My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3617: coming! he came!

The vast deep space!

The star road extending from the ancient immortal realm gradually disappeared as a group of people disappeared. Xiao Suxian stood on the "Yunmeng Academy" and prayed silently—

Ye Di is gone, goodbye, I don't know when.

As the national daughter of the Ancient Immortal Kingdom, it is fortunate for her to be the master of the'Ancient Immortal Realm'. Maybe Ye Di couldn't understand her feelings, but at this moment, even if she was reluctant to give up, she could not give up. All, like those women, accompany each other.

Circles of stars and storms swallowed the liuxia, and the scenery on the road to the stars, although beautiful, was not time to appreciate, and the atmosphere became more heavy.

"It's definitely fun to kill today--" The fallen angel master broke the silence, her face full of evil, licked her bloodthirsty lips, and said to the others.

"Hundreds of thousands of heaven and earth, how many masters are there?" Xinyuehu blinked and asked.

"Ye Di will not let us take risks." Chao Sheng Banshee whispered, she knew Ye Di's temper. Besides, these people would be melted in an instant when they faced the power of one hundred thousand heaven and earth. Thing.

After speaking, the Chaosheng Banshee looked at the Empress Maid and found that the face of this woman was the most solemn among the team.

Every enchantress is watching each other, knowing that the Maid Emperor is not optimistic about this battle——

Before the girls, Su Jin saw the splendor on the star road and saw scenes where the galaxy turned into a whirlpool. Here, the years seemed to cease to exist.

Su Jin's expression was stunned. Time exists forever in every corner of the heavens, every micrometer of space and time, but there are no intelligent creatures to calculate, and the boundless deep space can only be counted in hundreds of millions of years.

"My unworldly Milky Way, when I accommodate my sentiments, I always feel that something is wrong, maybe there are too many elusive existences in the vast world." Su Jin thought to himself.

Not long ago, in the battle against the tombs of sentient beings, although the ‘Ancient Gods and Men’s Sword’ was broken at the end, Su Jin’s sentiment left to Su Jin was hundreds or thousands of times more than before.

It was the sword of destruction that made Su Jin see many shortcomings, such as using his body, perception, and even the way of heaven to the extreme!

Su Jin's inner state of mind, there is no ripple, how many life and death he has gone through, still moving forward is the best proof!

As long as he is still standing! Then fear everything!

One hundred thousand supreme sky, the land of colored glaze, Lao Tzu is here! The brilliance in Su Jin's eyes is stronger and sharper than ever before!

In the nebula outside the land of glazed glaze, the 8,000 star roads gradually returned to desertedness. At the beginning of the star road leading to the'Ancient Immortal Realm', there was a golden giant with a huge aegis, the number of which was eight. One hundred and one hundred and thirty thousand!

"Energetic!" shouted a golden giant carrying a round shield. His appearance was slightly different from other golden giants. There were several eye-catching golden willow leaf patterns on his face. Both power and momentum were exceptionally majestic.

The roar of the Golden Giant King shocked all the more than 8 million children!

"You don't need to be so nervous, buddy--" A thousand-foot-long emerald tiger slowly condensed out of the void, looking at the golden giant kingly.

"Haha!" The Golden Giant King sneered, then looked at the Emerald Tiger and said: "The emperor is far away, but our Golden Giant clan is going to take the lead, but there is no such thing as the Tiger General."

"There is no one under Ye Di, he is the only one in the end. You are a giant of 8 million. You can know which one is better than one at a glance." The emerald **** said.

"Hahaha! That is! As long as the night emperor dares to come, I will definitely give a heavy blow, try that night emperor without a fight!" The golden giant king is obviously very confident in himself.

Although, it may also be to ease the atmosphere——

Because the Golden Giant King discovered that its more than eight million relatives are usually majestic and invincible. Now that they know that they are about to face the emperor of the night, each of the gods does not guard their homes. It is obviously affected by the previous "Dead Man".

The waiting time, for the more than eight million golden giants, seems to be extremely difficult.

As the Golden Giant King said, the land of glazed glaze is vast, and the emperor is far away! If Ye Di walked, he would have to go through this leading star road. At that time... could they really deal with it?

If the emperor can contend with so simple, why gather one hundred thousand strong men!

The heavy and weird atmosphere has always spread and cannot be dissipated!

Countless strong men who rushed to the "Land of Glazed Glass" all looked at the star road scene reflected on the major **** cities——

"Strange, the star road leading to the end can't reflect the whereabouts of the emperor." There are many strong men whispering.

"That star road is turning into chaos. It is rumored that it was transformed by a king bone on Yedi's body. He must be on that star road. As for when it will appear, it's really hard to say!"

"The king bone, the ultimate in the sky bone, why can he have three pieces by himself!"

"Because he is not the world-honored person, when he is completely awakened, he can even threaten God—"

"That's just a legend. I don't know whether it's true or not. I can't confirm it, but I've heard that some top powerhouses, emperors of the secret society, have heard news."

"what news?"

"Without the World-Honored One, it is far from reaching the point of complete awakening. In today's battle, as long as he is killed, the world will feel at ease!"


Just as countless eyes are looking forward to it!

Outside the land of glazed glaze, the nebula seemed to be covered with blood——

There were red lightning, no thunder, and silently began to flash. The red lightning in the deep sky seemed to spread thousands of miles in a flash!

Some people never want to see this scene again. This represents the **** catastrophe! I am afraid it is not a catastrophe that can be quelled by the blood flow!

Before the star road!

The golden giants have all raised their vigilance to the extreme!

The tense atmosphere seemed to soar in an instant, and the tension was so red that people were flushed with blood!

There were more and more silent red lightning. The golden giant king squinted his eyes, with endless doubts in the depths of his eyes. Even it... could not find the figure of Ye Di——

The appearance of Scarlet Lightning is definitely because of Ye Di! But why hasn't he appeared yet!

"Here, he is here!" Many golden giants trembled, and the wall of shields built by more than eight million golden giants also trembled for a while.

"Stay! What a panic!" The golden giant king took the lead and appeared directly in front of the eight million clansmen. He was standing on the star road. Only then did the military's mind be stabilized!

The Golden Giant King now has an extremely unpleasant feeling. On that star road just now, Ye Di must have used a method, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to miss the presence of people!

In the quiet atmosphere...a point of light the size of a needle tip passed over the left hand of the Golden Giant King...


The wall of the shield composed of the entire golden giant clan, together with eight million giants, is directly smashed!

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