My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3629: The battle begins!

The Land of Glazed Glass!

When the old man rides on the idol of spar and brings the kingdom of God, it seems to suppress all auras, the strongest of 100,000 heavens, and even the mighty power of the glazed land, everything, everything is suppressed by this kingdom of God— —

"Who is he, he went to see Ye Di first, isn't he afraid that the emperor will blame him?" Someone in a **** city, watching the vast **** kingdom, descended into the depths of the glazed land, curiously asked.

"I am afraid that even the emperor does not know the appearance of this person, and he is not the person invited by the emperor! This power may not be under the emperor!"

"The emperor has already set up everything, just waiting for Ye Di to walk into the land of colored glaze, who knows that he actually stopped Mingjin at this critical moment! Doesn't he want to invade the land of colored glaze?" Someone was a little puzzled about what Ye Emperor did. .

"Too tough, this old man went to see the night emperor first, and dare to come to the land of colored glaze! Ah... look! The emperor brings all the imperial concubines, all the invincible powers, and then welcomes this old man!"


This shocking scene is enough to be recorded in history!

Someone saw the emperor turned into a fuzzy figure, and brought all the prominent and powerful men with heads and faces, bowed at the old man, and connected the old man into it. Obviously, the emperor knew the details of the old man——

In this situation, it can be said that it is not nervous. A person who can make the emperor like this is enough to make an almost impossible existence appear in the mind!

Ancient saints!

Although the imagination feels crazy, how can the emperor's identity and the existence he bowed down and greeted him is not an ancient sage!

"What should I do now?" In the star road, the Chaosheng Banshee broke the silence, slowly looked at Su Jin, and asked.

"If you come, you will be safe. He chose to support the Lord of Liuli, and it is not something you and I can control." Su Jin said coldly.

The imperial concubine, has been silent for a long time!

Tell the truth! The current imperial concubine has an urge to escape! With that old man stationed in the land of glazed glaze, the emperor must be like a tiger with wings, Yedi... it is impossible to win, and the chance of her surviving is less than one in ten thousand...

Originally, Yedi had taken everything alone.

Earlier, the fallen angels dominated such a strength, and they couldn't hurt a jade **** tiger. This was just one of the forces at the tip of the emperor iceberg. How can Ye Emperor resist thousands of troops, the infinite and invincible!

"I believe you..." The life fairy rain master concubine walked to Su Jin's side, squeezed Su Jin's hand, and then she slowly said.

"What are you afraid of! Just hit them..." The fallen angel ruler smiled: "My sister and I have blood fusion magic, and we haven't used it yet. One hundred thousand high heavens, my sister and I can help you destroy a thousand high heavens. !"


When Su Jin looked at the fallen angel and the holy angel dominator, she found that this woman was shaking her head, obviously reluctant, after all, she was too kind and absolutely unwilling to do so.

"Can't wait, when shall we go in! I will transform into an immortal form and accompany you to the land of colored glaze!" The fallen angel looked crazy.

"Tomorrow." Su Jinduo glanced at the fallen angel. Among these women, in addition to the tide sound female demon and the life fairy rain teacher concubine, it is estimated that this fallen angel would dare to die with him, although this is only hers. The origin of evil is at work, but for him now, it is quite rare.

"it is good."

Su Jin sat down again, and his sword body injury was getting better, but this kendo injury would hardly be completely healed within ten and a half days.

"You can die once..." The holy angel thought for a while, "I tried my best to transform into the form of a watch angel, which can break the rules of heaven, resurrect you once, remember...only once."

Su Jin was shocked...

These fallen angels and holy angels are considered to be the treasures he has picked up... Is this OK? But judging from the solemn tone of the holy angel, the obvious price paid is also very unimaginable!

"I hope that those people can rebirth the old woman from the ashes, and force her to reach the limit of immortality!" The fallen angel also had a great tone, full of fighting spirit!

The face of the maiden emperor has always been ugly, these crazy women, what did she say... just that she has never seen a truly desperate powerhouse!

Now the virgin concubine has no choice, she has seriously thought about it! For her, there is absolutely no choice of "abandoning the dark and throwing light"! Her primordial yin aura is gone, and the emperor can definitely see that if she betrays the emperor and goes to see the emperor in the "Land of Glazed Glass" again, she may instantly turn into a pool of fleshy mud!

"Your hurt..." Xinyuehu said in a low voice with a worried face.

"I'm not hurt--" Su Jin frowned and glanced at Xin Yuehu.

Before the war, the fighting spirit was so high, Xin Yuehu knew that he had said the wrong thing for the first time, and immediately apologized. She... why did she say so much!

The virgin concubine was shocked.

"Are you hurt?" The Chaosheng female demon widened her eyes, and quickly put her palm on Su Jin's arm, "Where did she hurt? This..."

The Chaosheng Banshee vaguely felt that there were some cracks in Su Jin's body...Finally, she looked at Su Jin with shocked eyes. At this time, Su Jin wanted to hide them!

"Forget it, when the God of Slaughter was killed, that sword wounded the enemy a thousand and harmed himself 800." Su Jin laughed at himself, "My divine body is far from being able to withstand that kind of power."

"Enter the land of colored glaze tomorrow, you hurt your body..." The Chaosheng Banshee felt like a thunderous thunder for a moment, and she tremblingly said again: "Why, slow down?"

"No, it's better." Su Jin shook his head.

"Then you hurry up and heal your injury, I am afraid it will be very hard tomorrow." The Chaosheng Banshee greeted the women to get up, obviously not allowing others to disturb Su Jin.

Su Jin watched the gorgeous figures of the group of Yingying and Yanyan gradually drift away, and then silently closed his eyes.

The night is dark.

The tense atmosphere has not diminished in the slightest, whether it is for the Chaosheng Banshee, the land of glazed glaze, the 100,000th highest heaven, this night is destined to sleepless.

When the faintness gradually became cold, the day of the glazed land came--

"That old predecessor is obviously drawn by the emperor! His kingdom of God has always been in the depths of the glazed land! He has not left!" The face of the one hundred thousand strongest man was red, and he was obviously emboldened.

"Yes, with the help of the elders, we will definitely kill the world-honored!"

"I heard that in that vast kingdom of God, not only the old seniors, but a whole clan existed, all were born gods of war. The emperor had received these people with the highest courtesy last night. I am afraid that the emperor would never dream of it that night. He couldn't win it. People who are now being brought under the command of the emperor!"

"Ye Jin Tianming, Ye Di, I am afraid that we will invade the land of Liuli today! Although the emperor has the help of old seniors, we are also invited by the emperor! If the emperor dares to show up later, we will be destroyed!"

"Yes! At that time, the strong like Lin, he alone, **** the strong in the world! Consumption also consumed him!"


Strong fighting spirit, everywhere!

Su Jin side, get out of the two!

The fallen angel, and Su Jin himself!

"Remember Sister's words, you can only die once, one more death will not save you." The fallen angel ruler laughed.

"Know, this is my battle, why do you seem to be more excited than me?" Su Jin asked strangely.

"Haha...Although I am weaker than you, don't underestimate me, even if you die, I can't die!" The fallen angel ruled proudly.

"So amazing--" Su Jin smiled: "I walked along, only a few people can make me feel amazing, I hope you don't let me down."

"I will let you see my destructive power in a while." The fallen angel master said: "I will be in the ashes, constantly reborn, and the pain of death can only make me stronger. You will be surprised, absolutely!"

"The front is the land of colored glaze. Are you ready?" Su Jin is a little bit expectant. Although he knows that the fallen angel ruler and her sister have magical powers, he is really in a difficult situation in this battle. Make up for the disadvantages.

"Go straight to Huanglong, just go straight in--" The fallen angel's exquisite black dress, coupled with the evil face that upsets all beings, is truly unique in the world!

Su Jin said no more!

The speed of the two is also very fast, almost in one step into the nebula that wraps the Land of Glazed Glass!

"The night emperor is here!" In the boundless land of glazed glaze, countless strong men raised their heads, and the battle was spectacular! At this moment, the blood seemed to be ignited to the extreme!


The fallen angel dominates the black angel wings, and evil spirits float on each feather. She can't help but say that when she sees the strong who has formed a divine formation! She seemed to have no brains, and rushed straight into it!

Bang bang bang!

The fallen angel ruler was separated by a piece of transparent wall of gods, and slices of feather knives were cut, and they were unable to break this piece of magic wall—

"What the hell!" The fallen angel ruler admitted that his attack power was not weak, but he just couldn't break these divine formations.

Su Jin's expression was indifferent, and he lightly flicked his fingers, a large hand with six fingers covering the sky, slowly condensed, and directly patted the rising **** array wall!

Divine formation is instantly fragmented!


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