My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3606: Shocking vision

Facing Su Jin's self-confidence, the heart of Emperor Prison was calm!

For the Emperor Prison Heaven, Su Jin is just delaying time, he has no power at all to contend with the'Top of the Gods'!

Emperor Prison is willing to give Su Jin a chance! He is waiting! He wants to let this exist in front of him, even a ‘bug’ is not even a existence, dead eyes!

However, just in that trance!

The mind of Emperor Prison was trembling for no reason! He might think this was an illusion, but then after the Aotian Dragon God reminded him, he looked at Su Jin carefully——

what's the situation!

What is so special about this humble existence!

"That sword...disappeared..." Aotian Dragon God trembled, with a strong and bad premonition, erupting from the depths of his heart!

Everyone, including Emperor Prison Heaven, paid attention to that scene!

That "Sword of Heaven and God" has just turned into a grain of rice-sized fluorescent light, floating in the shattered void! It is precisely because of the strangeness of this sword that the Emperor Prison Heaven is threatened!


A calm deep blue sea, like a vast mirror, emerged from the graves of sentient beings. This sea of ​​vision is more than vast!

Why is there a vision of the sea in the graves of all beings! Emperor Prison Heaven concealed his strong inner anxiety, his "gate of the gods" was buzzing and trembling, and his vision of "Top of the Gods" was being rejected by the majestic sea vision, even There is a faint meaning to want to dissipate!

In a daze, Su Jin seemed to be like the sword, turning into a fireflies, floating away——

The emperor's face is uncertain! Is Ye Di dead? If it is dead, why did you release such a cruel word before! To break through the door of his god!


Very abnormal!

Because after Su Jin disappeared, this "sea vision" did not disappear! Not only did it not disappear, but also a terrible fierce might, as if the sleeping behemoth was awakening!

The startled look of Emperor Prison Heaven did not last long!

Then, he saw the most incredible sight in his life!

Above the boundless deep blue ‘Vision of the Sea’, a strange figure appeared like a meteor! That person...not Ye Di!

No matter what you dress up, your appearance and momentum are all different!

Why did this person appear in the vision...

Or, is this deep blue vast ocean like a flat mirror really a vision?

Emperor Prison Heaven, Aotian Dragon God, all looked at their hands and held them silently! With such a real vision, they don't even know what is false and true!

"It's a terrible technique--" The Aotian Dragon God felt that the strange person appeared as if he was driving above the heavenly path. This person... is definitely not Ye Di!

So where did Ye Di go!

What is the power of this technique!

Inexplicably panic, made Aotian Dragon God stand uneasy, as strong as him, and now he has the meaning of wanting to flee desperately. He looked at the mysterious man with only fear and endless inferiority! The other party seems to be the real king and **** in the sky!

"Ye Di!" Di Yutian roared and spread the voice all over the world. He really didn't want to have any thoughts, but he admitted that this extremely real vision was displayed by Ye Di, although he did not know the moment. Who is the man standing on the void!

No response... There was no response!

Emperor Prison's expression had already reached the extreme of distortion, his mind trembled fiercely, and he became more and more restless. This feeling made him extremely unhappy!

He was originally the winner of this battle! But that Yedi didn't dare to show up! This... makes him extremely angry!

"Ye Di is just a rat who dare not show up! Just you... still want to be higher and lower with Lord Emperor Prison!" Aotian Dragon God also said with passion.

Still silent--

The endless deep blue sea does not even have a trace of wind, but the mysterious person also seems to be observing the sea, not looking at the emperor's heaven!

Weird...very weird!

How wise is Emperor Prison Heaven, thinking of the weird disappearing sword before, even if his eyes were round, he couldn't accept it! Unbelievable!

"Retreat! Go back!" The Emperor Prison immediately yelled at Aotian Dragon God and everyone in Yundao Tiangong!

"My lord...what happened...where did Ye Di go!" The Aotian Dragon God was still bewildered, looking at Emperor Prison Heaven.

"Similar to the ancient magic of Yimeng! But it is far more powerful than the "Yimeng Ancient"! This technique...from Yedi's Eye Art!" The Emperor Prison is still too careless, but it seems there is no way at all. prevent!

"I don't understand... Ye Di is gone, but a mysterious person appeared!" Aotian Dragon God said with difficulty.

"This mysterious man is that sword! This mysterious man is an ancient god-man who wiped out the creatures of this star field with a single sword! The'Grave of All Living Beings' was created because of him!" The Emperor Prison Heaven is now exploding, an incomparable threat Feeling, knocked his confidence to the bottom!


Ancient gods!

Aotian Dragon God is sluggish on the spot!

In the distance, outside the grave of all beings!

When the endless blue sea allows a group of beauties to enjoy the majestic beauty, the incomparably murderous atmosphere of destruction is also shocking the soul!

"Ye Di... is already so strong..." The Chaosheng Banshee was about to cry with excitement. She knew Su Jin better than anyone, so even if it was something that the Emperor Prison didn’t understand, she was now ……understood!

"What's going on?" The goddess of time, Xinyue Fox, including the two angels dominating sisters, and the virgin concubine, all looked at the Chaosheng Banshee!

The one who knows Ye Di the most at the scene is probably the Chaosong Banshee!

The Chaosheng Banshee's face flushed, even hot!

"Get out of the scope of this ocean vision! I'll explain it later!" The Chaosheng Banshee directly rolled up the girls and moved them ten million miles away, so that they could be separated from the ocean vision!

"Say it!" Xinyue Fox is now anxious to know what happened, the same goes for other beauties.

"Among Yedi’s various pupil arts, I once asked that there is a'Mahe Town Prison Eye', which can reflect anything that once existed, including people! Now, this mysterious person who appears should belong to the sword. The predecessor, the ancient god-man who used his body to cast swords! The current scene is still the scene before the destruction of this world!" Chaosheng Banshee said in a nervous state.

"Huh?" The women exclaimed in unison!

The words of Chaosheng Banshee make everyone feel like a disaster!

The virgin concubine, Xinyuehu, etc. were so excited that they almost collapsed!

In that case, the ancient god-man was condensed and condensed with the anti-virtuality of the ‘Mahe Town Prison Eye’ by the Ye Emperor, and he wanted to use the sword before he wiped out this tomb of sentient beings?


Every beauty’s eyes are dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded——

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