My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3599: Gate of the Hell

The ancient gods, body-shaped swords, cast in them...

Such a shocking scene, even if it is a group of powerful enemies of Emperor Prison Heaven and Aotian Dragon God, is slightly sluggish, and no one can imagine that it is such a divine sword!

"Ancient gods...Is it so huge..." The Chaosheng Banshee said blankly outside the graves of sentient beings.

"Once a strong person turned into the world, he used his body as a furnace to cast his body of the sword **** into a truly invincible sword. This sword, sealed with a stone skin, is still unstoppable in this world!" When it came to the'Ancient Godman Sword' with terrifying coercion, my heart jumped fiercely!

"No's no wonder that the Yedi Sword God Dao just caused this sword to subscribe. I'm afraid this sword is far more simple than it seems on the surface." Xin Yuehu whispered.

The goddess of time can no longer describe the shock of the heart at this moment-

Ye Di, can you turn the situation around with this sword?

"Good sword." The fallen angel master sighed. Although she was not good at using swords, she knew that it was a rare treasure.

"The body is a furnace, and the ancient gods and men cast themselves into a sword. You know what the greatest power of this sword should be..." The holy angel master felt the heart of God sway, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened.

The girls just stayed for a while-

The ancient gods do not simply cast swords with their bodies! The reminder of the dominion of the holy angel seems to make all the beautiful women wake up directly!

"Heavenly Dao, this sword represents the heavenly way of the ancient gods and men. That god-man falls, disappears, and everything will disappear, but only the heavenly way he understands can be sealed with the sword body! This sword represents the ancient gods and men back then. Heaven!" The maiden emperor exclaimed.



At the scene, there are so many beautiful monks, even many of them are Gu Xian! But who would have thought, Su Jin could think of this level! !

"Some people, as slaves, must serve Ye Di religiously, otherwise they will do some small actions under Ye Di's eyes. If Ye Di is impatient in the future, it will be too late to regret it." The Chaosheng female demon said lightly.

"Who are you talking about?" The virgin concubine's beautiful eyebrows lightly for a week, looking at the Chaosheng Banshee and asked.

"If you don't name it, you know who it is."

"Is my sister reminding us something?" Xinyuehu looked at the Chaosheng Banshee and was also puzzled.

"Don't you guys understand? Yedi's eight axes cut through eight rivers of blood. I'm afraid he had thoughts about the Heavenly Sage Sword from the moment he stepped into the graves of sentient beings--" Chaosheng female demon said.

Every beauty is a lingering heart--

If things are really like what the Chaosheng Banshee said, then the night emperor's city mansion is too terrible, there is an IQ that is very inconsistent with his age!

There was only one woman present, looking at the graves of all beings with some desperate eyes!

That is...Fei Xi!

Kill the brother, kill the father, kill the enemy! She has been blinded by these hatreds! She knew that with her own efforts, it would never be possible to kill Ye Di. She was stunned, hoping that the appearance of Emperor Prison Heaven, Aotian Dragon God and others could completely destroy Ye Di——

But now...

The situation seemed to be reversed by Ye Di, which was unacceptable to Fei Xi!

In the battlefield.

The delicate atmosphere is spreading, and Emperor Prison's brows are frowning. He has never been murderous like today! The ‘Gate of God’s Prison’ he is now unfolding seems to put him in the center of a black hole!

The weirdness of the ‘God’s Prison’, as if squeezing out the void on the graves of sentient beings, there are wailing in them, and the wailing sounds do not know how far-reaching it is!


"Little! Little!"

With long hair flying, Su Jin directly stretched out his hand, and then pressed to that sword!

In the state visible to the naked eye, the originally 10,000-mile-high "Great Sword" quickly shrank, and in the end, it only turned into a person's height!

The skeleton seemed to fit within the sword body! The hilt is like the throat of a skeleton!

"The sword is a good sword, but unfortunately, you are not the same as it used to be--" Emperor Prison said lightly.

The ancient sword **** back then, with a single sword, killed the person in this star field. The sword body was a furnace, and he cast himself into this sword. Unfortunately, although Su Jin is now a sword holder, if he wants to be comparable The ancient sword **** back then was still far behind!

"The gate of the **** prison, I would like to teach and teach——" Su Jin lifted the sword and swept it aside, secretly surprised. On the skull of the sword, in the empty eye sockets, it seemed to be ignited in an instant. Two flames.

"So handsome--" Many demon girls were outside the tombs of sentient beings, with only red hearts in their eyes. When Ye Di was holding this ‘God Man Heavenly Dao Sword’, an inexplicable domineering aura spread.

"Heavenly Dao Sword, I don't know how much power Ye Di can exert." Xinyuehu said in surprise.

"Never underestimate the strength of the Emperor Prison Heaven." The maiden emperor frowned, "The gate of the God Prison is the source of the Emperor Prison Heaven, in which countless powerful evil demons are buried and can enter the'gate of the God Prison'. , Every one does not lose to Ye Di."

"Ah? Could it be that some demons are still alive in those wailing sounds?" Qin Qingwu felt that her back was chilling, and her face was getting worse.

"Very likely."

The maiden concubine looked at Qin Qingwu, and said: "Those god-defying demons, whether they are alive or their bodies are separated in the'gate of the gods', the emperor can use some of their power, this is what The biggest reason I am not optimistic about Ye Di."


All the beauties, look at me, I look at you, knowing that if this is the case, I am afraid this emperor prison is really terrifying, and Ye Di will be in serious trouble.

They worry about Su Jin... but Su Jin... don't know how powerful this ‘God’s Gate’ is!

Emperor Prison Heaven is now standing at the ‘gate of God’s Prison’, and Su Jin doesn’t even know if he can attack him! This is the most troublesome thing!

"You are the first person in 50,000 years to allow the Emperor Emperor Prison to use the'gate of God Prison'. You should be content." Aotian Dragon God is now working hard to recover from his injury. He took out a bottle of magic medicine. , Pour into your mouth as if you don't want money!

It really works! His arm, which was almost cut off, was slowly healing in a glimmer of light, although the speed was slower.

Damn night emperor! The Aotian Dragon God was extremely annoyed. He could only let his arm continue temporarily, but the Heavenly Dao wound in it could only go back and ask the Emperor to help, that is to say, he could only temporarily delay the injury!

Su Jin didn't care about the words of Aotian Dragon God at all--

Swing the sword lightly, Wan Dao Jian Yun, overflowing on the domineering sword body, directly pointed at the Emperor Prison Heaven with the tip of the sword!

"I'm in the gate of the god's prison, so... invincible!" The Emperor Prison took a step, and the'gate of the god's prison' still wrapped him in it, very strange!

"Then smash this door!" Su Jin stepped into the sky in one step, holding a sword in both hands! Lift the sword directly above your head!


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