My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3604: Great Refining Technique

Wuxiang Town Demon Tower, spinning around in a circle, the tower body rolled up a circle of storm tornadoes, and even directly rolled up the ‘blood eroded demon god’!


The town demon tower restored silence again.

"Useless things!" Di Yutian's face returned to calm, to cover up his inner irritation. not to get annoyed!

Unauthorized opening of the'gate of the god's prison' and releasing the'blood eclipse demon god' is a violation of the emperor's taboo. If you go back, you will suffer a bad curse at the slightest, but it may be closed for 100,000 years. event!

If, if the Blood Erosion Demon God could kill the Ye Emperor, it would be good to say, but now it is impossible!

"Is there any other means--" Su Jin Yaotong asked strangely, looking at Emperor Prison Heaven, unable to hide his evil spirit.

"Papa Papa~~~~" The Emperor Prison clapped his hands, "This emperor has worked hard to slaughter a star field and refined blood for you, but he did not expect it to complete you. You are really It's surprising...Bug!"

Speaking of the last name, Emperor Prison could not hold back his anger, he would explode! To burst out all the destruction inside!

This person... really made the emperor prison weather bad!

With a calm face in disguise, it is really hard to conceal the anger of destroying the world in the emperor prison!

"My lord...or else...retreat..." The Aotian Dragon God had already sprouted a retreat and sent his voice to Emperor Prison Heaven Dao.

"Fuck you bullshit!" The Emperor Prison stared fiercely at the Aotian Dragon God in the'Gate of God Prison', and the sound transmission furiously said: "Leaving like this, the Emperor is angry, you dare to bear it?"

"I... don't dare!" Aotian Dragon God is weak, but with the current situation, retreat is the wisest way!

"Then shut up!" Di Yutian slowly made a mysterious knot with his hands in front of him, then he looked at Su Jin and said: "In my eyes, you are a bug! Don't be surprised! A blood-stained demon god, I...can afford to lose!"

Su Jin looked at him coldly, Yaohui was constantly flowing backwards from the corner of his eyes! He... does not respond!

The aura of Emperor Prison Heaven's body in the gate of God Prison is constantly soaring!

He wants to show this Ye Di, his true power!

"The gate of God's Prison is the origin of this emperor! You are so capable... you can force me to this point!"

The original **** seal formed by the emperor prison sky even made the entire'gate of the **** prison' tremble.

"Great Refining Technique, this technique... is one of the infinitely everlasting arts! Don't think that only you have the everlasting arts!" Emperor Prison's face was extremely savage, and he roared at Su Jin.

The gate of the prison of the gods is the place where the bodies of the endless monsters and evil gods are hidden. This emperor must use the ‘great alchemy technique’ to refine the bodies of many big monsters and gods into strength and bless his origin!

This... is his greatest support!

Su Jin's demon pupil, there is no fear at all!

"Kill!" Su Jin raised his arm, and the violent ape raised the "Gu Wangshan" and slammed into the "God Prison Gate"!


The sky is cracked! But the gate of the **** prison is still intact! Moreover, the gate of the god's prison, which is like a black hole, seems to have become even more mysterious because of the reason that the Emperor Prison is now performing the'Great Refining Technique'.

boom! boom! boom!

A dozen bombardments in a row, the ancient mountain and the present mountain, two magic mountains! Still can't break the'gate of the gods'!

"A worm is a worm! You still can't understand, the world of invincible power! I declare your death today!" The emperor yelled at Su Jin.

Su Jin stopped the bombardment!

This is definitely a moment of suffering for the beauties outside the graves of sentient beings!

One wave has not settled, another wave rises! Ye Di was absolutely invincible just now! But now... the power that can beat the ‘blood eclipse the demon god’ can’t break the ‘gate of the god’s prison’!

"How can this emperor prison sky be so powerful!" The fallen angel ruled, with horror in her eyes. She has the source of all evil, but even if she has more greedy murderous intentions, evil thoughts, and looking at the emperor prison sky, there are also things The feeling you can never look back on!

"He used great refining techniques to refine the corpses of the demon gods and demons, so that he could grow endlessly from his own origin--" the maiden emperor said coldly: "This is why I am not optimistic about the emperor, the emperor in this state. , Even if the emperor Ye can use the technique of the'unworldly galaxy', can he kill the emperor's heaven?"


All the beauties are speechless, and every beautiful face is full of panic!

This Emperor Prison Heaven now gives a lot of beautiful women the feeling, just like God, oppressing the stubborn beings! That is truly invincible!

Although Su Jin’s performance of "Supreme Demon" and "Supreme Demon Dao" just now is amazing enough to make people feel, but if this is a kind of "astounding", then...the emperor prison day now gives people It feels like despair!

Real despair!

"Could it be that there is really no way it can be done?" The Chaosheng Banshee stared at Su Jin closely, and the Yinhe Yinhe could not use it. Now, even though she has defeated the Blood Erosion Demon God and received it in the "Wuxiang Town Demon Tower", But the gap with that Emperor Prison Heaven... seems to be still very big.

"When the emperor is dead, you and me, don't even want to live--" the maiden concubine pointed out.

Although she didn't say it clearly, all the beauties present knew what it meant! That is, if you let you escape before, you don't escape! Now... It's too late to escape!

"Emperor Prison Heaven, come on!" There was one person, as if in a carnival! She is Feixi!

To witness the death of Ye Di, although she was not killed by her own hands, but let her die, can also be stunned!

"I want to tear you up now!" The Chaosheng Banshee stared at Feixi with an angry face.

"Ye Di... can't beat the Emperor Prison Heaven, he is dead... You kill me, I am not afraid." Fei Xi cried with joy, what else is she afraid of, beside these beauties, she is like a strange species.

Gu Liuer pulled her down and quickly bowed her head to apologize to the Chaosheng Banshee...

Chaosheng Banshee, Gu Xian is powerful! How can you follow Feixi to care about it! Besides, she will not kill this Feixi! She wants to let the other party know that Ye Di has the power to reverse the situation!

This is a belief! Among the women, only Chaosheng Banshee has such a firm belief!

"You... are not afraid of me?" Emperor Prison enjoys this feeling too much, and he seems to have the power to crush sentient beings now in his fingers.

It's a pity, and also very angry. When Emperor Prison looked at Su Jin, he didn't see his fearful expression--

"Why should I be afraid of you?" Su Jin asked indifferently.

"I feel that I can turn you into ashes in one breath! To me now, you are not as weak as an ant, and even insects seem to look up to you!" The emperor heaven laughed wildly.

His voice seemed to be transformed into a tangible sound wave, tearing layers of void, causing the world to crack!

Su Jin proudly stands in the void and uses actual actions to prove his position!

Raise your hand, war sword! war!

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