My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3612: A deeper awakening?

The stone of the mountain can also transform the dragon!

The corner of Su Jin's eyes flashed sharply again, and his palm slammed into a huge rock. Under the influence of a ray of ‘unsemind’ power, a huge tiger entangled from the rock, and in a blink of an eye it was vivid and majestic!

"I don't know enough about myself--" Su Jin was greatly moved, and he immediately sat cross-legged on the hill!

What kind of power does not exist! Su Jin was about to move inwardly, as if the result was ready to come out, but it seemed to contain endless secrets that he could never understand.

Su Jin entered the state of introspection. The bad internal organs were full of turbulence-like power. In this state, he could not even sort out, or even use it.

As for Qi Hai, if it were not for the suppression of the "Eternal Blue Sky and One Lotus", I am afraid it would have exploded last night!

Heaven and earth, heaven, the five elements, and even the power of other great avenues, not the world-honor's "Great Divine Dao" can dominate, Su Jin sat closed his eyes, catching a dark cloud and heavy rain thousands of miles away.

Even the thunder turns into a dragon, and the rain cloud becomes a sea!

This kind of power, to Su Jin, seemed huge, but it was a bit flashy.

Su Jin felt that it was a mistake in his application. Although he could control the'Great Divine Dao', he did not realize the true meaning of the'Great Divine Dao'.

It feels that "Unworldly Galaxy" is just a technique created by Su Jin's compulsion at the time, by accidentally hitting and colliding——

"Any power has its origin and origin!" In the depths of Su Jin's heart, it seemed as if he was shocked by this idea!


The origin is taken from the limbs and the corpses, the inner organs and the Zhoutian meridian. For example, Su Jin’s nine sources of the inner organs are the inner organs. If he wants to use and stimulate the energy, accelerate the operation of the Zhoutian force, it will bring the Qi sea The strength of the body is transmitted to the limbs and corpses through the inner organs and the sky, and it can have outstanding combat power.

"The inner organ Zhoutian is like a small universe. I have me among the nine ways of you, and I have you in me, but they operate in their respective avenues. And I am not the origin of the World-Honored One, but this inner organ Zhoutian does not exist? "When Su Jin was looking inwardly, he couldn't see the power of the world's nobleman running in the sky.

This is definitely not because of his serious injury--

Since awakening from the origin of the Lord, his inner organs and Zhoutian meridians have never been able to operate without the power of the Lord’s “Great Divine Dao”.

Perhaps this is the source of the problem——

Su Jin only felt his throat dry, he settled down, condensed a ray of the origin of the great divine way, and circulated carefully along the'Chou Tian Meridian'.


Nine kinds of avenues, blasted a circle of tracks together! The nine realms were all squeezed on the edge of the crystal red Zhoutian transformed into the ‘Great God’s Way’!

Su Jin's mind only felt groggy once, and then... his bones, meridians, and collaterals were all experiencing an astonishing storm!

Bang! Su Jin's face is very ugly! He shouldn't take risks at this time! He just wanted to make an attempt, but ignored that he was seriously injured!


In the Zhoutian meridian of the inner organs, the storms once and again seemed to blow up his meridians, bones, and even the sea of ​​Qi again and again!

Su Jin is desperate!

When Qi Hai and Zhou Tian were detonated for the first time, he had already fallen straight from the posture of ‘sitting on his back’. At that moment, he seemed to be in deep sleep! Only endless pain, appearing from time to time!

"Ye Di, it is Ye Di!"

Xinyue Fox was very anxious, and when something strange appeared in the entire Yunmeng Academy, she, Chaosheng Banshee and other women all swarmed out! Go straight to the wooden building where Ye Di lived before!

Among them, except for the expressionless Feixi sitting on the bed, the emperor was nowhere to be seen!

"Emperor is in the back mountain!" Chaosheng Banshee was the first to sweep away with the soul, but the spirit sea seemed to have been hit hard, and her face paled.

Back mountain!

Everyone, come here!

That scene, as if directly imprinted, was deeply imprinted in the minds of the women!

On the top of that mountain, Ye Di lay on it, not knowing the personnel! But the surrounding earth, mountains, and even the void in the sky, there is an endless aura of unworldly honor!

The weird crystal red divine power continued to spread in the void ground around Su Jin! The long silky red silks that seem to be imaginary are still violently dissipating power!


In the huge ancient immortal world, wherever the border meets the boundless starry sky, thunder and lightning are rolling, and even millions of miles of long crystal red lightning are spreading everywhere!

"What's wrong with Yedi?!" Xinyuehu couldn't help but anxiously asked while looking at the Chaosheng Banshee.

"It's an awakening, a deeper awakening!" The Chaosheng Banshee said with joy, but she was not quite sure!

"He is awakening in a severely injured state? Will this kill him!" The fallen angel master asked with wide eyes.

"No one can get close to him...I just swam out a ray of soul, and the soul didn't even have a chance to react. It was wiped out in an instant..." The Chaosheng Banshee quickly reminded.

In a flash! Kill a strand of soul! You know, this Chaosheng Banshee is a powerful ancient sage, although... not that powerful ancient sage!


A burst of dragons resounded in this fairyland! Shocking!

The rocks and the earth seem to have turned alive, thousands of dragons, rising in response to thunder! Yunmeng Academy, at a time, thousands of dragons!

It is the dragon of stars that shuttles through the void! It is the dragon of heaven! The dragon of time and space!

The earth resembling a quagmire is a mountain dragon, and there are several seas of immortal seas flourishing, rolling out huge dragon-shaped bodies!

Thousands of dragons are constantly intertwined in the world where Su Jin lives!

Gradually! The place where Su Jin lay on his back began to turn into a circle of dazzling vortexes, and countless powers, like rain, fell from the thousands of dragons, and the countless crystal red light points contributed by the thousands of dragons were actually the power of the great god!


A thunder with a wave of destruction blasted directly on Su Jin's left arm! But on the left side, there seemed to be a ripple-like wave, and the thunder was swept in!

The amazing vision has existed for three hours!

The Chaosheng Banshee, Xinyue Fox, and the Goddess of Time have been thrilling for three hours! In the entire ancient immortal world, no one dared to speak loudly!

Su Jin showed no signs of waking up...

The Chaosheng Banshee tried to get close to him, and finally determined that it was safe, then picked him up and returned directly to the wooden building where she lived!

Almost involuntarily, the Chaosheng Banshee directly held Su Jin's wrist, closed her eyes, and separated the primordial spirit and began to look inside his body.

At this look, the Chaosheng Banshee trembled all over!

"Impossible!" Chaosheng Banshee's face turned pale, "Why is this happening!"

"How!" Xinyue Fox was really anxious and asked hurriedly.

"Zhou Tian Meridian, seems to be ruined! Qi Hai... Qi Hai seems to have also been ruined!" The Chaosheng Banshee said, her expression gradually sluggish, and then she breathed shortly: "Ye Di... is still alive! Ah! What is...this...this also works?"

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