My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3607: Sword of Destruction

Shock, fear, all over everyone's face——

Recalling just now, Yedi’s self-confidence is not without reason! This shocking vision seems to be simple, but I am afraid that it would take Ye Di to realize how many thoughts it took!

"Heavenly Way... Yedi has the Heavenly Way King Bone to help him, and even evolved the Heavenly Way of the Heavenly Way God-Man Sword, combined with the pupil technique."

The emperor's face was pale, and the demon fire of the "gate of the **** prison" reignited! He almost ignited a third of the power of the demon gods, fierce demons, and even corpses!

The gate of God's Prison was quiet now--

Emperor Prison Heaven couldn't think of it, he couldn't think of anyone in the world who could do this except for Ye Di!

"Leave your lord!" The Aotian Dragon God accepted Di Yutian's suggestion and wanted to leave, but Di Yutian didn't intend to leave, which made him afraid to leave!

"Can't go—" Emperor Prison lifted his hand gently, fiddled with the void, a strip of strange patterns scattered all over the place.

Can't go?

The Aotian Dragon God directly wanted to move away in one step, and as a result... his speed is now extremely slow, and the speed in the void is almost the same as that of ordinary people's aisles!

"The power of rules! A mere ancient god, why has the power of rules!" Aotian Dragon God was horrified, his eyes widened and roared.

There are family rules, state-owned national laws, and heaven also rules. This ancient god-man actually realized the'power of rules', this is a weird existence as famous as the way of heaven!

This is the rule of ancient gods!

But everything to be broken, obliterated, all kinds of things, must be limited to his rules! This is the most terrifying existence, the rare superpower in the world!

Of course, no one knows how many brain cells Su Jin spent in this step! He...Since seeing the ‘Sword of Heaven and God’s Man’ in the graves of sentient beings, he was thinking about this possibility!

Plan ahead, maybe so!

It's too hard and too difficult to do this! Su Jin wants not only to evolve, but also to truly let the ‘Ancient God Man’ exert 100% of the power of the year!

This... is as difficult as driving in the sky!

The wrath of the gods, when Su Jin was sitting cross-legged on the'Heavenly Gods Sword', he used the'Mahe Zhen Prison Eyes' to see the cause. Although the opponent's swordsmanship is superb, it is counter-intuitive. The power of virtual return to reality can only manifest the appearance, and let the past scenes of this star field become extinct...

How can we exert this sword's power?

Several times before, Su Jin secretly tried, using Heaven's Way, to penetrate into that ‘Heavenly Way God Man’s Sword’, turning the emptiness back into reality, as if to reappear the ancient times, but the power lies in the Heavenly Way sword soul of this sword! Fortunately, the sword soul is still there!

Using this magic to destroy a sword, Su Jin even discovered the new world. The power of this sword is not limited to the physical body, even the ancient gods and people's past, every moment of time!

The seven emotions, emotions, emotions, anger, sorrow, and even every inch of muscles and feelings of the ancient gods have turned into the power of this sword of destruction!

Not long ago, Su Jin swept away the deep memory of the sword soul, so that he realized the opportunity to use this ‘pupil technique’ to reverse the emptiness and return to reality!

"What a night emperor! With this method, I don't know if he can threaten the emperor!" The emperor's face was gloomy, and he finally no longer underestimated Su Jin.

Danger, always appears inadvertently!

Aotian Dragon God is now more desperate than anyone!

Can't escape! He doesn't have the ‘gate of God’s Prison’ method like that of Lord Emperor Prison! Moreover, the Aotian Dragon God himself still has the'wound of heaven'!

The space, following the eyes of the ancient gods and men, is beginning to be silent! The eyes of the ancient gods gradually lost their senses, and his whole body seemed to be red as a furnace!

Build a sword with your body! Heaven will last!

A ray of transparent arc light just appeared, the sea vision that was as calm as a mirror, and the waves began to rise! The sea is separated by an astonishing deep moat by invisible power! It is as terrifying as a star, separated by a big crack in the middle!

"My lord! My lord, help me!" Aotian Longshen's face was pale, he dodges an arc of energy dangerously and dangerously, but what follows is a shocking sword energy!

What power is this!

The power of creation level...but that's all!

Aotian Dragon God felt that his face was missing a small piece, his blood was maddening, and his whole body seemed to be sifted by the invisible thin sword energy! But even at this moment, he did not forget to ask for help, he wanted to live!



In Yundao Tiangong, many people were instantly shaken to pieces like sand sculptures! Only a few people survived by drilling into the depths of a crater!

"What happened outside?" Xiao Suxian was nervous, and she and Yushi concubine were quietly in a cave in the depths of the crater. They didn't understand the situation outside.

"It's him..." Yu Shi's concubine said slowly, wrapped in fairy clothes.

Xiao Suxian's face was joyful. Seeing those people in the heavenly palace who were crying for fathers and mothers, naturally understood what Yushi concubine meant. Now... Yedi must be in this tomb of all beings!



Amazing sword power and loud noises resounded through the world! The "Ancient Gods and Men" above the sea vision are undergoing a terrible transformation!

His hair, flesh and blood, meridians, Zhou Tian, ​​kendo, primordial spirit, memory, and even the path of fate, everything began to disappear in an instant! His bones and blood are turning into a dazzling lava color!

The incomparably abundant heavenly way, whether it is his possession or the heavenly way he has captured, all manifested in that vague smelting process!

In a flash! This sword, perhaps tens of thousands of times smaller than the tip of a needle, is extremely dazzling. After another instant, it was as big as thousands of miles, opened the sky, and cast an incomparably shocking light of swords, breaking through the world!

" me..." Aotian Dragon God's body seemed to be like gold paper, and he was stained with flames bit by bit, and his body was disappearing faster!

Emperor Prison!


You can't save it if you want to!


Di Prison's face panicked, and the voice he didn't want to hear came out! That is the ‘Gate of God’s Prison’ that covers him! At this moment, there was a sound of cracks and dislocation!

With this sword, I will die! Emperor Prison Heaven has an extremely terrifying comprehension, especially when that sword, from above the nine heavens, is cut from a pinpoint-sized light again, his death consciousness becomes more and more intense!

"I can't die! I...below the emperor, above the ten thousand realms, I...can't die!" The emperor prison's hideous expression is full of endless madness!

"There is no god! Death!" The emperor prison sky directly used the monstrous "Top of the Gods" to kill a living demon **** at the gate of the **** prison!

"Yinhua Demon, Heavenly Mirror Demon! Bloodline Tianzu, Zhenhai Spirit!"

The Emperor Prison Heaven has successively killed and killed several unworldly powerhouses of the "God Prison Gate", swallowed their power, and blessed themselves! In the end he even saw the proud dragon **** who was about to disappear!


The Emperor Prison Sky grabbed the Aotian Dragon God with a palm, and said frantically: "Take your power and everything you have to me!"

A wisp of gray air, that is the **** power of the Aotian Dragon God, and it was also taken away by him before falling into the breath of Emperor Prison Heaven! At this moment, the ‘Gate of God’s Prison’ is as bright as the sun in the void!

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