My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3615: Dead Man Sutra vs Jingshi Mantra

Now, in Ancient Immortal Realm, every immortal repairer has seen this scene!

In order to deal with the night emperor, the so-called emperor had used a full 100,000 heavens and earth to fight this divine battle! However, Ye Di is even more domineering! Actually used "Dead Man" to hold up a peerless scene!

The Land of Glazed Glass!

Countless monks gathered on the streets of various **** cities, the original day, no longer! The eight dragons composed of the "Dead Man Sutra" look like a terrible nightmare. When you look around, you can see the crystal red dragon eyes—

"No World Honored, there is really a way to communicate with the mysterious! This "Dead Man Sutra" is probably nothing to him..." Some strong men who were invited over spoke astonishingly, and the monks around them looked cold.

"Don't grow up the ambition of others to destroy your own power and prestige! There are so many capable people in a hundred thousand heavens and earth! With him being a world-honored one, he can fight and kill himself?"

"He was originally a demon, but now he has only awakened, and he has further recovered himself, but he is far from the strength of the battle with God, and now he only has the ability to scare people."

"Since the emperor has the confidence to kill him, why should he open up 8,000 star roads and win over the powerful in the 100,000 heavens and earth to jointly kill this world-honored one?"

"Hush...The Emperor Prison Heaven is disintegrated because of the fact that the gods and demons are not the world. The invincible emperor, I am afraid that he has his own consideration——"


Worry, perhaps because of the fear that two days later, the powerhouses who came from the entire "Land of Glazed Glaze", most of them have no confidence, after all, everyone can see that just now the "Barium Lord" came back on his knees, and his nine-dead heavenly power is almost Swallowing the sun and the moon, although the'Hundred Thousand Heaven and Earth' and the emperor have great advantages in this battle, it cannot be said that they can be won.

after all! He is not the Lord!

After all, he mastered the "Dead Man Sutra"!

There was even a vague gossip that he still used the king bone in the sky bone, more than one piece! Even the secret of his body is frightening!

"Quiet night emperor! Just use these low-end methods to scare others! Dead Man Sutra? Nine Deadly Heavenly Art! Not as famous as a try! I! Jingtan Divine Envoy, with the original "Jingshi Mantra", can easily resolve your "" Dead Man Sutra!"

After all, someone couldn't help it. The man was wearing a black and brown robe, his body was as fat as a ball, and his two-faced beard was about to reach his chin, and he looked very ugly.

The voice just fell.

The Jintan Divine Envoy's fatty hands suddenly pinched the Dao Yin, his short leg bent, and he stepped straight into the void!

"Hey--" The Jingtan God Envoy condensed a transparent and radiant treasure-like giant around his body. You don't need to look closely to see the strange spell writing on that treasure-like giant's body!

A treasure-like giant can actually cover the size of a **** city below! And as the mysterious spells flickered, in a flash, those "Pure World Mantra" runes floated in the void!

Jingshi Mantra! Dense, countless!

Just now, nine deaths swallowed the moon. The black dragon arched its body! I saw the black dragon that the dead man turned into a roar when the words of the mantra of the pure world flew up!




A record of the dragon's tail, directly scattered a piece of "Pure World Mantra"!

Far away in the ancient immortal world, Su Jin's face was slightly moved for the first time--

What is the source of this Jingtan Divine Envoy? The "True Words of the Pure World" still has an effect on the "Dead Man Sutra". Every time a word of "death" is lost, it can shatter three or four mysterious characters.

"That emperor really took great pains, and even invited to check and balance the existence of the'Dead Man's Sutra'..." The Chaosheng Banshee said slowly.

"The Jingtan Divine Envoy has always been the distinguished guest of the emperor, but for thousands of years, the emperor has been lonely and it is useless to go to him."

The maiden concubine slowly said: "Moreover, "True Words of Purifying the World" can purify any evil in the world. It is comparable to the Supreme Buddha, and his status is naturally self-evident."

"There are so many capable people in the world, but it seems that those "Pure World Mantra" have lost more. The Dead Man's Sutra has already gained the upper hand--" Xin Yuehu also said.

When the women heard this, they also saw the terrifying scene through the condensed scene! There is one thing to say, the "Jingshi Mantra" by the Jingtan Divine Envoy is really useful!

However, the owner of "The Book of the Dead" is not the emperor of the world! I can only say that the Jingtan Divine Envoy is very unlucky!


The Jing Altar God makes his face suddenly changed! Of course he also discovered this scene. Originally, he was full of confidence! But now... many Mantras of Purifying World are getting fewer and fewer. When the thousands of "Mantras of Purifying World" disappeared, the "Dead Man Sutra" black dragon that swallowed the moon from nine deaths had not consumed one tenth!

This is terrible-

"The Jingtan Divine Envoy is still amazing! Although the Lord Yedi didn't come, I must be watching this scene at this moment. The Jingtan Divine Envoy gave the opponent a heavy blow!" someone shouted loudly, Jing Tan. God made the fat body tremble fiercely!

He wants to give up temporarily... but it seems to give up like this, it seems that he has no cards!

"The Jingtan Divine Envoy will definitely be able to purify all the "Dead Man Sutra" with "Jing Shi Mantra"! Don't think we don't know the plan of the World Zun Ye Di! He wants to use "Dead Man Sutra" to destroy one hundred thousand heavens and earth!"

"Jingtan Divine Envoy! Hurry up and extinguish the breeze that is immortal, the emperor Ye Emperor!"

"It's so exciting. I thought "The Book of the Dead" is invincible in the world. I didn't expect to meet the nemesis today! Jingtan Divine Envoy, this battle will definitely be a god!"


However, many people have begun to notice that the face of the Jingtan Divine Envoy... his face began to pale. When the countless number of'death' characters flew out of the other eight dragons in the "Dead Man", he... shocked!

"I can do it, I can do it!" The Jingtan divine envoy roared fiercely, and his monstrous divine power exploded, and the "True World Mantra" was also gathered by him, condensing a giant divine bow!

Arrow of Purification!

what! The God Envoy of the Jing Altar directly shot the incomparably sacred arrow of purification to the black dragon on the opposite side!

Boom boom boom -

The Jingtan Divine Envoy only felt cold on his back, and he felt the word ‘death’ flowing everywhere in the void, the most recent one was even half a meter behind his head!

The place where the entire Jingtan Divine Envoy is located is like a terrifying beehive! "The Dead Man's Sutra" travels through the void, directly on the deity of the Jingtan Divine Envoy!

"Impossible! My original sacred heart can transform thousands of evils, impossible!" The Jingtan **** became scared, and his eyes began to show blood. At this moment, he seemed to see the direct bloodline far away in his hometown! All! instantly! Fate!


The Jingtan divine envoy touched his nose, and the ancient sage's blood, like a snake, could not stop flying out, his body was swelling!


A ball of blood mist, like a ball of gorgeous fireworks, exploded in the void!

Jingtan Divine Envoy...Dao disappear!

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