My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3600: You deserve to die!


The secret light of the sword body was gushing out of Su Jin's body, and the whole arm of his right hand seemed to make people in a trance in a moment, and they could see the existence of the transparent king bones of heaven!

The sword of the gods and gods of heaven, it is no longer trembling!

Someone clearly heard the roar of the ancient gods!

Emperor Prison's face changed wildly, he didn't have the slightest care from beginning to end, the entire ‘gate of God’s Prison’, brilliance flowed! He held his hands together, and the dazzling divine light shining from the door courtyard reached a point where people dare not look directly!

With this sword, the world is sad!

With a sword, the graves of all beings seemed to dim, and the "ten suns" in the distant void seemed to be swaying and drifting!

"What! When did the Lord Emperor Prison take this seriously! This is not the world-honored person, hasn't it been completely awakened yet?" Gu Xian of the lucky heaven palace did not dare to look directly at the edge of the two in the battle!

"Just now when the World-Venerable did not obtain this sword, he killed several of our Yundao Tiangong experts! Now... he doesn't need the power of the World-Venerable, and he can be so strong with a sword—"

"This is not the world-honored one, a sword is going to smash the'gate of God's Prison' of Lord Emperor Prison! As everyone knows, the gate of God's Prison cannot be broken by external force."

"Is everyone optimistic about it? The two women can't make any mistakes, otherwise the Lord Emperor Prison will be blamed, and no one can afford it!"

"Don't worry! Lord Emperor Prison's "Gate of God Prison" is more than enough to deal with the world-honored one!"

"The right arm that was not the world-honored just now... seems to be abundant in heaven, that is... Wang Pintian bone! It's amazing!"


be surprised.


The Emperor Prison was not at all uneasy, and under the blessing of his origin, the entire ‘Gate of God’s Prison’ could disappear at any time! And the opponent’s sword, although extraordinary, he has the confidence to defend it hard--

"The heavenly way of ancient gods and men, plus...your heavenly way..." Emperor Prison's frowned, and he never relaxed.

The strong atmosphere of heaven, coupled with the feeling of a sword splitting a piece of heavenly starry sky, made Emperor Prison very uncomfortable... He received the news that he knew that Su Jin possessed the ‘king-grade celestial bone’.

For this reason, he was still thinking about dismantling Su Jin and then taking Wang Pin Tian Bone as his own, but what he didn't expect was that this process would be so difficult!


The gate of God's Prison, submerged in a cloud of glow, the sword of heaven, like a piece of pig iron, fart on an extremely hard rock!

There was finally a touch of pride on the face of Emperor Prison Heaven, he did not retreat! Relying on the ‘Gate of God’s Prison’, I took this sword!

The result was as expected, his ‘God of Hell’ has withstood the test!

Su Jin's expression really began to become solemn... Now he wanted to pretend, but what kind of a magical existence is that "God Prison Gate"! He... can't cut it!

It's hard! Su Jin came up with these two words in his heart!

"Hahaha!" The Emperor Prison laughed wildly, his eyes like a pair of shining stars, staring at Su Jin firmly: "I'm still worried that you can smash through the'gate of God's prison', because once you cut it open, It was a terrible disaster! No one can save you today!"

Cut it open, but caused a terrible disaster!

Su Jin was silent and stared at the ‘gate of the god’s prison’. This time he was really thinking of a solution, but this ‘gate of the god’s prison’ had no flaws!

As if feeling Su Jin’s powerlessness, Emperor Prison Heaven said again: “In the gates of God’s Prison, immortal monsters and demon gods are imprisoned. Once you cut them open, they will regain your freedom and directly tear you to pieces!”

It turns out that...

There was a touch of fierceness on Di Yutian's face, and he stretched out his right hand and gently pointed!

A piece of the corpse of the demon **** exuding the blue magical power immediately burned, and the emperor prison sky suddenly swallowed, and the supernatural power directly blessed his body!

"Heavenly Demons and Demon Wheels!"

Emperor Prison spread his right hand and raised it lightly. In the void, a vast "water windmill" vision appeared directly! This ‘water windmill’ is slowly rotating in one direction, and this magical scene does not belong to the ancient divine sword that was previously huge!

As the "Water Windmill" spins faster and faster!

A piece of star-like power began to gather with the naked eye around the water windmill. This vaguely resembled a storm, but the fierce aura in it, the unstoppable suppression of Dao marks, is rare in the world!

Su Jin's body is firm!

But even if it is as strong as Su Jin's existence, his Taoist body seems to be being sucked over by that ‘Magic Wheel Faxiang’!

If it is involved in that piece of magic wheel star swirl, Su Jin is afraid that no matter how strong the Taoist body is, it will be crushed instantly!

"What a powerful force--" Su Jin stepped heavily under his feet, and the time-space grinding disc was directly manifested, and the rotation speed of the grinding disc was reversed by him to resist the horrible suction!

not enough!

Far from enough!

Su Jin knew who the enemy was facing at the moment, and it was normal that the time-space mill couldn't resist it. Then, he fiercely thrust the'Heavenly God Sword' into the time-space mill, and he sat down too!

The speed of being sucked over suddenly slowed down——

"In a moment, you will still be hanged in it, what are you still struggling with?" Emperor Prison laughed. In his eyes, Su Jin was already a dead person, and it was still the kind of dead person who could not die.

Su Jin's face is gloomy!

In the process of resisting the'Magic Wheel Faxiang', his sweat was frantically oozing out. In an instant, his robe was soaked, and he... relied so much on the power of the'unworldly', that he faced such a powerful opponent. , It's starting to be difficult!

unfortunately! If the "Unworld Galaxy" can still be used, why is it so difficult!


A star giant suddenly manifested under the ‘Time and Space Grinding Disc’. With an incomparable posture, it directly raised the space time grinding disc with both arms, and it was also resisting the unimaginable suction!


The power of "Sky Demon Wheel Faxiang" finally condensed with the star giant, so that Su Jin could not be sucked over!

"Huh?" The emperor prison sky gloomy face, slightly surprised-

Aotian Dragon God was also taken aback. Although he could see that Ye Di was completely at a disadvantage now, he didn't expect that even if it was, "Heaven Demon and Demon Wheel Faxiang" would not be able to help Ye Di!

"What other means?" In the storm, the flying long hair did not cover Su Jin's face, his eyes were firm, and he directly asked quietly.

"Okay! It's not the world-honored one!" The Emperor Prison nodded, "You can really be my opponent! In this case, you deserve to die!"

The Aotian Dragon God who was recovering suddenly jumped in his heart... Could it be that Lord Emperor Prison thought...

Then, the emperor prison turned around directly inside the ‘gate of God’s Prison’! His face was crazy, and he directly said a series of magic words that people could not understand!

The gate of God's Prison, obviously trembling more intensely!

"I... don't believe you..." As if the voice of the ancient and distant, in the gate of the **** prison, no longer silent, talking to the emperor prison sky.

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