My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3594: Shocking Ground

"What a majestic sword intent!" The Chaosheng Banshee took a breath. She saw Su Jin as if she was also looking at the immortal sword.

When the voice of the Chaosheng Banshee fell--

Su Jin slowly raised his hand, motioning for the others to silence.

The goddess of time, fallen angels, and holy angels all condensed. Could it be that those people are in this grave of all beings?

"Hope, take it away last night, and rush here to wait for us to come. The Life Fairy and Xiao Suxian must also be in this tomb of sentient beings." The Empress Maiden hesitated.

She was really not sure.

This grave of all beings seems unusual.

At least, the virgin concubine could not see where the clue was.

Although the surroundings are dark, in this grave of sentient beings, it still seems to be in a state of moonlight illumination, at least you can see things with your naked eyes!

"Hahaha, it is worthy of the existence that the emperor attaches importance to! No world-honor, you are a bit late than we expected--"

The weird voice couldn't tell which direction came from the grave of all beings!

"Sculpture tricks, let's all come out--" Su Jin's'Mahe Town Prison Eye' had already spotted the opponent's people, but unfortunately, this tomb of sentient beings seemed to be covered by a special power, his divine eyes could not see. Going underground, he suspected that Xiao Suxian and Yushi's concubine were in a cave in the grave of all beings.

Now that it has been seen through, the other party naturally does not have to hide——

It is a pity that Yunmeng Guxian still said the wrong number!

Either the other party set up a means here as early as possible to ambush people, or only the four of the Aotian Dragon God and the "Luck Dao Tiangong" entered the ancient immortal realm to arrest people, otherwise...why did this densely packed figure appear?

The virgin concubine looked intently at--

The leader is the ‘Aotian Dragon God’ she knows! But for other people, the more she watched, the more frightened she became. There were some great abilities that she didn't understand besides the "Luck Dao Tiangong".

In the ancient immortal world not long ago, the virgin concubine reminded Su Jin, and God handed out that although the emperor was deeply trapped in that ‘life forbidden zone’ at the time, it was impossible for the emperor himself to fight Yedi in the end.

Each of these people is not weak, and the imperial concubine also knows that there was once a mysterious strong man who sat on the same level as the emperor, but not one!

The emperor, after all, still despise Yedi very much, otherwise...the Aotian Dragon God will not appear now, but the emperor will appear in person.

"It is rumored that you have the body of the golden sacred dragon, which can frighten the world's dragons!" Aotian Dragon God looked at Su Jin as if provoking, "I wonder if you can scare me today!"

"Naturally, I can't scare a chopstick——" Su Jin responded.

The face of Aotian Dragon God gradually became difficult to look... Miscellaneous... His half-dragon and half-demon body, alienated supernatural power, had long been not afraid of the world dragon, and was so insulted by the opponent!

"Lord Dragon God, still act according to plan..." A transcendent ancient sage in Yundao Tiangong walked out directly, slowly spreading the voice.

"Just let you live for a while!" Aotian Dragon God had just been murderous, and was almost about to make a move. Now, after Yundao Tiangong's persuasion, he suppressed the murderous intent and looked at Su Jin with a cold look.

"Where are my people." Su Jin asked with his hand held down.

"Kill." Aotian Dragon God responded loudly without hesitation.

killed? Su Jin wanted to laugh!

Fairy of Life, it is the woman that the emperor wants to be named emperor, anyhow, these people dare to kill?

"In that case, ask your emperor to come out——" Su Jin said lightly.

"What are you? Is the emperor the existence you want to see, and you can see if you want to see it? A mere unawakened unworldly person, how he was killed before, how to heal you today." There was a man who looked like an eagle and strode. Get out.

"Emperor Prison Heaven... It's you..." The Queen Empress was shocked, and she quietly took a step back, really shocked by the man.

"My concubine, today, you have brought in the world-honored person, and you are indispensable! The emperor will definitely give you a reward in the future!" The emperor looked at the concubine and laughed loudly.

"Don't believe him!" The Empress Maid looked anxious, and quickly transmitted her voice to Su Jin, "I know you suspected me in Xinghe Town, but I know you have the Heaven Defying Eye Technique, so how can you send the message under your nose? Send it out! That compass is definitely not used for communication. After this matter, I will explain it to you."

Su Jin's face was indifferent, without saying a word.

The imperial concubine was so angry that she never thought that the emperor prison sky was so despicable. She once again spoke to Su Jin, "Be careful of him! His ability, few people know! This time you are too careless, this emperor prison genius It's a real big man, not the proud dragon god!"

"Let's talk about the history--" Su Jin responded to the queen concubine.

"He is in charge of the gates of the God Prison. In the God Prison set up by the emperor, there are dozens of evil demons buried in the world! He has been in charge of the God Prison for countless years, so he is called the Emperor Prison Heaven!" I couldn't explain it clearly within the time, and I was very anxious. In short, Su Jin must be very careful.

Emperor Prison Sky seemed to be holding the victory, his eyes, when looking at Su Jin, seemed to be looking at a corpse!

"You let the Taoist Samsara go back to spread the word, the emperor already knows that he is not interested in meeting you in the dirty world, the so-called Eastern Peak Divine Realm is not worthy of the emperor's arrival." said the emperor.

"So?" Su Jin asked.

"I invite you to fight to the emperor, and promise to take your body back, rest assured, I will prepare a grand funeral for you, your corpse coffin, I have a total of eight, when the time comes, deep in the gate of the gods. In the resting place, your corpse coffin will be affixed with the seal of God, and will die forever."

Emperor Prison is too confident, even more arrogant than anyone present! At least in Su Jin's view, it is so!

The Chaosheng Banshee was secretly anxious, she knew that Su Jin would not retreat! Never be afraid!

But... the other party obviously set up a terrifying killing field, and this tomb of sentient beings will turn into a terrible place!

If this "Grave of All Beings" had no passive hands and feet, who would believe it! The other party rushed here, obviously wanting to deal with Yedi in an easier way!

"Fallen angel, holy angel." Su Jin turned around with his hand, looked at the faces of several beautiful women who had turned upside down, and continued: "The goddess of time, the virgin concubine, the heart moon fox. You guys, protect the others. Human safety."

"You really want to step into this tomb of sentient beings!" The Chaosheng Banshee was startled and asked quickly.

"I'm alone, that's enough!" Su Jin said indifferently.

"Can you still use your power without the world-honored power!" The Empress Maid suddenly asked.

Su Jin's eyes were upset, that kind of cold, as if the Empress Maid fell into the ice cellar instantly!

How can you ask this before the enemy!

The virgin concubine lowered her head and secretly clenched her fist——

A breeze swept away, and Su Jin stepped into the "Grave of All Beings"! No matter how many killer moves the opponent has today, he...all on!

"You're talking too much..." The Chaosheng Banshee's eyes were also a little cold, and she looked at the Empress Maid and said.

"I didn't remind that Emperor Prison Heaven... I believe it or not." The maiden imperial concubine turned her face away. At the moment when she turned her head, he vaguely saw Su Jin's back stepping into the'Grave of All Living Beings'. In her pink pupils, she was also quite confused.

"In this battle, Ye Di's chance of winning is less than half."

The Chaosheng Banshee suppressed her inner tension and whispered to Xinyuehu and other women, "He has hardly rested since he broke through the sky. If I guess it is correct, he will die after the galaxy. It will be impossible to use this technique for a long time. will be very difficult."

Unworldly Milky Way is Su Jin's greatest support, this technique cannot be performed a second time today.

The moment Su Jin stepped into the grave of all beings!

The Emperor Prison Heaven, Aotian Dragon God, and some other powerful men all looked at Su Jin with expectant eyes! They knew that Su Jin was not the world-honored person, but there was no trace of fear in their eyes!

"Papa Papa--" The Emperor Prison admired Su Jin's courage, smiled and clapped applause.

"Knowing that it is a terrifying killing field, I dare to step in. In the world, you are the only one who is not the Lord! You can do this!" Aotian Dragon God smiled very proudly, and the meaning of mockery was quite strong.

"Today, if one of you leaves safely, I will lose!" Su Jin continued his usual style.

He doesn't cause trouble, but he is not afraid of trouble!

"Okay!" The Emperor Prison Heaven and his party gathered directly together, and suddenly retreated to the center of the tomb of the sentient beings.

Then, the voice of Emperor Prison Heaven resounded in Su Jin's ears again!

"No World Honored, now you begin to enjoy the first blow we prepared for you! In order to kill you, we have thought of a perfect solution these few days!" Emperor Prison said.

"Release the spirit blood!" Aotian Dragon God screamed, "No World Honored Night Emperor! We slaughtered a whole star field and smelted the blood of a star field in order to deal with you! After a while, you will naturally be satisfied!"

Living blood

Su Jin didn't know what the other party was doing, but there was a very, very bad feeling in his heart!

really! A terrible scene is happening!

From a distance, the lonely rivers in the graves of sentient beings began to surge in blood! The figure of Yundao Tiangong is releasing a **** wave!

Originally, all of those seal platforms that had been turned to ashes, all of them poured out a spring of blood from one hole after another!

Su Jin directly distinguished it in just a few breaths! This is not the formation of the opponent, but the method is to the extreme! !

According to common sense, the sky bones here are taken, the sealing platform disappears, and the monument of life will naturally disappear. This is a place of eternal silence, so it is called the "grave of all beings." But once the blood of these creatures is poured, what wonderful power is there? ?

"The roars and grievances of creatures will torment you to madness! You will be extremely mad and fall into chaos! The whole world of sentient beings' graves are distracted by grievances, and your Buddhist path cannot be purified!"

The emperor is not afraid that Su Jin knows, and then he said: "Your ghost king body controls evil ghosts, but the blood of the creatures in its domain only has endless grievances. You...can't stop it!"


With the spread of life and blood, this place seems to have turned into the worst killing field in the world! The **** forest white people began to show terrifying and peerless power with the trembling of the graves of all beings!

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