My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3610: revenge?

Soon after, the ancient immortal world. Yunmeng Academy!

It was getting late, and when the dense clouds in the sky gradually dimmed, the entire academy seemed to be in an inexplicable depression and fear.

The damned night emperor is back! Moreover, it was arranged in the depths of Yunmeng Academy!

Now the college students don’t dare to talk aloud about the word ‘Emperor’!

"If the senior sister was rescued by him, I would definitely go to ask for justice! Even if I am not as skilled as a human, I have to hurt him!" A college student whispered, uncomfortable!

"Pull you down, a powerhouse of that level. Before you can stand firm, you may be scared to pee on your pants..."

"Oh! The ancient immortal world was caused by this person in a miasma, and the immortal society was also postponed indefinitely, but I heard that there was a lot of movement in Ye Di this time?"

"It's a bit big! I heard that an out-of-life powerhouse was killed... and a junior brother saw him with his own eyes in the academy. At that time, his face was as ugly as it was!"

"The face is pale, the abnormal white, and ah... there is blood on his body."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, let me tell you one more news. I heard that a junior sister was arranged by the dean to go there, and she just took out a small pot of blood..."


People outside, there was a lot of rumors——

For a while, the ancient immortal world seemed to be alarmed!

Yedi is injured! And the injury is not light!

The virgin concubine and other beauties are all waiting outside the room. The most secluded place in this academy seems to have an atmosphere of endless anxiety that is spreading.

About an hour or so, the Chaosheng Banshee walked out of the room alone, frowning.

"How is it?" Xin Yuehu asked quickly.

"It's okay...not serious." The Chaosheng Banshee's eyes slightly avoided the gaze of the women, "Ye Di needs a rest, you don't know him, he will be able to live and live again in two days."

"His pupils are always a little red...I just heard from my sisters that he is in a state of enchantment in the graves of all living beings." Xiao Suxian asked nervously, gripping the corner of his tights.

No one will believe the evasive words of the Chaosheng Banshee!

The small potion of blood not long ago was enough to prove that Ye Di was seriously injured! It seemed that although Emperor Prison Heaven could not kill Ye Di, it still caused him a big trouble.

This is the most terrible thing-

"Ye Di will suppress the Dao injury by himself. During this time, no one is allowed to disturb him." The Chaosheng Banshee swept away the women, and then said: "Besides, if he really has something to do, who of you can help. ?"

The girls are silent!

Indeed, Ye Di can only rely on himself!

"Let's go away." Xinyuehu said.

The Chaosheng Banshee then walked to a wooden pavilion in the distance. She was the one who knew the situation of Ye Emperor the most.

The injury...too serious--

Su Jin used the sky-defying pupil technique to bless the ‘Sword of Heaven and God’s Man’ and exhibited the ‘Sword of Destruction’. Although the Emperor Prison Heaven underestimated him, he did not underestimate the Emperor Prison Heaven!

The power of that last blow, collision! The Dao injury in Su Jin's body has long been difficult to control!

Staying in the ancient fairy world is just an excuse! He...maybe in danger of falling!

In the quiet room, Su Jin was sitting cross-legged, and the red light in his pupils became stronger and stronger. His enchantment was costly!

"Thank you--"

Outside the pavilion, the last one to leave was the imperial concubine, she thanked him outside the door, and thanked Yedi for not blaming her for not killing! However, her thanks did not receive any response.

The maiden concubine hesitated for a moment. She wanted to use her soul to probe into the pavilion to see Su Jin's condition, but she was afraid that such behavior would cause trouble. After thinking for a moment, she returned to the residence Yunmeng Guxian arranged for her.

The faint red light, in the pavilion, flickered in the reflection of candlelight... The whole room seemed to be in a weird state of ‘flickering’.

Time, with the silence of the night, is still passing-

Su Jin coughed a few times, and the wounds in his body still showed no signs of getting better! Moreover, blood is still pouring up from the throat!

"Ye Di..." In the middle of the night, someone opened the door and entered.

In the candlelight, Su Jin raised his hand slightly and squinted his eyes...In his situation, the Chaosheng Banshee must have noticed someone pushing the door in, and, as he expected, knowing that this is a rare opportunity for the other party. opportunity.

Fei Xi was holding hot water, looking at Su Jin in white pajamas, and then said: "My sister-in-law has persuaded me for a long time, Fei Xi... is young and not sensible... Please Ye Di..."

"What do you want to say?" Su Jin asked faintly as he listened to Feixi's hesitating words.

"I just want to……"

"Just want to kill me." Su Jin said lightly.

Fei Xi, a young girl, indeed had a murderous intention. He had felt this when he was in the graves of sentient beings, although he didn't take her seriously.

The atmosphere suddenly seemed to be quiet! The room is terribly quiet!

Feixi's breathing was a bit short, and she just felt like Su Jin had lost her cultivation base just as she was looking at it! It's like a useless person, even if you know the other party's injury, I am afraid it is far more serious than she imagined!

Although she was broken by Su Jin's words, she... still didn't want to lie to him against her will!

She is here to kill Ye Di!

Maybe this is a bit ridiculous, after all, once a misjudgment is made, Yedi can wipe her out even with a finger...

"Do you know why I want you to follow?" Su Jin said calmly.

"Why?" Fei Xi's voice became much colder. She wanted to kill Ye Di as the goal and chose to follow. The other party also knew this deeply, why did the other party do this.

"As you said, you are still young—"

It seems that this Fei Xi is indeed a young girl. In the past few days, even with a little mature dress, she is only sixteen or seventeen...

"It's just that?" Feixi asked.

"No, I just want you to understand a truth." Su Jin looked at Feixi, and said: "I...I am not as **** as you think. Your brother led the monstrous beast tide, and your father will cause trouble. , I want to put the blame on me for not saving me, just ask, if they want to kill me, should I die?"

Fei Xi's mouth was tight, she understood the truth, but... the enmity of killing his father and brother could not escape Su Jin!

"I'm here to kill you... After you die, I won't live for a moment. What you said makes sense, but it is an indisputable fact that my father died in your hands!" There is a touch of cold white in Fei Xi's cuff. The ice blade fell in the hand--

Su Jin smiled, laughing at her outrageous!

"Since you are blinded by hatred, I don't mind making you hate me more..." Su Jin said lightly: "The way of healing, I have thought about some..."

"What do you want to do?" Fei Xi was startled, her eyes fixed on Su Jin, she realized a big problem!

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