My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3598: In the sword, the remains of the gods

Abnormal, absolutely abnormal.

Emperor Prison frowned tightly, very puzzled.

When did Ye Di get so bad?

Emperor Prison Heaven guessed that the only possibility was that Yedi just didn't believe what he said, and was using his sword to try to find the flaw in the Aotian Dragon God.

If this is the case, then Ye Di will undoubtedly lose!

In a moment, a full one hundred and fifty swords were cut out——

With these one hundred and fifty swords, Su Jin slashed at different positions, his brows became more and more solemn, and his face became more and more ugly!

"I! There is indeed no flaw!" Aotian Dragon God leaped up and swung dozens of punches in the void, constantly breaking the sword light after another!

The fierce battle between the two is in the heat of the stage!

Su Jin had already slashed out six hundred swords at this time, slashing on the back waist of Aotian Dragon God, but after a burst of fire like a stone impact, he retreated again——

"You're done!" Aotian Dragon God made a grim expression, fisted together, and slammed down Su Jin! You know, just after Su Jin left in the blink of an eye, he predicted the position of the opponent. This time... he was fighting with all his strength. He knew that this punch could smash Su Jin's divine body!

For a moment!

Aotian Dragon God's expression solidified, and his fists went empty!

How could... Aotian Dragon God had this idea in his mind, could it be... Is this just a flaw that the other party deliberately sold? However, the emperor had already cut six hundred swords this time, and couldn't hurt him half a point!

For the sake of protection, the Aotian Dragon God's body was deflected a bit within a thousandth of a second...

Behind him, a shocking sword light slammed down with a force of lightning speed!

"Ah!!!" Aotian Dragon God yelled. Di Shitian said that he had no pain just now. It was just a case of being beaten. After all, his defense power had reached his peak state! But... but it's different if you hurt your muscles!

Now... Su Jin's sword is completely different from the previous six hundred swords!

This sword split the Aotian Dragon God's right arm directly from behind!

It is such a huge alienated giant body, with only some flesh on its right arm!

The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised, and the condensed sword in his hand disappeared and changed into a fist! In an instant, the vast Era Tianquan blasted on the back of Aotian Dragon God!




Under the tremendous pain, the Aotian Dragon God's reaction was also slowed down a lot, and the'Era Tianquan' kept detonating!

Di Prison Sky's eyes diminished into circles of silver-white light. He gently raised his hand, and a big hand suddenly formed in the void, directly pulling Aotian Dragon God over——

"Fool..." Emperor Prison scolded while looking at the Aotian Dragon God who was almost killed.

"It's him that is too sinister and contemptible!" Aotian Dragon God didn't know how many bones had been shattered by Su Jin, and he was deeply regretful. He should have been so careless if he knew this.

What the **** is this...

Far away from the graves of sentient beings, many people have seen the weird scene. Originally, Ye Di was still at a disadvantage, why suddenly, the attack was like a venting sea, and the Aotian Dragon God was beaten into such a powerless backhand?

"It's true that the emperor is too smart -" The Empress sighed in her heart, feeling that many enchantresses were watching her.

Then, the maiden emperor said again: "Yedi is not looking for the other party's flaws. For him, there is no need to do this. The previous six hundred swords are just delaying time and recovering himself. The most important thing is to Numb the enemy..."

"Yes, it's no wonder that Aotian Dragon God will be scolded by Emperor Prison Heaven..." Chaosheng Banshee also said, "After knowing the power of Ye Di's swordsmanship, the other party is also used to the power of those swords, thinking that Ye Di is really here. Find his flaws."

"It's too cunning--" There was Demon Ji's clear voice.

"Recall it! When Ye Di performed before, his expression was very ugly. It turned out that he was all preparing for this sword."

"Pretends too much, but it's so smart!"

"We didn't see it, and the Emperor Prison Heaven also didn't see it, but... Ye Di almost took off the arm of the Aotian Dragon God... I was surprised by the power of this sword." Said the Maid Emperor.

"It's the way of heaven." The Goddess of Time clasped her fingers and said silently.


Among these beauties, Xinyue Fox's combat power is equally extraordinary, but when the Goddess of Light said ‘the Way of Heaven’, her face was a bit ugly.

Not long ago, in Cloud God Continent, in the small town of Star River, Xinyuehu thought that Yedi didn't understand the way of heaven and was not the opponent of the ancestor of the cloud kingdom, but now... this sword can cut the power of heaven.

Now, no one knows the anger of Aotian Dragon God——

He is proud of the Dragon God, when has he been beaten so violently!

Immediately, the Aotian Dragon God was full of supernatural power, rushing to the injured arm! It's so cruel, even a little bit of flesh and blood, almost broke!

Emperor Prison glanced at his wound, circles of silver-white pupils suddenly shrank——

"Why can't I heal... my invincible body, I will be able to recover in a moment, and now... can't heal?" The emperor prison sky faintly meant a nervous breakdown.

"It's the Dao of Heaven." Di Yutian walked by the Aotian Dragon God, and now it is unrealistic to expect the Aotian Dragon God to kill the Ye Emperor. He originally wanted to relax, but he did not expect that he would have to personally understand the Emperor Ye Emperor in the end!


The Aotian Dragon God has been so confused!

God! The wound of heaven!

Emperor Prison’s expression was calm, he was looking at Su Jin, who was standing not far away, his face was expressionless when he came.

"I wanted to see how much you can do, but it's a pity... it's unnecessary." The emperor said while looking at Su Jin.

"I hope you can give me some surprises, not like him, without suspense--" Su Jin responded.

"Your sword contains the Tao of Heaven. Did you comprehend it on this ancient sword?" The Emperor Prison pointed to the giant stone sword that stands on the grave of all living beings.

Su Jin smiled, did not speak...

The entire battlefield is getting hotter because of the two men's needle-points facing the magnificent momentum! The fighting spirit is boiling! It's still heating up very fast!

"Actually, the battle between you and the Aotian Dragon God is like a jumping clown. It's ridiculous. You, who have not fully awakened, don't know what absolute power is after all."

There was a sneer at the corner of Emperor Prison’s mouth, his arms were slowly spreading out and rising, and then his voice came again: "The gate of the prison, open!"

Su Jin's left hand was behind him, and his right hand...toward the 10,000-mile-high giant sword, gently grabbing!

The huge sword that is thousands of miles high, as if in the flow of time, slowly peeling off all the stone chips!

In the very center of the giant sword, the first thing that caught everyone's eyes was a huge bone!

In the sword, there are complete skeletons of ancient gods and men!

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