My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3631: Emperor

"King with my king! Step down on the land of colored glaze!"

Eight hundred and thirteen thousand goblin giants, their voices blasted the sky, and they were unparalleled in a moment!

The weird atmosphere is spreading! The Gu Xian who was beheaded by the fallen angel's dominator, under a gust of yin wind, braved endless yin and stood up--

"Old servant true spirit saint master, see my king!" On the broken old sage body, there were many holes, and the true spirit saint master without the ancient sage enchantment was covered with blood. He used evil spirits to enter himself. Body and eyes also turned into a terrifying black.

"True Spirit Holy Lord! are confused..." The remaining eighty ancient sages were full of regret, but apart from regret, their faces were more fearful!

This ghost king who deserves a thousand swords, faces him, really can't allow the slightest difference! Otherwise, they will all turn into evil spirits like this true spirit holy lord, and begin to counterattack the land of colored glaze!

"You dogs don't know the real dragon, and I used to be with you before! Now, the invincible ghost king helps me out. I have great freedom, great fun, and eternal life, and you can't realize these happiness!" The true spirit holy lord looked at the other eighty ancient sages with a grin, and surveyed.


Is this the dominance of the ghost king!

"True Spirit Lord! Do you want to abandon the true spirit God realm that you dominate? This king of evil ghosts will turn your true spirit God realm into a purgatory field, and the purgatory flame will burn eternally, and finally your true spirit God realm Turned into a tomb of all beings!" Guxian angered the true spirit holy master.

"You are blinded by the ghost king! This ghost king, but my enemy! He will destroy your true spirit **** realm!"

"Shut up!" The true spirit saint laughed repeatedly, and then said: "Who can die in the world! You and I are all the people of the ghost king. You made a big mistake, a felony, and the ghost king will punish you with blood later!"

Zhu Guxian waited to persuade him to come back, so he simply refused to persuade him!

On the contrary, the eighty ancient xians all looked at Su Jin with eager eyes!

This ghost king! Simply speaking, the level of guilt seems to be more terrible than not being the world-honored person! It was them who cared too much about the world-zun and ignored the power caused by the ghost king.

"Kill—" Su Jin said lightly.

"My ancient virtuous body is no longer useful, the old and dead true spirit holy lord, once again persuade you not to take the road of confrontation with my lord ghost king, otherwise, there will be no redemption for death!"

The dark eyes of the true spirit saint began to turn into two flames, and the ancient sage blood on his corpse, including the robe, also began to attach a layer of ghost flame!

"Not good!" Eighty ancient sages, all the colors changed!

The fallen angel ruler had a bad vision, so he appeared directly beside Su Jin, leaned his head on Su Jin’s shoulder, and let him embrace his slender waist—

"Believe in my king! Get eternal life!" The true spirit holy lord roared to the sky, burning the ghost and holy corpse fire, his power has been raised to the extreme! Before, he may not be too amazing in this one, but now it is different!

The true spirit holy lord hardly needs any fancy moves, and dashes over for a moment!

Then... there was a terrifying wave of power, as if to annihilate the sky, sweeping away!

This magnificent scene is rare in the world!

The amazing power of an ancient sage turned into a ghost is so terrible! The destructive power created by burning the ancient sage's corpse fire even makes people feel terrified!



"This old ghost!"

Eighty ancient sages cough up blood directly! The terrifying power of ghosts and gods directly exploded, just making them caught off guard! It can be said that these eighty ancient sages are still lucky, they are just hanging on their bodies, and there is no worry about their lives!

"The situation is not good, the other party also has the Goblin Giant King and 8 million Goblin Giants. Although I am not afraid, the angel harassed him, plus the night emperor... how can we win!" Gu Xian beat With a retreat, he quickly asked other people.

"Dropped, let alone the Goblin Giant King, even if it is a Night Emperor, we may not be able to win against it! However, if we retreat now, how can we stand in "One Hundred Thousand Heavens and Earth"!"

"It's better than death! I don't want to turn into a demon and be controlled by that night emperor!"

"Injured, we still have the strength to fight if we don't get hurt. Now if we kill Yedi, we won't have a 10% chance! We still need to retreat and consider the long term!"

Just as the eighty ancient sages were hesitant...

not far away! A delicate and beautiful sacred flower began to emit divine light, quietly blooming!


After the sacred flower bloomed, a woman was barefoot, skin like ice muscle, standing on the sacred flower, but it was not this woman who spoke, but someone else!

It was a mighty young man who was talking, his sword eyebrows, tiger eyes, and his expression revealed rebelliousness!

"Ah! It turned out to be an emperor!" Gu Xian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then eighty ancient Xians all saluted him respectfully——


After the appearance of this man and woman, the imperial concubine, who was far away in the star road, took a deep breath!

"Who is he? Is the emperor's true disciple?" Xin Yuehu asked curiously.

The virgin concubine's eyes flickered and nodded: "The only disciple of the emperor is more powerful than the true disciple. He is called An Yunzi. When I was in the land of Liuli, I never heard of him making a move—"

"Is it so scary?" Qin Qingwu, who was silent for a long time, asked with a beating heart.

"It's not just as terrible as it is. I heard that this person was awkward, but he was good at forbearance. No one dared to offend him. In short, all the people who saw him killing were dead and disappeared mysteriously."

The imperial concubine of the virgin said angrily: "Emperor Prison Heaven is dead, although the Emperor Prison Heaven is scary enough, but the world knows him too well and controls the gates of the Divine Prison, but the world only knows that An Yunzi exists, but does not know his practice. ."

The Chaosheng Banshee frowned, and also said: "Just two people dare to appear in front of the night emperor, the one who came is not good—"

"It was originally a big disadvantage. The other party is likely to have an ancient sage sitting in charge. We, the emperor of the night, can only rely on itself." Said the maiden concubine.

"Aren't you loyal to Ye Di? He is not alone, now you can help Ye Di..." The Chaosheng Banshee said lightly.

"What do you mean!" The Queen Empress couldn't help but explode.


Noisy to noisy——

The appearance of An Yunzi and the mysterious girl was indeed unexpected.

The fallen angel ruler squinted his eyes, looked at An Yunzi, and slowly said, "Emperor? Your emperor, won't you come out and die?"

"If you don't kill the world-honored person, naturally you don't need a teacher to take action." An Yunzi looked at Su Jin, "I, An Yunzi, a disciple of the emperor's inheritance, made the vow of life and death today. Are you willing to fight with me?"

There was some doubt in Su Jin's pupils, and An Yunzi couldn't see any details. Of course, he had no reason to retreat!

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

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