My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3619: Elemental God Realm powerhouse!

Shocking and trembling is the truest manifestation of the emerald tiger now——

When the evil giants appeared, the Emerald God Tiger knew that the big thing was not good. Although the strong from "One Hundred Thousand Heavens and Earth" were like the crucian carp who crossed the river, Ye Di knew this truth well!

Quantity, Ye Di also has it!

Amidst the restless and panic sound, the Land of Glazed Glaze almost wanted to explode the pot!

Before the event, they only knew that they had to deal with the Unworldly Lord, but they never expected that this Unworldly Lord would actually reincarnate in the ghost king body and become the eternal ghost king!

"The King of Golden Giants, with a rate of 8.13 million golden giants, turned into evil giants! They couldn't even resist the Ye Emperor for half a moment during their lifetime!" Trembling, at this moment, who would dare to say that he would have expected it to appear!

"Two days ago, nine deaths swallowed the sun and the moon! Today, two days later, evil spirits gather together! We are about to step into an abyss of irreversible destruction!"

"The first line of defense has been broken! Fortunately, the emperor is prepared. This night, the emperor will attack the land of colored glaze, I am afraid it will take a lot of time!"

"It's a pity that the Jingtan God Envoy fell two days ago, otherwise, with the restraint effect of his "Princess Mantra" on the power of the ghost king, these eight million golden giants will also be purified and disappear between heaven and earth..."



Su Jin looked towards the far-reaching starry sky, with 8,000 star roads crisscrossing the sky and the earth. It is these 8,000 star roads that have attracted the power of the ‘one hundred thousand heaven and earth’!

Then, Su Jin showed a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth, and finally looked at the "Land of Glazed Glass"!


Eight million goblin giants stepped on together, following in the footsteps of Su Jin, the scene was shocked! This step, even the strong people in the land of colored glaze, felt a big shock!

"Heaven and earth, there is light!"

Suddenly, four thousand miles ahead of the "Land of Glazed Glass", there was a soft drink! In the eyes of Su Jin and the other evil giants, there is also a vast golden river ahead for no reason!

"Ahhh..." Many evil giants, after a burst of dazzling light, began to emit white smoke, screaming again and again!

In the eyes of the King of Giants, the fierce light is full!

"The king... these are the **** elemental gods..." the ghost giant king whispered.

Su Jin did not answer, but he was very curious in his eyes. The power of this Elemental God Realm seemed to be completely different from what he usually saw——

Of course, even if it is different, Su Jin now sees some clues.

In this long golden river, densely packed, there are many magical existences.

"Ye Di! Stop!" A cold voice said from the depths of the golden river.

"The first layer of defense is the Golden Giants family, and the second layer is you... the powerhouses of the Elemental God Realm, but in my opinion, you are the same." Su Jin said lightly.

In the Elemental God Realm, any power can be called an element. Most of these elements are based on the ‘five elements’, but there are also many rare elements.

Su Jin could see through the "Golden Long River" with the "Mahe Town Prison Eye" and saw the person who spoke to him——

The figure is graceful, wearing a deep purple dress like cicada wings, a pair of slender ears, hidden in long silver-gray hair, this woman, Su Jin is not concerned about her beauty, figure, what he sees Yes, it is a very unique scene.

This woman contains nine elements, which is exceptionally gorgeous in Su Jin’s ‘Mohe Town Prison Eye’!

"I am the Great Elemental Envoy of the Elemental God Realm. If you want to step on the glazed land, you need to step on the body of the strong element like me first!" The silver-gray long-haired woman said slowly.

"The golden giants were killed! But I am different from the golden giants! You can't turn us into evil spirits!" Another woman said proudly.

That's right--

Their bodies seemed to be composed of pure elements, and they couldn't see the souls and spirits, and even the golden rivers that these light elements turned into could make it difficult for evil spirits to enter.

"Ye Di! I want to try how good you are! You can call me Lei Meng!"

Before the Great Elemental Envoy had yet to speak, a young man in luxurious clothes stepped forward somewhat impatiently. Dark blue lightning was intertwined everywhere in his body, he! Belongs to one of the strongest of rare elements! The master of the lightning element!

"It doesn't matter who you are." Su Jin shook his head nonchalantly, "No matter who it is today, whoever blocks me will die."

"Arrogant! You first pick up my sky thunder, and then consider whether you should say such big things!"

Raymond stepped out of the golden river one step at a time. The other elemental powerhouses had intended to stop them, but knowing their nature well, they gave up their intention to persuade!

This Raymond is known as the strongest God of War in the elemental realm!

A thunder, destroying the world! omnipotent! If he is alone, he is the strongest person besides the great elemental envoy, that is, the silver-gray long hair ruler!

"I'll fight you!" Goblin giant Wang Dang even greeted him.

Su Jin stood with his hands under his hands, and didn't even mean to move his hands——

"Looking for death!" Leimen knew that this was no longer the golden giant king, and he did not leave his hands, directly condensing a cloud of thunder and lightning around his body!

The Goblin Giant King obviously had a meal...

In the surrounding void cracks, a trace of lightning entangled, this is not the center of the enemy's thunder element, it can already affect it!

These lightning energy paralyzed the opponent, and the destructive power contained in it made the evil giants greatly underestimated the opponent!

"Ghosts and gods faint the clock!" The Goblin Giant King opened his big mouth and spouted a huge divine bell surrounded by yin air. The divine bell was intertwined with evil spirits, and the strong ghost energy even turned into a sea of ​​black clouds, directly blocking it. Before that piece of lightning!

"Useless!" Raymond laughed. He drove the thunder and lightning, turning the thunder into an electric dragon, and began to entangle the "ghost dizzy bell", and the countless thunder and lightning began to attack the ghost giant king !


The goblin giant king is full of lightning, and it leaps high, punching it through time and space, but his actions are getting stiffer and slower!

At a distance of about ten meters from Lei Meng, it was arrested by a divine prison formed by an electric dragon and trapped in place.

Oh? Su Jin glanced at that Raymond--

Raymond's laughter stopped abruptly!

how can that be!

Su Jin just glanced at Leimeng, why... it seemed to make him fall into an ice cellar! There was even a life and death crisis!

Raymond felt that every hair on his body was standing, and he dared not to be careless, staring at Su Jin vigilantly!

"My kendo, I have some feelings recently. Don't say I don't give you a chance. You use your best to block me with a sword. If you don't die, you will leave." Su Jin said lightly.

"Can't pick it up!" In the golden river, the Great Elemental Envoy ruled, and immediately shouted.

"What's so scary about Kendo! The sword is a transmission weapon, I absolutely defeat you!" Lei Meng also went up, can he be despised by a small Ye Di? The opponent's Yedi meant that he actually regarded him as a weak man who only matched his sword!

How can this let the arrogant Raymond bear it!

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