up to Su Jin, looked directly at him without fear, and asked directly.

"Yes--" Su Jin responded, and then he calmly said: "You seem to miss someone so much..."

"Who?" the fallen angel asked subconsciously.

"Your father, how else would you call me father..." Su Jin said in front of all the beautiful women with one hand behind him.

" are..." The fallen angel gritted her teeth. She admitted that Su Jin's methods are better than her, even if it is now taken advantage of, she can't say anything!

"When your business is finished, you are not allowed to use the power of the world-honored, you and I will fight again!" The fallen angel really didn't believe it, and he was as unbearable as he said.

"Okay." Su Jin said lightly.

"If I win, my sister and I can leave freely, and you can unlock the poison from us." The fallen angel said again.

"What if you lose?"

"'s at your disposal. Whatever you ask us to do, we will do what, let us kill whoever we kill!" The fallen angel didn't react immediately, she just said, recklessly, without thinking about it. Good to beat the price after losing.

"Yes." Su Jin did not hesitate at all, and directly agreed.

Xinyue Fox:...

Goddess of Time:...

Almost when the fallen angels made this agreement, all the beauties present except Su Jin looked at the two fallen angel sisters with sympathetic eyes.

Su Jin has been invincible along the way!

He... never lost! This fallen angel actually wants to challenge Ye Di. If he loses, wouldn't it be hard to suffer, and everything can be done for him?

However, being a female slave is the same, Su Jin just wants her to surrender completely, although no one wants to be a slave, and being a female slave is inevitably resentful.

For example, the goddess of time, and the heart and moon fox.

"Do you know how we followed Ye Di?" The queen concubine gave a deep look at the fallen angel.

"Mortals worship the strong and follow blindly--" The fallen angel is full of evil spirits, but her temperament is extremely unique. The exquisite and evil goddess temperament has a supernatural wildness, as if the world does not have her. Dare to do the same thing.

"I once followed an invincible emperor, comparable to the emperor of the night, he took me over..." said the maid.

"Shameless! Really shameless!" The fallen angel criticized Su Jin in public.

"She is the ruler of the God Realm of Time." The Empress Maid pointed to the goddess of time and said the fallen angel.

Fallen Angel:...

Although she did not speak, her eyes were full of surprise, really? It seems that the other party is not telling lies. If she said the name of the Empress Maid, she had never heard of it, but the reputation of the Time God Realm is shocking the ancient and the modern!

"Haosheng serves the master..." The queen concubine said flatly: "Constrain your wildness, otherwise...when you will suffer."

The Empress Maid had suffered a lot. She hadn't dared to go out for a long time before, for fear of letting others see the flaws, she was sincerely advised.

"He can still eat me..." The fallen angel pouted and walked to the back of the sister, but her gaze still stared at the back of Ye Di in front.

Only a few people at the scene could hear the meaning of the imperial concubine--

Qin Qingwu is one, and Chaosheng Banshee is one!

Among these beauties, Fei Xi and Gu Liu'er are the most useless! Fei Xi is really young. In her teenage years, she lost her brother and father. Except for her mother, the entire clan disappeared in the Cloud God Continent!

Following an enemy, Fei Xi's heart is full of **** Su Jin, although she knows that there is little hope, but she is full of hatred, it is better to live in the world without a goal!

"Sister-in-law, you shouldn't follow."

At the end, Fei Xi, with a lot of hatred, finally answered her indifferently when listening to Gu Liuer's voice transmission.

"I won't come, your mother won't let me live." Gu Liuer said: "Following Ye Di, at least I can live, you, mature, leave early."

"It turns out that you are such a sister-in-law... I, Feixi, are far more spineless than you. Your ancient business alliance is also destroyed in his hands. You... why don't you have hatred." Feixi is embarrassed now, no one Regardless of her, only his sister-in-law Gu Liuer is willing to talk to her. She seems to be an alternative existence in the crowd.

But regardless of Fei Xi, she would not lose any chance to kill Ye Di!

Gu Liuer shook his head, "Do you know that I will not marry your brother if I want to live or die... Gushangmeng, that was my former home, and the tide of beasts was caused by your brother and me. He Ye Di, originally It's kind enough--"

"Be merciful... he is kind..." Fei Xi sneered.

"If it weren't for your father and Emperor Yun to be aggressive, how could he be like this? If it weren't the ancestor of the country of Yun, who would do everything possible to put him to death, why did Yunshen Continent fall to this point, you...think carefully. "Gu Liuer was afraid that this girl would be ill.

She wants Fei Xi to understand that the biggest fault lies in them after all...

Time, in the star road, quietly passed by——

This place is no less than 3 billion li from the ancient immortal world. It seems to be an area where the living is eternally stopped. Here, there is a tomb of all beings that has long been taken away from the ‘Tian Bone’!

Although everyone present had seen the ‘Grave of All Living Beings’ before, even Su Jin now felt shocked when he saw the grave of all living beings...

Except for Su Jin, all the beauties were shocked.

This ‘Grave of All Living Beings’ is very big, three times bigger than an ordinary grave of all beings!

And the process of disappearing this once-lived tomb of sentient beings is exactly why everyone is amazed!

In the center of the tomb of all sentient beings, there is a huge sword about ten thousand li in height! That divine sword has long become a stubborn stone, and even the ages cannot make it weathered! That amazing sword intent is so powerful, even in the long period of time in Hanoi, the sword intent is like eternity!

Su Jin sighed, as the master of kendo in this world, he might have exhausted all his current kendo insights, and he could not cut such a powerful sword!

And the reason for the formation of the tomb of all living beings is naturally that there was an ancient sword **** who killed all the creatures here with just one sword!

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