My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3596: Tracing the path of ancient gods and men

Wanli giant sword, scream!

This sudden scene, even the Emperor Prison Heaven and Aotian Dragon God did not expect it at all! The eight rushing rivers of blood could not be stopped at all, and the ‘sword pond’ was filled in a blink of an eye!

The tombs of all beings are trembling with the giant sword, the pulse of the void, even the distant ‘Ancient Immortal Realm’ has a slight tremor—

Emperor Prison's eyes gradually sharpened!

The blood of the creatures was refined by the creatures that he ordered to slaughter a star field. There can be no problem! Now, Su Jin's Eight Axe split the earth, causing a river of blood to pour into the sword pond, what exactly he intended!

"Sword, why does it appear strange--" Aotian Dragon God suppressed the panic, and slowly asked Xiangdi Prison Heaven.

"He is very weak now, no matter what he wants to do, he can't change his fate!" Emperor Prison looked at Su Jin coldly and said to Aotian Dragon God.

What does Ye Di want to do--

These eight rivers of blood are obviously intentional.

Next, for some beauties of Chaosheng Banshee, it is definitely a very worrying scene.

After Su Jin split the eight rivers of blood, it was obviously unhelpful! His body trembled violently, as if it might fall down at any time!

"Emperor...or else..." the maiden emperor said slowly.

"Yedi can't use the power of'not the world-honored' right now, he has spent a lot of time with his own nine Dao, and now he seems to be fighting! Fighting for the first line of victory!" The Chaosheng Banshee thought for a while, the tension on her face was hard to conceal .

"How to fight?"

"Ye Di's perception of practice is definitely the most terrifying among people I have ever seen...none of them." The Chaosheng Banshee was so nervous that her palms were sweating, and said: "He is the master of kendo, Most likely I want to use that sword..."

"That sword can still be used? This tomb of sentient beings has long been forgotten in the years. Everything here is dead. Although the sword once had the power of destruction, how is it different from the stone now?" The concubine did not agree with Chaosheng Banshee.

The Chaosheng Banshee fell silent...Although she also knew that her explanation was a bit far-fetched--

The atmosphere on the battlefield is exceptionally weird.

Because he was not sure about Su Jin's plan, the prudent Emperor Prison Heaven still shouted coldly: "Emperor Ye, accept your fate! The gate of the God Prison is the place where you will always be silent, and you will die. Kind of relief!"

"Hahaha..." Su Jin lowered his head and looked at his shoes. His legs were all shaking! He really didn't expect that ever since he became a ‘unsovereign’, there would still be such a time when the mountains and rivers were exhausted.

Aotian Dragon God and Emperor Prison looked at each other, their eyes were full of doubts.


Ye Di... can you still laugh now?

Just as the Emperor Prison Heaven and the Aotian Dragon God hesitated, Su Jin suddenly raised his head. At that moment, he seemed to be a different person. The blood pupils flashed red!

"Open it to me!" Su Jin's eyebrows were raised, and several pupil techniques were superimposed on the eyes of Maha Town Prison!

Cover the sky secret, the wordless sky secret, the fighting word sky secret! It mixes into a weird blue, and is also blessed in the "Maha Town Prison Eye"!

Then, a divine light spurted from Su Jin's "Maha Town Prison Eye"! That pupil technique swept directly on the huge sword!

"It's now!" There was a feeling in Emperor Prison's heart. If he missed this moment, it would definitely be more troublesome to deal with Su Jin. He suddenly got into trouble, and when he rushed to Su Jin, he leaned down and made a moment. The black slender claw shadow swept across Su Jin's body!


The Emperor Prison was shocked! The mystery of the wordless sky secret! Su Jin directly avoided this killer move!

Su Jin seemed to turn a blind eye, when his figure disappeared in the void, and when he reappeared, it was already in the sky above thousands of miles! Sitting cross-legged on the huge sword that is thousands of miles high!

"Impossible! You... how could you have..." When the Emperor Prison saw something appearing in Su Jin's hands, his face immediately became extremely ugly, and he couldn't believe it!

Su Jin's Aotian Divine Axe, when sitting on the giant sword, has been put away, and now what he took out is enough to change the expressions of Emperor Prison Heaven and Aotian Dragon!

That is...the monument of life!

Many people can only watch, watching Su Jinpan sitting down, a circle of Vulcan Dao halo, directly blasting down the 10,000-mile-high giant sword!

The Jianchi directly covered a layer of flame!

Jianchi was lit!

The huge blood of creatures has not only endless resentment, but also countless creature power! Su Jin could not absorb and refine the power of these creatures by himself! But this does not mean that he has no choice!

Living monument! It is definitely the best choice to absorb the power of the creatures in the'Blood of Life'! This is also the reason why Emperor Prison Heaven and Aotian Dragon God are shocked!

The life blood in the sword pond is constantly decreasing under the power of the "Vulcan Dao". The vigorous "life force", like strands of green vines, climbs up the giant sword, and Su Jin throws the life monument away from him. One hundred meters away! All the power of the living creatures began to gather the living monument!

After receiving the blessings of three kinds of heavenly secrets and several kinds of pupil skills, his Maha Town Prison Eye seemed to be back to basics in an instant!

When it was faint, the hustle and bustle of sentient beings seemed to be extremely noisy when the ancient god-man arrived.

That ancient god-man descended in a peerless posture, reversing the emptiness in Su Jin's mind. The resistance of sentient beings and the struggle of the powerful are far more violent than today, a thousand times, ten thousand times!

"Good sword." Su Jin seemed to be trapped in a wonderful sword enlightenment. The trembling giant sword buzzed and buzzed. He saw the fight between the ancient gods and the world, and saw the exquisite sword moves!

That ancient **** man, a sword that pierced the sun and the moon, slashed out a violent giant sword, that sword mark and sword rhyme, even Daoxia, were exceptionally different.

It's not like what Jian Xiu can understand today--

For example, the sword that Su Jin sees now, before the sword arrives, a void has already collapsed first! This is similar to a kind of sword energy, invisible power!

Su Jin has experienced hundreds of battles and has never seen anyone who can perform so many amazing swordsmanship. He uses Maha to control the prison eye. Naturally, he also wants to trace the path of the ancient gods and people, and wants to see this extinction of the creatures in this world. A sword of power, but I did not expect to have such a big discovery.

After about ten breaths, Su Jin was intoxicated, and he was sure that it was not Jian Qi, nor was it the power caused by Jian Mark Jian Yun!

That is... Heavenly Way!

The heavenly ways of the ancient gods, and the understanding of the heavenly ways of the gods, can be described by hundreds of ‘grabbing grooves’. Those heavenly ways are just right when used, but if you think carefully, you will be afraid!

Aotian Dragon God, now nodded to Emperor Prison Heaven, grabbed forward with both claws, and the whole person turned into a black smoke, and suddenly appeared above the sky!

Su Jin didn't realize it. In the void not far behind him, a black sharp claw pierced the void, and at the speed of lightning, it suddenly grabbed to the back of his head!

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