My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3639: Good for you

Thousands of ancient sages! Everyone is the supreme powerhouse to dominate the highest heaven!

Dissipated! They are all in their respective worlds, one life, but now with the ashes falling down, as if there has never been in this world--

Huge human-shaped stars stand proudly between heaven and earth!

His three eyes may turn into an eternal nightmare, imprinting in the bottom of my heart forever!

"A thousand ancient sage masters are all dead! This ancient demon has grown up after all! Moreover, it seems to be even more outstanding. He is not in the past life, only the great divine way that is not outside the Three Thousand Dao, but now... he Among the sharp nine realms, there is a "Ghost King Way" that can dominate the heavens!"

The city of God, which is the closest to the battlefield, is now constantly fleeing from the strong. With the fall of those ancient sages, this place is bound to fall. They can't run if they don't!

"The world's great powers, except for the few people around the emperor, who can compete against Ye Di! Flee, run away! Ye Di will soon be killed—"

" see... something big happened..."


In the midst of the strong wind, countless people faced the darkness and looked at the distant battlefield!

One thousand and twenty-three ancient sage realm master-level powerhouses, now... all have turned into evil gods, one by one began to stand up from the void!

Even if Gu Xian's body is destroyed and turned into ashes...

The spirit of the ancient sage will also be controlled by the current ghost king Yedi! How shocking is the sight of all evil spirits crawling and worshipping, and it is not worse than when they fell before!

"My king, forever! Eternal invincible!"

"My king, heaven and earth! My king is solemn!"

"My King, a trillion era, the co-owner of all creatures!"



The city of God in the squally wind, the storm is swaying, the thunder is rolling, constantly!

But those sluggish faces seemed to scare people to death, and there were sobs from time to time. No girl Xiu Da can be scared to cry directly...

That's it! It's all over!

Long Ruo is still doing her best to resist the offensive of the fallen angel dominance. Now that she sees the 1,023 evil spirits condensing, all the dead souls that she immediately scared off! Just turn around and leave!

"Where to run!" The fallen angel ruler stopped her in an instant!

"Although I came with An Yunzi, it has nothing to do with him! Why are you embarrassed!" Long Ruo felt bitter in his heart, feeling that the emperor of the night is not bad for her. Guxian has turned into a great evil spirit!

"I am embarrassed? I am giving you a great opportunity to respect heaven and earth. From now on, you and I will serve Ye Di together. You will be God God, heaven and heaven, you will become the emperor, the concubine of Ye Di, your family, Long Family! Because of him alone, the chicken and dog will ascend to heaven! Why not obey my will!" The fallen angel ruled.

"You are sick!" Long Ruo gritted his teeth angrily, with a pair of water spirits, clear eyes, full of anger, no matter how she listened, she felt that the fallen angel lord was cursing people and cursing her family!

"Tell you! You can't leave today! Let's do it, my sister will give you an were captured by me. Then, the emperor and your family will naturally not blame you. What do you think?" The fallen angel was messing with him again, Chuanyin asked.

It's... it's just outrageous.

Long Ruo's face is flushing now. Although this fallen angel's idea is feasible, how can she do it! In her opinion, no matter how powerful the Ye Di was, it was impossible to compete with the emperor.

We must know that although Ye Di has gained power for a while, his strength has not yet reached the point where the Emperor can take action!


Besides, there is still an ancient sage behind the emperor! In any case, it is impossible for Yedi to leave the Land of Glazed Glass alive!

"You can feel the atmosphere in our sisters good, let me catch you, even if you think the Yedi is beheaded, your family and the emperor will be equivalent to freeing you. , You have not betrayed your family and emperor——" The fallen angel ruler shook his wings slightly!


Long Ruo's face changed drastically...

How could this fallen angel suddenly become so strong!

Long Ruo concealed directly into the void, as if it was the gorgeous miraculous flower that wrapped her in, she was still running away quickly——


Long Ruo appeared a million miles away in an instant! She saw the light! As if seeing the dawn of the dark past!

"Long Ruo!"

Suddenly, a thick voice appeared!

When Long Ruo saw the visitor, his face was immediately happy. In her eyes, a middle-aged person appeared, and someone she knew very well!

"Father!" Long Ruo still had lingering fears, and now she even had the urge to cry. She was terrified, and An Yunzi's miserable ending in "The Years of the Wind" is still lingering in her mind! You know, as soon as An Yunzi went, her situation was as dangerous as she was!

But in the next second...

The surprise smile on Long Ruo's face gradually solidified, and the "father" she saw seemed to have a big problem! The middle-aged man who was called ‘father’ by her had a weird smile on the corner of his mouth——

Obviously, this was Yedi's use of Maha's prison eyes. Through her, she could see everything in her family, and this was the only way to condense the face of her father!


A vortex began to appear under Long Ruo's feet...

"Ye Di! I curse you not to die!" Long Ruo made a long-lasting voice, she became angry from anger, but her body seemed to be being dragged away by an invisible vigor!

That's not who Ye Di is!

Yedi is facing her with a weird purple-golden gourd!

Fate gourd!

At first, Long Ruo was still able to struggle, but soon she couldn't support it, and was directly swept in by the weird whirlpool, and was contained by Fate Gourd!

"Brother Ye... you really have you..." The Fallen Angel Lord appeared beside Su Jin, his face pressed to Su Jin's chest.

"What are you doing with this woman?" Su Jin asked.

"Uh..." When the fallen angel master heard that Su Jin would be wrong, she didn't say anything, then rolled her eyes, and said: "In Angel Continent, I don't need people to serve. I think she is just right."

"Okay, then stay --" Su Jin nodded, and gently swept the distant battlefield, all the power of "The Winding Path" disappeared.

The two fell from the void...

On the ground, many vegetation and forests became lifeless because Su Jin had taken away the vitality before. Immediately, Su Jin gently pointed again, and the vitality recovered!


An extremely magnificent Golden Avenue, as if hundreds of millions of miles away, rises directly from the earth and stretches towards the star road outside the nebula!

The Chaosheng Banshee has a relaxed expression--

On the contrary, it was the imperial concubine, her face glowing red, she was still hesitating!

Walking on this Golden Light Avenue and being taken by Ye Di to the Land of Glazed Glaze, for the Princess Maid, there is no chance to look back!

"Don't you go?" The Chaosheng banshee asked the imperial concubine with a cold face.

The virgin concubine was silent.

"Earlier, Na An Yunzi said that he had a sword wound on his body. Could it be the emperor you told me?" Chaosheng asked again.

"It's not me! Ye Di said it, it was the old man who went to the depths of the glazed land to see it!" The maid of the imperial concubine is angry, and until now, the tide sound banshee still suspects her!

"Then go -" Chaosheng Banshee said again.

"I'm not afraid!" After all, the maiden emperor walked onto the golden road in the eyes of the women's questioning.


As the Golden Light Avenue was taken by Su Jin, a gorgeous figure of Yingying Yanyan began to fall on the clearing outside the jungle.

Now, Su Jin has 8 million goblin giants, ruled by the goblin giant king, guarding all directions! There are a thousand more evil ghosts who are in their early days, and finally make a kind of enchanting girl feel a lot safer. After all, on that star road, it always makes people feel that they may be copied by the enemy at any time.

"Your injury--" The Chaosheng Banshee looked worried, and looked at Su Jin.

"It's okay." Su Jinkean sat in front of a boulder, and now only he knows how bad his situation is!

The blow just now exceeded his limit, and even affected the sword wound in his body. What's more terrifying is that "The Years of Winding Path" almost took away 90% of his power! Even the power of the Great Divine Dao was affected!

"Resume quickly." The Chaosheng Banshee didn't dare to disturb Su Jin any more and said quickly.

Su Jin's expression sank, his gaze swept over the girls one by one, and finally he looked at the imperial concubine.

And the royal concubine did not look at Su Jin timidly.

Isn't it her...

Su Jin felt a little more suspicious, and finally nodded at her before flipping his hands to take out "East Emperor Bell".

Immediately, the Great Elemental Envoy was released by Su Jin——

I have to admit that the moment it was released, the Great Elemental Envoy was shocked!

"Wow, the hair is silver-gray, you look in front of us, it seems more beautiful -" A kind of enchantress surrounded the big element.

"Miss sister, are you human?"

"When it gets dark, let us see what your situation is... Is it the elemental body or the human body..."

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