My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3630: The Nujia loves you so much!

There are a total of 81 strong men who have just set up a divine formation to block the rule of the Ye Emperor and the fallen angels. These are all ancient sages selected from a thousand miles!

Even, in the two days of preparation, these powerful drills have practiced this "Prisoner's Great Array" to the extreme, but this way... still can't cause too much trouble for Ye Di!

"This night emperor, is it really going to be against the sky!" Among the eighty-one powerhouses, someone immediately shouted in shock.

"The divine formation that we carefully prepared for him looks like a piece of paper in front of him! This enchanting evildoer is really lawless!"

"The divine formation is broken, everyone! What to do! Retreat to the line of defense and join the other strong, or fight it!"

"It's not appropriate to retreat!"

"This birdman, what's the situation with this birdman... Fortunately, her power is weaker than Yedi, I don't know how much it is weaker, so it's nothing to worry about."


The fallen angel dominates with a fierce face. Fortunately, she is a beautiful and unparalleled female nun. Otherwise, if a man shows this expression, I am afraid that many people will be scared!

"Who are you talking about? The old lady is a human! An incomparable angel!" The fallen angel master really feels that these people deserve to die. No wonder Ye Di is going to kill some idiots. In her eyes, these are the best of idiots!

"Angel? If you dare to take a step forward, Lao Tzu will break your pair of wings!" Someone shouted at the fallen angel lord without any fear.

The surrounding temperature seems to directly heat up!

It can be said that fallen angels cannot hear such words! Especially the words to break her wings! That represents her endless painful past--

"My mother slaughtered you!" The fallen angel master slowly knotted his gorgeous handprints with his hands in front of him, and the whole body was braving a terrible black air!

Hell angel form!

Around the fallen angels full of black energy, scarlet hellfire began to flow from the wings!

Immediately, before Su Jin could stop, she faced the eighty-one powerhouses and fell directly like a meteor!

"I really dare to come! I really don't know how to live or die!" There are ancient sages blooming with majestic flames of ancient sages, and the real bodies of several people began to transform into the form of sacred mountains!

In about five breaths, there are dozens of huge arms, tearing to the fallen angel ruler, and stretching toward her wings...



Five screams in a row, as if the people who listened to it were shocked——

what happened!

That was just an angel powerhouse, and he hadn't fully used his methods yet, so how many of the 81 powerhouses had already begun to get hurt?

Su Jin nodded secretly, the performance of this fallen angel dominating is absolutely remarkable...

Yesterday, the invincible defense of the Emerald God Tiger made the fallen angel masters unable to use their hands and feet, but how many strong people can be like the Emerald God Tiger?

Among these powerhouses, most are those who are good at fighting and attacking. As a result, the defense power is too weak, and if Su Jin is right, this fallen angel dominates the **** form that exudes. Hellfire can burn souls and even souls——

"The strength is good, but the speed is almost meaningless." Su Jin commented.

"It's not easy, okay, you think everyone in the world is just like you, with invincible comprehension--" The fallen angel dominates his wings burning with hellfire, constantly turning into a black light, shuttled among the eighty-one strong .

She is under great pressure.

If you change to an ordinary ancient sage, let alone touch her wings, she can easily be killed without turning into a **** angel form.

These people are the powerhouses of "One Hundred Thousand Heavens and Earth", and now they can't bear it even if they are dominated by fallen angels.

"I'll help you." Su Jin thought about it carefully, turned his hands, "East Emperor Bell" floated from his waist to the palm of his hand, and he lightly shook the "East Emperor Bell".

The great elemental envoy immediately panicked. She had to say that although she had been imprisoned in the'Eastern Emperor Bell', she could see Su Jin's every move outside. The body of this clock hides the universe. Extremely mysterious.

"What do you want to do..." Da Yuan was flustered and asked quickly.

"Leverage you to make up for her shortcomings." Su Jin said lightly.

The Great Elemental Envoy suddenly thumped--

The way of heaven she feels is her own, can she still borrow it? What is the logic!

When the Great Elemental Envoy didn't believe it, she truly felt that her power was tumbling like a sea! Her own strands of the power of the heavens are being sucked in by a silver-green leaf...

"Scar of Light, Daughter of Wind, Speed ​​Mark of the Heavenly Dao, you have the potential to become a super strong person." Su Jin casually uses the'Enlightenment Leaf' to capture the Heavenly Dao of the Great Elemental Envoy, and one of the terrifying Dao marks is Leaf copy.

This great elemental envoy, for Su Jin, will be of great use in the future...Even if it is useless to him, it absolutely cannot be controlled by others.

"You are plundering my heaven..." Da Yuan said in a sad tone.

"I do have a "Santa Sutra" that can take you all the Dao, but I don't want to hurt your Dao Guo, and your Dao Guo will pay you back later." Su Jin said lightly.

"Eternal magic! The Sutra of Heaven!" The big element makes his eyes widened, unable to calm his inner anxiety for a long time!

With long silver-gray hair, slowly following the fluctuations of the Heavenly Dao, it began to float. The big element made it really feel that the Heavenly Dao was disappearing. Isn't this guy really useless in "The Sutra of Heaven"?

This kind of peerless powerhouse, shouldn't lie to others...The Great Elemental Envoy bit his silver teeth and thought to himself.

Fortunately, Su Jin's words count!

In the next twenty breaths, all the heavens understood by the Great Elemental Envoy returned to the body, and she seemed to have lost nothing. Suddenly, she began to be surprised by Su Jin's methods——

When the silver-green "Enlightenment Leaf" slowly disappeared, the Great Elemental Envoy was relieved...

"Open your mouth." Su Jin's voice appeared in the ears of the fallen angel dominator.

The fallen angel ruler did not doubt that it had it, and opened his mouth in the rapid shuttle...


The fallen angel dominates the heart violently, and in an instant, she has directly understood the speed of heaven! That kind of feeling is as if it is a divine enlightenment. Some very profound things originally became clear in an instant, and in her current spirit, there are all some extreme traces of heaven!

Too bad!

The fallen angel squeezed her mouth tightly, and Enlightenment Ye seemed to be melting. Although her original speed was terrifying, her strength would not only increase by a notch!

Boom boom boom~~~~

She incited the wings of the angels of hell, and the wings made a roaring sound. In the blink of an eye, thousands of afterimages of the angels of **** appeared among the eighty-one strong men of "Hundred Thousand Heavens and Earth"!

These afterimages did not come from her condensation!

But in the blink of an eye, the traces she left through time and space!

"Ahhhhh! Master Ye, the slave loves you so much!" A voice came from the fallen angel dominator. Because of the rapid increase in speed, her **** angel wings will become even more terrifying!


This is how the fallen angels are not crazy!

Just a leaf of enlightenment, which contains the heavenly path that does not know where it came from, directly increased the speed of the fallen angel's rule by dozens of times! Even more!

OMG! No one would believe it--

The Great Elemental Envoy was directly speechless in "Eastern Emperor Bell", she was familiar with the kind of heavenly atmosphere, this night emperor...what a terrible method!

Of course Su Jin knew that there would be such an effect, and it was enough to fight for him like the fallen angel dominator, which was enough to withstand this opportunity.

Just now, Su Jin did not use "The Sutra of Heaven", but used the Dao of Catching Heaven. This way, the Dao of the Great Elemental Envoy was perfect.

"What's the situation of the emperor of the night! Let this angel open his mouth, and his strength can increase?" Among the eighty-one strong men, they kept watching the afterimages gradually disappearing around them, and became vigilant.

"We can't compete with these two people alone!"

"Trouble! This woman's hellfire can hurt me and Gu Xian's body! And! The eight million goblin giants are following!"


Eighty-one powerhouses of one hundred thousand heaven and earth are now terrified! Because from outside the nebula, terrifying giants began to step in——

"Old guy...Don't be distracted~~~" The fallen angel master appeared beside an old sage, directly flipping his wings, turning the void into a terrifying vortex of destruction!

"You..." The ancient sage old man felt the terrible dominance of the fallen angel, and directly opened an ancient sage divine power barrier!

"Go to hell!" The fallen angel ruler's face was ruthless, and thousands of feather blades were drawn into the whirlpool, directly sifting the ancient sage enchantment!

Only in an instant, the originally transparent ancient sage enchantment began to turn into a mass of blood, and the aura of the ancient sage strong began to dissipate!

The fallen angel ruled and cut down the first enemy!

The giant king of evil spirits and 8 million evil spirits shouted in unison: "With my king, step down the land of glazed glaze!"

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