My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3641: Xue Wushuang

Princess Gao Yue, take it all!

Dan Baizi now heard the words of Princess Gao Yue, already dumbfounded, and asked: "Princess, do you know who the World-Honored One is?"

"Whoever he is!" Gao Yue said.

Dan Baizi couldn't help smiling bitterly, and then his face was straightforward, and he said seriously: "You can't go, otherwise Taizu will blame it, and none of us can bear it, Princess Gaoyue, nor——"

"Dan Baizi! Do you think my strength is inadequate?" Gao Yue asked with wide eyes and an angry tone.

"The princess was born a god-man, and she is naturally very strong, but if you want to set off to kill the world-honored person, you still need to ask Taizu first." Dan Baizi shook his head.

"Okay! Don't worry if you don't go, you Danbaizi..." Gao Yue pointed at the others and scanned the audience and said, "Who is willing to go and kill the Lord!"

Shaking his head...

All shaking his head!

Gao Yue trembled with anger, and finally stomped her feet severely, "A bunch of cowards! are so angry with me——"

Having said that, Gao Yue turned around and walked into a palace...Leaving a group of people watching each other...

"Princess Gaoyue is powerful, but it is a child's play to deal with the world-honored person, and her temper should be changed." Someone whispered.

Dan Baizi took a deep breath, looked at a female cultivator in the crowd, waved his hand, and said in a voice transmission: "Princess, don’t let her leave the kingdom of God for half a step—"

"But..." The girl hesitated.

"No, but, according to her temper, she must find a chance to leave. Taizu hasn't returned yet, and the princess must not lose." Dan Baizi said with a solemn face.

"it is good--"


After a stick of incense, the girl who promised to secretly monitor Princess Gao Yue appeared in a panic!

Brought an extremely terrifying news...

The princess is gone!

It was obviously in the bedroom before!


The wind is sunny.

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, some of the chaotic heaven and earth bridges in his body have been sorted out by him. If this continues, except for the sword injury, he will soon recover to the peak!

He didn't open his eyes--

A group of demons, Chaosheng Banshee and others cast their gazes from time to time, and soon! Su Jin began to emit a burst of glow...

Beside the huge rock on which Su Jin was back, a shadow avatar appeared directly——

Su Jin's shadow incarnation!

"Where is Ye Di going?" Chaosheng Banshee asked with concern.

"The sky is high and the road is far away. We don't know much about the land of glazed glaze. Let me take a look first. There are thousands of evil ghosts and giants guarding this place. It will be fine for the time being. If something happens, I will Wake up in time." Su Jin said to Chaosheng Banshee.

"Okay... Be careful." The Chaosheng Banshee nodded.

The girls looked in the direction Su Jin was going away, as if they were used to it--

Because of Su Jin's reasons, almost all of this area is in the state of an empty city. Su Jin went all the way north and walked through a remote area of ​​thousands of miles before faintly finding the traces of people.

The thick gray-blue city wall is over a hundred meters high. This is definitely a big city of good scale. Su Jin passes through many empty cities all the way, and this is definitely the largest one.


Su Jin saw the existence of layers of armor, and the city was completely surrounded by water. Then he smiled slightly, turned into clusters of starlight, and appeared in the city——

"Today is definitely our most glorious day in Jiangdu City! From here in Jiangdu, it has been designated as a restricted area, and dozens of big cities have been heard to be empty!"

People come and go in the streets! And the number of people is ten times more than usual!

"Isn't it! Because of a Yedi, we even abandoned our home and can only escape! That Yedi is really a big monster who kills people without blinking! We are made homeless!"

"Everyone knows about the existence of the night demon! My child crying last night I was upset, I directly used the night emperor to scare him, I didn't expect it to really work—"

"Hasn't anyone been sent from above? Yedi is just south of our Jiangdu, aren't these troops insufficient?"

"What are you afraid of? A well-known strongman from the 100,000 Supreme Heavens is gathering in Jiangdu to fight Ye Di to the death. Unfortunately, after "The Years of the Winding Path", his Ye Di frightened the people of the world, and no one dared to attack him again."

"Shoot? Are you looking for death?"

"Don't you see it? He first checks and balances the emperor An Yunzi, and then destroys the thousands of ancient sage world masters. He doesn't have much combat power in his own right! Could he still be an iron man!"

"Fart! No World Honored Ye Di, even the power of No World Honored has not been displayed, you tell us that he has no combat power? It's ridiculous!"


The atmosphere in the city is extremely tense——

The so-called Tiangao Emperor is far away, and the emperor is still sitting in the depths of the Liuli Land. On the contrary, Jiangdu City is now the first line of defense!

Su Jin changed his appearance and wandered around the city. During this period, he saw a lot of good powerhouses being welcomed into the city lord's mansion. They should all be the powerhouses of the 100,000 highest heavens.

This city was too big, and many powerful men descended in the air. Su Jin, the lord of Jiangdu City, also took a look at it at will. There was nothing worth paying attention to.


The distant void, the light is great! For a time, the vegetation was all soldiers, and they were all attracted by the brilliance of that day. Someone broke the barrier of the city guard and wanted to head south!

"Get out of—"

A coquettish scolding made people surprised! The warrior of the city, who is a powerful blood warrior, is now being scolded in public——

"This girl, the south of the city has been designated as a forbidden area, no one can rush to." Wushen Xue Wushuang immediately stopped the way with cold eyes.

This woman is Gao Yue!

Xue Wushuang is also a little surprised now. You must know that Jiangdu City’s defensive barrier cannot be broken by ordinary people. Even if Gu Xian didn’t have a lot of work, there is no solution, but she didn’t expect this woman to shake directly. Break, go south directly--

"Idiot! All are idiots! This girl is going to kill the night emperor and help you get rid of the big demon. Are you... still stopping me?" Gao Yue was a little bit ashamed now.


Xue Wushuang didn't laugh, but no fewer than 100,000 people laughed! This weak woman, with delicate skin and tender flesh, looked like she hadn't been exposed to the sun in her boudoir for several years. That's it... Are you going to kill Ye Di?

"The girl is great!" Xue Wu had a dignified face, and directly invited: "Now everyone wants to kill the Ye Emperor, but it is not a single person's work. Soon, Jiang Du will gather the world's best players to fight against the Ye Emperor. Please wait a moment for the girl. , So we can have a caring together then!"

"Not interested!" Gao Yue said angrily.

"Girl!" Xue Wushuang snorted, "Please go back! Don't let the world see me waiting for jokes! If you don't listen to me, Xue Wushuang has the right to take it!"

"You--" Gao Yue frowned.

She ran out by stealth, and now this place has been paid attention to by the world. If Taizu finds her, it will naturally be bad...

Immediately, Princess Gaoyue relaxed her face and asked: "When will you go to fight Ye Di, the world's best player you said?"

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