My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3640: Takatsuki

Even a group of enchanting girls are still amazed at the wonder of the Creator, and they have also heard that this great element enables the control of nine elements——

The big element made her feel embarrassed and indignant. Now she is in a trap, but unfortunately she failed to complete the mission, and even the elite power of the element gods was destroyed!

"Don't ask, she is undoubtedly a human race, but the power of their Elemental God Realm is more peculiar." The maiden emperor said slowly.

"It falls into your hands, I admit it! If you want to kill, you must smash it, listen to it! Why do you humiliate me again." The Great Elementalist finally looked at Su Jin with humiliation.

Anyway, she was not even afraid of death now, naturally no matter how powerful Yedi was.

"Don't be afraid, Miss Sister, Ye Diren is very good, will spoil others, and treat captives kindly. You are a little better and won't treat you like you..." A demon girl couldn't help but persuade.


Ye Di, known as Ye Mo from outsiders!

The demon recognized by the heavens, if not seeing is believing, the Great Elemental Envoy would not be so sure--

"People are very good, will slaughter eight million golden giants? People are very good, will kill thousands of powerful people in an instant? People are very good, will destroy tens of thousands of powerful people in the elemental gods? He is a killer who doesn't blink. Demon!" The Great Element makes cold.

"That's not right--"

The Chaosheng Banshee looked at the Great Elemental Envoy and said, "Man is a sword, and I am a fish. The hands of the strong are destined to be stained with blood. According to you, the emperor has set up 8,000 star roads to make you 100,000 high. The people of heaven came to die, isn't the emperor worthy of death?"

"It's not the same!" The Great Element Envoy said coldly.

"Where is it different?"

"It's not the same! The emperor formed a righteous teacher, and defeated the world-honored person, whether it was the ghost king or the world-honored person, it brought destruction and catastrophe to the common people in the past!" The Great Elemental Envoy turned his face away.

"You woman, I really want to stop your mouth--" Qin Qingwu said annoyed.

The Great Elemental Envoy is not afraid of these people, her eyes have been on Ye Di, wanting to see how he refutes!

"Listening to you, I seem to be really wicked, but I don't know, where did I go wrong? My hands, if you cut anyone wrong, you can just point it out..." Su Jin was not angry, but curious. His eyes looked at the Great Elementalist.

"" The big element choked, and finally turned her face back angrily. She couldn't explain Ye Di's rhetorical question.

"Your self-proclaimed justice is nothing more than fearing that I am not in the name of the World-Honored One, but I have not offended you one hundred thousand supreme heaven and earth. I only have grudges with the Lord of Liuli, that is, the emperor. You are treated by him. Gunman, is it because I was wrong to be killed by me?" Su Jin asked again.

"Anyway, you shouldn't exist!" The big element made the voice a lot weaker.

"Along the way, I have seen a lot of unreasonable people, and I said you shouldn't exist." Su Jin's tone was also very helpless, and he said: "Where do you go and stay cool..."


Even so, Ye Di didn't plan to kill her this time?

The big element surprised me, as if this person was different from a demon who killed people without seeing blood, but she didn't believe in Su Jin's one-sided words.

"It's good to be used to it, Miss Sister, you see that we were once Ye Di's enemy, now Ye Di is good to us, don't make him angry, otherwise we are really rude to you." And Yao Ji said.

"That is, it is our honor to be a Emperor Slave, and you will know how great the benefits are in the future—"

"Gosh, it's so beautiful here."


The Great Elemental Envoy was brought to the nearby jungle river by a group of demons...

These beautiful enchantresses were once the enemies of the emperor?

If so, the Great Elemental Envoy really feels that these people are still servile!

Sunny sky! Outside the verdant jungle, a sacred river flows through the mountains and ridges in the distance. The water in the river is as clear as a mirror, as if the icebergs that have been eternally melted and flowed--

Su Jin never felt that time was so tight...

Although the injuries in the body recovered quickly, the sword wounds attacked like a tiger. Even though there were infinite powers of the heaven, earth and **** bridges in his body, it only temporarily prevented the outbreak of the sword wounds.

What's more, the cost of the "Wind Path" just now was too great—

Immediately, Su Jin closed his eyes and began to recover.


In the depths of the glazed land--

How big is the entire Glazed Land? If a local monk is asked to answer this question, I am afraid it is not clear. At most, he can only give a vague and vague answer, the size of three star fields...

And in the depths, even the vast divine kingdom brought by that mysterious ancient sage, now only occupies some insignificant area.

"Since Taizu was enshrined by the emperor here yesterday, he has not yet returned."

In God’s country, there is a group of people outside the highest palace, looking in a direction in the vast land——

The kingdom of God fell here yesterday, and the ancient sages and idols riding the spar were greeted by the emperor. They haven't appeared yet, and this has shocked many people.

"That night emperor is really enchanting, and he was able to use the mysterious and mysterious magic of "The Years of the Wind". I am afraid that this technique has been out of the scope of the eternal technique." A white-clothed young man carrying a matouqin sighed.

"He created "The Years of Winding Path" with his super-savvy understanding, and he is not a world-honored person, and he should have this power."

"Dan Baizi, your father needs "Eternal Blue Sky and a Lotus" to turn back alive. Yesterday Taizu wanted to exchange with Yedi, but he was directly rejected. I really don't understand. Taizu killed Yedi directly, why bother It's so troublesome." A young man said slowly, looking at the young man carrying the horse head fiddle.

"The Tao is also the Tao, forcing and arrogant, not the Taizu style, violated the precepts." Dan Baizi shook his head.

"On the tomb of the **** of death, as long as there is an eternal blue sky lotus, Taizu can easily reverse the universe and resurrect the powerful of my clan. It's a pity that the night emperor is not interesting."

"Dan Baizi! Dan Baizi!"

The hurried and arrogant girl's voice came out in the air——

"Princess Yue." Dan Baizi led a group of people, turned around and looked at the visitor quickly, bowed and saluted.

In this divine kingdom carried by endless ice-white paper cranes, Princess Yue has a great influence. Her name is Gao Yue, Taizu Zhizhi, and she is a natural god-man.

Gao Yue glanced at the other people, and finally looked at Dan Baizi's body, thrusting his flawless waist and saying, "Let's go, while Taizu is away!"


"Where to go?" Dan Baizi asked curiously.

Gao Yue opened her big pure eyes and continued: "You can't kill the world-honor! The people in this glazed land are so stupid. It was originally an extremely simple thing, but it had to be so troublesome to make it all! This princess shot, I will take the Qingtianlian lotus for the kingdom of God. If Taizu blames it, I will bear it alone!"

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