My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3605: Yedi's self-confidence


The emperor **** day used the ‘great refining technique’ to bless his body, and it could cause an extremely terrifying ‘shard storm’!

These void fragments may be due to the bodies of many demon gods and fierce demons, and many ancient and distant insights seem to be contained in every piece of ‘space debris’!

The fragments are like a glimmer of glorious light, the speed is so fast, it is inevitable to hide and avoid!

There are at least dozens of terrifying perceptions of truth, slaughter, nothingness, invincibility, gods, etc., all over the entire "Grave of All Beings"!

The sky of the'Grave of All Living Beings' was destroyed, and Su Jin instantly transformed himself into the state of a'king and Buddha golden body', but even so, his golden body was cut to the point of mottled!


The virgin concubine's eyes flickered, and the chill on her face kept releasing!

very dangerous! Everyone can see the current situation of Ye Di! This Emperor Prison Heaven merely used the ‘Great Refining Technique’ to refining part of the corpses of the demon gods and fierce demons in the ‘Gate of God’s Prison’. It was already terrifying!

"Only the momentum can make the Ye Emperor use the'king and Buddha golden body' to carry down the monstrous fragments. This Emperor Prison Heaven... has not yet used a real blow after refining." The Chaosheng Banshee began to worry.

She is naturally blindly confident in Ye Di, but in the face of such a powerful Emperor Prison Heaven, her confidence is constantly shaking!

"Ye Di's golden body can't hold it--" The Goddess of Time also said.

"An Emperor Prison Heaven is already so powerful, what kind of existence should the emperor behind him be!" Many enchantresses are in the eclipse of Huarong, and the power of such a level as the Emperor Prison Heaven is beyond their imagination. .

"It's invincible." The Empress Maid sneered.

The women began to realize the feelings of the Empress Maid. After all, the current Ye Di had not faced the emperor before, and he had already begun to show signs of decline. No wonder the Empress Maid was so afraid!


Donghuang Bell, directly in the next second, resounded!

An extremely magnificent bell shadow directly enveloped Su Jin, and when those ‘fragment storms’ bombarded the ‘East Emperor’s Bell’, extremely profound traces were constantly being turned.


The traces on Su Jin's "king and Buddha golden body" are being smoothed out every inch and disappearing! And the mysterious ‘East Emperor’s Bell’ is the same, so that he has survived the difficult process of ‘Debris Storm’!

"Your death is above ignorance, stupidity, and even arrogance. You have never seen true invincible power, and you think you are driving above the heavens!" The emperor prison sky is high above, looking down at Su Jin in the distance below. , Said slowly.

"Your **** is a bit too much." Su Jin looked directly at the Emperor Prison Dao with his demon pupils.

"Okay! Under the blessing of the great refining technique, I call this technique "Top of the Gods". I will use this blow to end your life and give you a happy one!"

The imprint formed by the hands of the Emperor Prison Heaven began to shine continuously, and around the "Gate of the Hell", many fierce and evil ghosts seemed to be refined!

This blow is the strongest method of the Emperor Prison Heaven!

This Fang Tian is being destroyed layer by layer!

"If the emperor can take the imperial prison's blow without death, he can barely be the emperor's opponent, you know, the emperor can completely crush the emperor's prison." The lady of the emperor looked very seriously, although Su Jin Without the blessing of the'Great Shinto', it is very good to be able to persist until now.

"Ye Di... will definitely win." The Chaosheng Banshee recalled the past. Even the "Life Jedi" in the "Peerless Immortal Burial", Ye Di can reverse the situation. At that time, he, in terms of the difficulty, is the same as now. Similar!

"Top of the Gods", Ye Di must have a way to break it! The Chaosheng Banshee was firm in her conviction right now, and now almost all female cultivators no longer believe that Ye Di can win, but she...must stick to it!

"The attack of the Emperor Prison Heaven is terrible..." The fallen angel ruler trembled, even if she was so fearless and fearless, if she placed herself on the opposite side of the Emperor Prison Heaven, she would only be completely crushed. Pressed.

"The other party's method has been used, Ye Di...what method will he use to take this blow?" Xinyuehu looked panicked.

Although she was arrested, from the passage of'Melting Galaxy', Su Jin obviously knew the'Gu Zun Xinghe' as an old acquaintance. In other words, she and Yedi... are not dead enemies, and naturally they don't want Yedi until now. Just fell!

"What level of coercion is this! I... have never seen it before! Even if it is the "Unworldly Milky Way" exhibited by Ye Di not long ago, it seems that there is no power and horror of the "Top of the Gods" of Emperor Hell! "

"The entire sky of the'Grave of All Living Beings' has been swept to pieces by this kind of momentum. If this place is not the'Grave of All Living Beings', but in the monk world, countless creatures will be suppressed by this blow and worship him!"

"It's really horrible." After seeing the enchanting girl, she felt confused.

The world, advocating the strong.

Respect the strong! These female sisters, if the night emperor who had blessed them falls, the other party still doesn't know how to treat them, at least... there is no way out at the moment, it is impossible to leave under the other's eyelids——

This is unrealistic.

"A good blow." Su Jin's Taoist body seemed to have also been affected by pressure, as if a tiny blue boat was constantly swaying in the void.

"Only good?" The emperor's eyes were vicious, and then he said: "It kills you in a second, so as not to be too boring! You...make a move to take my blow! I will let you fall in despair!"

"With this blow, your gate of the sacred prison may not be kept, and you... can only leave with your tail between, like your emperor crying for mercy..." Su Jin snorted coldly.


At this time, Ye Di can still be so confident?

Aotian Dragon God, his face changed drastically, if he changed to another time, he might still think that Su Jin was joking, or talking big!

But now... the Emperor Prison Heaven has made a big mistake, not only the loss of the "Blood Erosion Demon God", but also a great price. The top of it'.

You know, Ye Di's death can make up for it. If he doesn't die, the Emperor's punishment will not even be able to bear the Emperor Prison Heaven!


The maiden emperor had long thought of fleeing desperately, and now hearing Ye Di's confident response, she... really had a lot of doubts in her heart!

Could it be possible that the power of Yedi's ‘not the world’s sovereign’ can be used?

impossible! Such a powerful blow from "Unworldly Milky Way" was just performed not long ago, and it is absolutely impossible to re-play it again, this night emperor...what is there to surpass the "non-worldly Milky Way"!

Su Jin is indeed the faith of these enchanting girls! Even a short sentence now can make the demon Ji's face become hot, and she begins to tremble with excitement!

This is Yedi's self-confidence! Moreover, Ye Di can always capture the hearts of these beauties! Constantly produce surprises!

So here comes the question. Many beauties are looking forward to the battlefield, Ye Di...what trump card is there that can counter the imperial prison's attack "Top of the Gods"?

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