My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3595: The river of blood rushes!

Take great pains!

Su Jin now has only these four words in his evaluation of Di Yutian and others!

Although the tomb of sentient beings is a dead continent, the resentment brought by the blood of the creatures will only stimulate the power of the entire sentient tomb. He is already affected by the body, and there is no ‘law’ to break!

These people, for his sake, slaughtered a whole star field! In other words, that star field will turn into a grave of all beings in the future!

Now, Su Jin's mind is full of blood! In the suppressive power of the graves of all beings, he seemed to see corpses all over the field! As if seeing a horrified face--

The grievances of those people were more than terrible! Now Su Jin's ears seemed to be deaf, and countless kinds of resentment filled his spirit sea.


The aura of Buddhism shines on the world! Resentment, never go away!

A dark halo rises around Su Jin, the body of the ghost king, can't attract evil spirits here! Su Jin was in a trance, feeling dizzy, the world seemed to be spinning!

He wanted to use the "Unworldly Milky Way" to use the power of the unworldly, but when the crystal red in his eyes flickered, it went out in a flash!


If it hadn't been for the Continuation of the Cloud God Continent to resort to the "Unworldly Galaxy", how dare these people be proud of it! Just as the virgin concubine, Chaosheng Banshee and others had guessed, the consumption of using the "Unworld Galaxy" is simply beyond imagination!

This was also the time Su Jin worried the most! Never thought that the power of the world-sovereign was expended on the Cloud God Continent, and now even the emperor has not seen it! Today, I am stuck here!

"I'm the first to fight you!" Aotian Dragon God laughed out loud, stepped forward, and kicked towards Su Jin... He was very proud, and wanted to kick the unworldly sovereign with this kick!

A touch of starlight flashed directly!

The Aotian Dragon God was shocked, how could the opponent have such a speed under the suppression of the grave of all beings? This is something he never thought of.

"Death! All to die!" Su Jin's nine halos opened together, and a fist the size of a lake was condensed by him, and it blasted directly at the Aotian Dragon God!

"So strong." Aotian Dragon God didn't dare to be careless. He didn't know that although Su Jin could not use the power of the world-honored temporarily, the nine realms were still prosperous!


There was a loud noise, and under that fist, the God of Heaven Zhuotian was repelled by a hundred miles. When he stayed on the ground, a trace of Baili appeared under his foot.

"We come too!"

Yundao Tiangong, there are a total of nine supernatural powers with natural yin and yang faces, stepping onto the battlefield in one step!

But in the next second, a majestic bell sounded, making the hearts of many strong men who set ambush here tremble.

Those are three divine bells! One bell is a bronze barren bell, one bell is the Donghuang bell, one bell...the bell without beginning!

The nine powerful ancient sages of the Yundao Tiangong were directly hit by the huge Eastern Bell!

In the east of the grave of all beings! The ten blood-red gods seemed to appear because of the appearance of the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the big sun golden crow emitted a monstrous heat wave!

The'life blood' in that river of blood suddenly boiled!

"Ah—" Su Jin's eyes were blurred, and he didn't want to stay in this terrifying killing scene for a moment. The voices of trillions of creatures filled his mind, and no one could bear that kind of feeling!

This is definitely not a place for people to stay!

But where can he go, now Su Jin's thinking has lost a trace of silence at any time, he feels that even if he goes to any place in the sky, he will be accompanied by the torment of that endless sound!




Su Jin snarled up to the sky, his eyes blood red! With a roar from the sky, he shattered the void and roared out of the ‘Siluo Plane’!

After screaming for killing, Ninety-Nine to Youxingchentian, descended!

The emperor's eyes condensed! Shout out!

"The ancient emperor of the starry sky, it's a pity! It's just a Taoist shadow!" The emperor's face was hideous.

The face of Aotian Dragon God is not pretty! Obviously, he was defeated by the Emperor Ye Di, in front of other people, with a blow, repelling Baili, this is not a long-faced thing to him.

"Set! Set! Set!" Su Jin held the'Aotian God Axe' in one arm!

Roar around the world!

The nine transcendent ancient sages of the "Yundao Tiangong" in that battlefield were all frozen!

In a flash! The shadow of the axe flickers, Gu Xian...broken!

After less than a breath, the nine Gu Xians did not even have the ability to react, so they disappeared!

Fortunately, there are a lot of masters brought by the Emperor Prison Heaven, and nine of them are currently lost, to the point that they will not hurt him! He was a little surprised by Su Jin's ability to endure. If he were to change to another person, he would have collapsed and he would have solved himself!

"This is the inevitable test of the road to the strong..." As Su Jin's eyes were blood red, a trace of coldness spread from the depths of the'Bodhi Buddha Heart'.

God, why is powerful, comes from ruthlessness.

Good, evil, God is always indifferent, three thousand great paths, countless people have walked on the "Road of Reincarnation", life after life, the mercilessness of God, finally comforted to become the "destiny of heaven"!

In the blood red world in Su Jin's field of vision, countless roars of grievances affected him. When he woke up a little bit, he stopped resisting. As a result, he seemed to feel better and better.

Feel better, but it doesn't mean it won't be affected! Su Jin's situation is still extremely difficult!

How to break this killing field set up by the emperor's heaven with great pains! Su Jin's hand trembles rarely, not because of fear, but because of the terror suppressed by the graves of sentient beings. He has just killed nine ancient sages and has almost used all his power!

There seemed to be a voice in his heart that was telling him to give up——

It was himself who told him to give up!

"Finally I can't hold on?" The emperor still overestimated the other party, what **** is not the world, has not fully awakened, can not control the power of heaven and earth, it is a waste!

Su Jin's fuzzy vision looked towards the emperor prison sky!

Aotian God Axe, point to each other!

"You...your emperor, but it's just a stumbling block for me above the sky! This world can't destroy my soul, and can't hold my Dao body!" Su Jin slowly shouted.

"Arrogant!" Emperor Prison looked at Su Jin coldly.

Don't say it is the emperor of the night, even if it is the emperor, when he rarely refers to him, this emperor of the night, as an unawakened ‘unworldly’, is now like a humanoid waste material, dare to refer to him?

Su Jin took a deep breath, he...why explain to others!

Next, he made a move that surprised everyone!

Su Jin, slashed to the west! There, invincible! But the power of the Aotian God Axe still cut a piece of earth apart!

Then, another axe, cut to the northwest!

"What is he going to do?" Xinyuehu didn't dare to guess. Although they didn't know what Su Jin had gone through, he was under the influence of the graves of sentient beings at that moment, as if he was very painful.

"I don't know, the emperor's prison is innocent and terrifying... Yedi's spirit sea is probably in chaos." The Chaosheng Banshee was filled with despair. She felt that the two axes did not cut the enemy, and Yedi was defeated. .

"Using the blood of living creatures to infuse the graves of sentient beings, this kind of heaven-shattering killing technique, very few people can do it." The holy angel ruled, his face paler than anyone else, "I heard countless wailing voices of resentment. It will become like this when affected by this endless resentment."

"With our strength, can the Ye Di be rescued..." The speaker, even the Chaosheng Banshee, was hard to believe.

Goddess of Time, can you say such things at this time?

"One emperor can take away all of us..." The imperial concubine shook her head, "He is an existence under the emperor, don't imagine it."

"So strong?" Qin Qingwu's heroic and handsome face was full of shock.

"Although among you, there are many powerful people who dominate a realm, but you have never seen any desperate power, just like Ye Di earlier on the Cloud God Continent, with the technique that you...who can match." The virgin concubine sighed.

The girls were silent.

I don't know which demon girl it is, and suddenly said in panic: "Yedi, I have already cut the seven axes and empty the seven axes. Is it really crazy?"

Mostly... The Goddess of Time looked disappointed... She lost to Ye Di. Although she was inferior in skill, Ye Di was trapped here, but she was not like a few days ago. I hope he is dead...

This man left her with too many shocking memory marks. He... if he doesn't walk into this tomb of sentient beings, it will not be difficult for him to reach the peak of the heavens!

Eighth axe! Cut the earth! Raise the axe eight times and cut all directions!

The Emperor Prison Heaven and the Aotian Dragon God didn’t understand what Su Jin was doing! When this person just killed the nine ancient sages of the "Luck Dao Tiangong", it was not like this.

Inexplicable uneasiness emerged from the hearts of Aotian Dragon God, Emperor Prison Heaven, and the hearts of the great enemies. They stared at Su Jin carefully and looked at the crazy figure...

at last!

The exclamation started to erupt together!

The graves of all beings, Su Jin cuts the air with eight axes! The earth is blooming, and the river of blood flows!

That's right! No one could think of Su Jin's intention in the direction of the rushing blood river!

The eight rivers of blood collapsed and began to flock to the center of the grave of all beings! That giant ancient sword!

In ancient times, there was a sword god, a sword that slashed the endless common people, causing this place to become the grave of all beings! The sword stood in the sky and never fell down. The shock wave caused by the sword formed an empty sword pool like an ocean lake!

Eight rivers of blood, galloping like a dragon! Roll up a huge wave and gather in that terrifying sword pond! The giant sword suddenly began to let out a high-pitched cry!

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