My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3616: The day of the battle!

The land of colored glaze.

Countless people watched the blood mist drifting away in a dumbfounded manner. I don't know how many people felt terrified because of the disappearance of the Jingtan God Envoy!

No one is here unless the Lord Yedi!

Just the fierce power of "The Book of the Dead" cut down the side of "Hundred Thousand Heavens and Earth", a vital power!

"The Great Barniu came back on his knees and crawled's not unreasonable..." Someone spoke slowly after a short silence.

"Not long ago, Ye Di Zun had already revealed his majesty and mighty power! Defeated the Samsara Taoist, one of the emperor's right arms, but last night, the Emperor Prison was beaten by Ye Di to the disintegration of the gods and demons. It is rumored that it was a shocking battle!"

"One hundred thousand heaven and earth, got into a robbery! Ye Di threatened the new'Grave of All Living Beings', I am afraid it was not a fright... he can really do it--"


When the Jingtan god’s envoy disappeared, Su Jin, who was far away in the ancient immortal realm, had already got up from the ‘no heaven **** seat’, dissipated the condensed scene, and walked to the ‘Yunmeng Academy’.

If no one arrives, this step is enough. If the one hundred thousand world powerhouses really don't know how to promote and resist, Su Jin has no choice but to kill first!

The goddess of time looked at Su Jin’s back, hesitated to speak but stopped——

How can she ask Ye Di, ask him to save the Time God Realm?

Since Ye Di has the courage to challenge "One Hundred Thousand Heavens and Earth", it shouldn't be a problem to have a time **** realm. The goddess of time is bitter now, although the "time **** realm" seems to have nothing to do with her, but...

Su Jin dropped his hand in front of his wooden building...

The expression of the goddess of time just now fell in his mind.

"Ye Di..." A group of female cultivators descended one after another. With the encouragement of the eyes of the Blue Demon Ji and Qing Xian Demon Ji, the Goddess turned her head, seemingly unspeakable.

Su Jin didn't look back, just raised his hand and said indifferently: "When will Yang Qiwu be born, when will you talk about things in the Time God Realm."

The face of the goddess of time paled instantly--

How can a person who didn't exist before be born! Although she doesn't think Ye Di is making things difficult for others, after all, the "Yang Qiwu" was originally their mistake...

"Emperor Ye, Your Majesty the goddess has already known the mistake. As for Yang Qiwu, how about discussing it in detail soon? If you can open the Hall of Longevity, maybe Yang Qiwu will really exist, but it may not be impossible." Lan Yaoji said slowly.

Su Jin's body trembled slightly, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath: "I just passed the'Dead Man's Sutra' and saw in the depths of the glazed land, there is a vague demon shadow, very similar to the elder Taichen of your time god. If it were him, I am afraid that the time God Realm now will not be as you wish--"

Elder Taichen? He who controls the Temple of the Earth, appeared in the Land of Glazed Glass! The goddess of time is sluggish...

Not long ago, Elder Taichen issued a ruthless remark, saying that he would meet with the world-zun Yedi again in the near future, I am afraid it is for the godly battle two days later!

Moreover, the God Realm of Time, if she were to be the last heaven and earth of "One Hundred Thousand Heavens and Earth", she would naturally not want to see the Goddess of Time, and the creatures...what happened?

"I need to be quiet and think about what will happen in two days." Su Jin walked into the wooden building and aired the beauties outside.

"You shouldn't mention the Time God Realm anymore to make Ye Di unhappy." The maiden emperor said calmly.

The Goddess of Time was a little embarrassed, but how could she not mention it! After all, sooner or later!

Inside the room.

There was a young girl sitting on the bed, as if she had lost her soul, her face expressionless--

Su Jin had no one in the room and treated her as air, then frowned and sat cross-legged in the center of the bed.

He has many things unresolved.

The **** bones in the body seem to have opened up a bridge of heaven and earth. This is definitely not because he is not the world-honored person. Su Jin pondered for a long time...

Is it because of the Tao fruit of Heaven and Earth? If the Qihai and Zhoutian Meridians in the body follow the route of Zhoutian's "small universe", this may be because it is not the world-honored person, but the Tiandi God Bridge is definitely not.

In any case, Su Jin feels that this is not a bad thing for himself——

Now, he doesn't have much time, only two days left!

When he was in "Dissolving Galaxy", the Cloud God Continent, Su Jin played "Unworldly Galaxy", but Wei Neng was far from his ideal state. At that time, he knew something was wrong.

In the past two days, Su Jin wants to perfect "Unworldly Galaxy"! Even relying on this technique alone is probably far from enough to compete with the'Hundred Thousand Heavens and Earth'.

Feixi slowly turned his body, pulling up a belt...

"Go out." Although Su Jin was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, he still urged humans like this.

"You can kill me--" Fei Xi said indifferently, as if not caring about life or death.

"It seems that you heard the words of'The Great Barnier'." Su Jin opened his eyes and looked at Feixi indifferently.

"I heard, in these two days, you can treat me no matter what, unless you kill me, otherwise I won't let you prepare to fight against the'Hundred Thousand Heavens and Earth'." Fei Xi said.

This is the age of a girl, but her mind is so vicious!

Su Jin nodded, stretched out her hand to lift her chin, looked at the ice-like face, and asked, "Isn't you afraid?"

Feixi's eyes represent everything! Since the moment she left Galaxy Town, she has no longer been afraid, and even she herself has regarded herself as dead!

Outside the wooden building——

The girls waited silently.

However, from the initial doubts to what they expected, the faces of all the enchanting girls, Xinyuefox, the virgin concubine, Qin Qingwu, and even the Yushi concubine, every beautiful girl's face is very red... Obviously, in the wooden building There is also a girl who is ignored by them...

"That girl, what a poisonous heart." The Chaosheng Banshee frowned.

Gu Liu'er in the most corner wanted to explain something, but she felt that she couldn't speak at all. In fact, Fei Xi was very good to her sister-in-law, but could not stand the blow of her brother and father's death——

"Ye Di still has time to practice..." Qin Qingwu said with a flushed face.

"You are right." The Empress Maid was not worried, just wanted to laugh at Na Fei Xi's youth, after all... she and Qin Qingwu were from here.

Two days passed ruthlessly.

The star road above Yunmeng Academy has not disappeared! And just today, a group of beautiful women, with Su Jin embarked on the journey!

Feixi looked sad, and was standing with his sister-in-law Gu Liuer. In front of them, there was a star road leading directly to the "Land of Glazed Glass"!

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Fei Xi was shocked and saw the Empress Maid walking in front of her——

Almost involuntarily, the Empress Maid took her two eyes, then gently touched her cheek with her fingers...Finally, she touched her shoulder and arm.

The skin of young girl Feixi gradually turned into a faint pink...

"Little sister... don't get stuck..." The maiden emperor said with a sigh of relief as she approached Fei Xi's ear.


Su Jin took the girls, and finally stepped on that star road!

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