My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3611: One hundred thousand heaven and earth

In Fei Xi's inner panic, she saw Su Jin's pupils, that pair of pupils... actually began to show a very bright blood!

The magic state has not faded! From the graves of sentient beings, back to Yunmeng Academy, Ye Di has been suppressing!

Feixi believed that her strength was meager, and if this were the case, she would not have a chance.

No chance of winning!


Circles of weird red light, from the residence of the Yedi Tower, continuously escaped in circles, vaguely, the Yuanshen halo encircled the entire wooden building...

The vast starry sky, for the ancient immortal world tonight, everything is as usual.

And in the distant unknown land, there are 8,000 divine paths from all over the starry sky to a boundless world. These divine paths are colorful, and from time to time there are strong men who turn into a flowing shadow, manifesting in the gods. On the road, into the mysterious depths——

In front of these 8,000 sacred roads, a huge monument was placed to guide the way, as if they were showing the way for the world!

"The emperor is in charge of the'God's Handbook', ordering the strong in the world, as if something big has happened." A young man with white eyebrows, holding a fairy bone fan, painted'fifth floor','ship boat', and the scenery of the four seasons, his eyes look It was cold, but more of them were still curious.

"Eight thousand sacred roads are so far away, but they cover one hundred thousand heavens and the earth, and the lowest requirement is actually Gu Xian, you see..." The white-browed young man closed his bone fan and pointed to a man and a girl behind him. Shenlu said: "That great lord, from the secret land of Barniu——"

"Venerable, do you know?" The boy asked quickly and flatteringly.

"Know a little bit." The white-browed youth shook his head.

Although shaking his head, the young man with white eyebrows couldn't help but look a few more times. Those who came from the "Bariu Secret Land" were all on the back of a "white sacred cow". It's not that small, it's just that the great master is too conspicuous.


A blue light, not on any of the eight thousand gods roads, like a meteor, cut through the sky and fell into the deep space.

"What the hell!" The lovely-looking girl Taoist said in surprise with her big eyes.

The white-browed youth's complexion changed wildly, "That is... the breath of the Emperor Prison Heaven, the Emperor Prison Heaven has fallen?"

Until now, the white-browed youth realized the seriousness of the matter! The existence of Zaizhi's "Gate of God Prison", the strength of the Emperor Prison Heaven, is enough to show its strength, and now that strand of divine essence, dragging a blue iridescent, seems to be protected by a magical forbidden technique...

"In front is Mingzun..."

Suddenly, there were hundreds of people in the eyes of the white-browed youth. These people came from the depths of the glazed land and directly worshipped them.

"Yes!" The female Taoist nodded proudly and responded loudly.

"The emperor would like to please——" In front of the hundreds of people, the envoy quickly separated the two sides and said directly.

The young man with white eyebrows felt something was wrong in his heart, and immediately asked: "Six only saw the **** of the Emperor Prison Heaven falling on the glazed land, dare to ask what happened?"

"If you do not do harm to the world, the emperor prison has disintegrated the gods and demons. The emperor invited the gods and sages to host this demon-slashing meeting personally. Mingzun, please!"

Mingzun, there was a dignified look in his eyes——

No one! Awakened?

And what the other party said is very clear, the disintegration of the emperor prison, the gods and demons, is precisely because of the world-zun! Ming Zun felt depressed inexplicably, and immediately after the corner of his eyes, he saw an extremely shocking scene.

A full ten beautiful fairy concubines with Qingwu and flowing sleeves walked from the depths to a divine road. No one on that divine road can see their faces, even Mingzun, they do not know the origin!

Those ten beautiful concubines... are the emperors and concubines! Who can be personally greeted by ten imperial concubines!

Ming Zun’s eyelids jumped, eight thousand sacred roads, through one hundred thousand heavens and earth, this "Devil-cutting Conference" was born because of not being the world-zun!


Yunmeng Academy.

The sky just broke, Su Jin calmly opened the door and walked out——

In his mind, it was all Fei Xi's blank eyes now, and this night, he was confused.

Regret it... Su Jin's heart gradually became indifferent, and Fei Xi wanted to kill him so much, even when he was seriously injured, he did not let go of any chance...

Su Jin stretched out his hand and looked at the ring of teeth marks on the back of his hand that had just been bitten out of purple blood. Although the imprints were quickly disappearing, that kind of strength seemed to have been all the power Fei Xi had used--

Soon, Su Jin felt that he was definitely not regretful!

Feixi lives and lives, he really doesn't care!

This emotion stems from restlessness. His current injury can only be said to have improved slightly, but it will take a lot of time to recuperate in this way, otherwise he will definitely not recover!

Su Jin tried to use the "Wheel of Years", a time-space grinding disc, but the results were minimal, and he was not even healed as fast as in the real world, which made him once difficult.

Is it coming soon... Su Jin looks at the sky with the white belly——

The emperor prison **** demon disintegrated, it is absolutely impossible for the emperor to not know, then, the time left for Su Jin is getting less and less.

Su Jin sighed slightly, turned his face slightly, looked at the door of the room he had just walked out, and finally walked away silently——

No weeping, no crying, the girl in the wooden building looked numb and tied her belt into a bow shape. She looked at the short knife and knew that she could not die! At least you can't die in vain!

She Fei Xi... must witness the death of Ye Di in this life! She wants to walk behind the night emperor!

A little bit of red plum, the devil's blood matched each other, Fei Xi's heart trembled, she was sitting in front of the bed like an ice sculpture, and would not say a word to that person again!

Early in the morning, Su Jin walked to a hill behind the wooden building——

"The powers in the world are all striving to realize the way of heaven and become the goal of the ancient sages. What is the way of heaven." Su Jin glanced at the sky and then at the earth--

Way of Heaven, Way of Heaven?

This heavenly Dao, not in the "Three Thousand Dao", seems to be touched in his heart. He is not in the "Great Divine Dao" of the World Venerable, and will never be in the Three Thousand Dao.

So what is the power that is not the Lord...

Su Jin knew that it was not just as simple as the ‘Great God’s Way’.

Dragging the wounded body, Su Jin squatted down, every stone and every inch of grass in his eyes were reflected in the depths of his eyes.

Stones have no life, plants and trees all have the essence of life, life and strength, death, and great power! Su Jin grabbed a stone and held it in his palm. A crystal red light flashed from the bottom of his eyes...

The stone turned into a faint shadow of a dragon, growling constantly, and then flying away.

Su Jin’s inner comprehension became stronger and stronger, “This force has fought for eternity and battled God. I have never been to this land. It can also turn a dragon into a rock.”

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