My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3618: Stand up, stand up!

The golden giant king, with a dull face--

The ashes of the clansmen didn't seem to wake him up in time. The bright spot he just ignored, a bright spot not much bigger than the tip of a needle, actually caused this misfortune!

Just now, 8.13 million golden giants! Now it's ashes! This... how can this make the Golden Giant King accept it!

The armor on the Golden Giant King was cracking, until it couldn't hold it, it instinctively burned the ancient sage's divine power, and it was able to withstand the aftermath of that blow!

"What's the situation!" The Emerald God Tiger retreated thousands of miles for the first time, looking at the arc of power that oscillated in circles, it was incredible!

Golden Giant King, bleeding from the corners of his mouth! He turned his head blankly, amidst the floating ashes, there was a vague figure standing proudly in the air!

"Emperor!!" The golden giant roared like a heartbreak.

Su Jin's long black hair is flying! The attack just now on the'Kunpeng Nine Changes' had a surprising effect!

Now that Su Jin used the "Nine Changes of Kunpeng", it hardly consumed much energy!

"Which side of the world are you?" Su Jin asked lightly without even turning his head.

"You destroyed my eight million elite golden giants, you..." The golden giant king has a miserable face, "I! The giant world, the golden giant king! I will never die with you today!"

"Don't die? You have such a big temper--" Su Jin turned around calmly, "You should be thankful that this king just didn't use the Dead Man Sutra. It is reasonable that I should destroy your whole clan. Now you, want Never die with me? Do you have this chance?"

The Golden Giant King was shocked...


Just now, the emperor didn't even use the "Dead Man"!

If it is displayed, how many giants are connected in the world of giants, this "Dead Man Sutra" only needs to be displayed, they...

Su Jin looked at the Golden Giant King, and said lightly: "I came up to warm up, and it feels good. Although you didn't use the "Dead Man", you will die and become the first king to be cut down when I go to war today."

"I know! But the giants never bow to their knees! Especially my golden giants, never fall down!" The golden giant king took a deep breath, shaking his huge body and said: "You have gained my respect! Come on! , I will do my best to avenge my sons!"

"Vengeance? Living in a dream?" Su Jin's feet slowly rose up with a dark halo, ghost king road halo!


The golden giant king's eyes rounded! Shook back a few steps by the sight in front of you! It saw the second scene that it could not accept!

A series of virtual golden shields were supported by virtual giants one by one!

Ghost King!

The King of Ghosts used the ultimate means!

OMG! The golden giant king felt a blockage, gritted his teeth and resisted fear!

Eight million one hundred and thirty thousand golden giants turned into evil spirits, all loyal to the ghost king! The power of this level of dominance is shocking! Make countless people drowsy!

"Wang! Why do you want to help him be abused! Why do you want to kill me?" A golden giant roared, roared, and even... hatred at the giant king!

"King, you have brought your own people into the abyss of death. You are not worthy of being a king, you are not worthy!" The golden giant made the giant king feel heartbroken.

"Submit to the ghost king, after you die, the ghost king will lead all giants into a brighter future! You have to pay for your ignorance, and you killed all the bloodline people with your own hands!"

"I don't! I don't!" The golden giant king put down the battle axe in his hand, held his head and was scolded by the 8.13 million clansmen. At this moment, it was extremely tortured!

"You have! The ghost king is invincible, the ghost king is invincible, you will ruin the fate of your people, and your sins are unforgivable!"

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" With bloodshot eyes, the golden giant king directly took a shot of the original magic axe, leaped high, stared at Su Jin, and shouted: "I killed you!"


Eight hundred and thirty thousand golden giants screamed directly, and the wall of shields composed of countless shields stopped the blow!

The golden giant king is stupid.

Not long ago, its people, now turned into evil spirits, are doing things for the emperor!

This fierce one-axe force was directly cancelled out! And just as the golden giant king was in a daze, those shield shadows began to be picked up by the imaginary golden giants!

"Be careful!" The jade tiger in the distance, unable to hide his fright, quickly reminded.

The golden giant king, his eyes have lost hope, what he wants to ask most now is why!




Shield shadows lifted up high, constantly smashing the void, and slapped on it, the golden giant king. The power of the demon giants that is solid enough, even if it is not as good as the power of survival, can be more than 8 million combined. Yes, it is still comparable to destruction!

The golden giant king only felt that his body was beginning to split, endless attacks were still greeted it, and his vision became increasingly blurred, especially when he looked at the person named Yedi, it was even more difficult to tell if this was a dream or reality--

With that tall figure crashing down!

The whole world is quiet... Yes, although Ye Di is only a person, he is the King of Ghosts! This is probably his most terrifying power!

"Stand're still the king of the giants..." Su Jin said with his right hand behind him, his tone not hurried.

"My king is eternal and immortal for generations to come!" The golden giant king prostrated himself, and he didn't even look at his fallen corpse! His face is full of excitement, full of hope! At this moment, it seems to have the meaning of existence in the world! That's for the ghost king to expand the territory!

Not only the land of glazed glaze, the 100,000 people in the highest sky are silent and sluggish, even the girls who are protected by a blue chaotic aura in that star road are speechless for a long time.

The world only knows that the world is fierce!

But it seems to have forgotten, the existence of the ghost king!

He is a person, but only for a moment, he has an extremely powerful force!

"Am I dreaming..." Xinyuehu swallowed, panicking to death, even if she was from Yedi, looking at the confident and calm back now, her heart was filled with fear.

"For a long time, I have been worried about him not exerting the power of the World-Venerable. Knowing which evil ghost giants stood up, I found out... It turns out that the night emperor is so powerful." Chaosheng said tremblingly.


In the earliest days, there were a hundred thousand heavens and earth's powerful predictions, as long as the emperor dared to come, there would be no life! But when the eight million ‘ghost giant’ and the ‘ghost giant’ king stood up, it seemed that God was making a joke with them——

I'm afraid it's hard to tell the outcome of this magical battle!

"We neglected his ghost king way..." The maiden emperor was in a complex mood and slowly said: "Whenever one person is cut off, she will turn into a demon and stand up. This disappears, the other is long! Although he is alone, he can resist Thousands of troops!"

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