My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3608: Sword shocked the world!

Facing such a powerful Emperor Prison Heaven, Aotian Dragon God did not even have the ability to resist at all! Without retaining all of his own power, they were all taken away!

Aotian Dragon God until the divine essence dimmed, and the last touch of thought dissipated, I am afraid that he did not expect that he would die like this!

He didn't die by the hands of the emperor...but...In order to protect himself, the emperor used the great alchemy technique to rob him of everything!

From the perspective of outsiders, the gate of God's Prison is now like a round of extremely dazzling stars!

That infinite light is filled with all kinds of invincible power!

"I... I can't take this blow from you if I don't believe it!" The Emperor Prison roared again and again, full of confidence!

The current'Gate of God's Prison' has almost extracted all the power that can be used in the depths by the Emperor Prison Heaven's'Great Refining Technique'.

This blow, not to mention Ye Di, even if he is facing the emperor now, he has the confidence to fight!

The suffocating brilliance radiated in an instant--

But in an instant, it reflected the tens of billions of miles around the radius!

The virgin imperial concubine, the tide sound banshee, the goddess of time and others all covered their faces with their sleeves. The void vibration caused by those rays of light seemed to subvert this world at any time!

A group of demon girls with weaker cultivation bases, Gu Liu'er, Fei Xi and others, were directly dominated by the holy angels and all blessed the ‘Colorful Enchantment’. This was dangerous and dangerous, but was not lifted out.

"It's dangerous--" Yao Ji cast a grateful look at the holy angel.

"This kind of aura, could it be that he has refined all the living demon gods, even the corpses?" The imperial concubine of the maiden knew that the emperor was far less powerful at this time, and this kind of power was infinitely close to the emperor.

"In order to protect ourselves, even our own people can sacrifice. This emperor prison is really disgusting."

"It's hard for Ye Di to resist the imperial prison in the current state!" The maiden emperor immediately had a judgment and said directly: "The gate of the imperial prison is empty, and his emperor committed a heinous crime!"

"This heinous method is indeed very direct to obtain power. No wonder he has the courage to face such a terrifying sword of destruction!"


All the female sisters can see that these two will be the last blow!

"Top of the Gods" and "Great Refining Technique", coupled with the blessing of many corpses of monsters and gods at the gate of the gods, this "Sword of Destruction" by Ye Di seems to be not enough.

The giant divine sword that is thousands of miles tall, with wisps of blood, is burning blood and fire, and it starts to flow down the entire body of the sword, but the **** in the sword suddenly looks at the Emperor Prison Heaven!

The Emperor Prison was shocked and burst the gates of the gods to the ultimate power. Around him, there were repression marks that could be seen with the naked eye. With these horrible suppressions, they could not be broken!

This sword finally fell towards the emperor prison heaven——

A circle of transparent arcs collapsed and continued to spread. The huge rumbling sound seemed to be the main theme at this time!

"What a strong sword!" The Emperor Prison felt tremendous pressure!

He couldn't think of how Su Jin blessed the power of the'Heavenly God Sword' with'eye surgery', and it seemed to have truly returned to the ancient times, even... this **** giant sword seemed to have just been smelted, like a **** body , Has just turned into a furnace, completely casting himself into a sword!

Emperor Prison Heaven has far underestimated the power of this sword!

The god-man, who seems to have come from the ancient times, seems to have merged all his own perceptions, blood, emotional power, and even the power of every burning hair into a terrifying ‘destroyed kendo’!

The way of the ancient gods and men is to destroy the sky!

The kendo of ancient gods and men naturally destroys kendo, this sword is unprecedented!



The gate of the **** bears the first wave of destruction sword power!

Before the emperor could be ecstatic in the future, that sword seemed to evaporate the ocean at a depth of thousands of meters, and the ocean vision was also breaking down!

Hasn't this sword reached its true peak power? The Emperor Prison was completely shocked!

That Wanli Great Sword, when it was cut, seemed to directly separate Void Sky into two worlds! The Dao Yun that seems to be separated by countless time and space from the sword tip can tear everything!

"The end of the world! This kendo...who can have this kendo in the world!" The Emperor Prison roared, but fortunately he had just prepared for the battle and defended! Otherwise, if the giant sword is cut at this moment, he will be ruthlessly obliterated by the opponent!


Emperor Prison felt the real despair, the power of destruction, it seemed that the whole world was vanished in an instant, this kind of pressure gave him no reason to be frantic and angry!

The gate of the gods, even if it shines with boundless light, when this sword comes, it will not help!


There are destructive forces everywhere, and the gate of the emperor's **** is cracking directly, and every terrible cracking sound is challenging his nerves!


"Ah!!" The emperor's heaven yelled to the sky, and he, who was still in the'gate of the god's prison', had blood from his seven orifices, and his expression was terrifying. A phantom flame was raging in his body!


The emperor's heaven in the gate of the god's prison is like a torch!

Bang bang bang!

The process of Destroying One Sword has been hindered a bit, and the point of that sword is only a hundred meters away from the'Gate of Hell'! But the Emperor Prison Heaven did not hesitate to burn the ancient sage **** body, and his life stopped the decline!

"Gods and demons disintegrate!" The surface of Emperor Prison's body is absolutely shocking!

There are tiny cracks on his face, like slices of porcelain. The horror and fierce power has skyrocketed again. Today, he will try his last drop of strength!

Emperor Prison took a step forward!

The broken gate of the **** prison moved again as he walked. He raised his right arm and slammed a punch at the ‘Heaven’s God Sword!

The dull voice immediately disappeared with the right arm of Emperor Prison Sky, resounding throughout the world!

This punch has not broken the ‘sword body of the gods’! How can it not be broken! One punch was unsuccessful, and it was still such a desperate pinnacle, and it failed to break the giant sword!

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" The emperor **** roared from the bottom, and his left arm came out again! This punch blasted back half a meter of the Heavenly God Sword!

Right arm, turned into pieces!

The soaring flames seemed to burn the gate of the gods! The emperor has a monstrous hatred! When he came, he never thought he would lose! Moreover, it was still such a fiasco!

"Kill--" Su Jin's voice appeared in the astonishingly broken void.

His plain voice seems to represent the strongest voice in this world!

"Emperor Ye! Ten emperor heavens are not equal to one emperor! In a few days, you will be defeated, and you will lose!" The emperor heaven looked at the sword as if it penetrated time and space, as if it turned into a light that cannot be traced back. , Directly blasted the'Gate of the Hell'!

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