My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3642: The princess who sneaked out

"Almost!" Xue Wushuang said.

Gao Yue glanced at Xue Wushuang, thinking that this kid shouldn't fall into her hands. Immediately, she glanced at the south and finally appeared in the city.

Su Jin naturally paid attention to this scene, this woman... after all, and her origins--

He feels the same as Xue Wushuang, this woman is probably very difficult!

Then, Su Jin had an inspiration and disappeared from a place not far from the city lord's mansion. Soon, he appeared not far from Gao Yue.

Gao Yue really didn't know that she was a natural **** who would be left in this Jiangdu City! Now the emperor of the night is prestigious, and the world has known it once a great battle.

If Gao Yue killed Xue Wushuang just now, or had a conflict with him, I am afraid that the great ancestor far in the depths of the glazed land would know directly, and then her plan would be in vain——

Now Gao Yue can only wait for the power in this Jiangdu City to gather, and then she will hide it quietly, and then give that Ye Di a severe blow at the right time!

After walking down the street, Su Jin was really puzzled. Has this girl ever walked? It shouldn't be reasonable, after all, after so long, he should have been discovered by the other side.

"I've been with you for so long, aren't you tired?" Gao Yuehan looked sideways. She found this person from the very beginning of Su Jin's stalking. She kept wondering what the other party was doing, but after walking a path, the other party seemed to be just following. ?

Finally found it!

Su Jin ran out with a smile on his face. He didn't worry about being recognized by the other party. After all, he condensed an extremely handsome face, looking very much like the son of a rich man——

Gao Yue is watching Su Jin, and Su Jin is also watching her...

"Girl, going to the south of the city?" Su Jin hesitated deliberately.

"Yes, tell me your purpose of following me." Gao Yue said.

"I'm familiar here, you want to break through the defensive barrier without being discovered, I have a way--" Su Jin said seriously.

Gao Yue's eyes lit up. She could have moved away from the previous battlefield, but hit this barrier. Although she had broken it, she was still stopped by Xue Wushuang! This broke her major event.

Now, the young man actually said that she had a way, but she wanted to hear--

"What way?" Gao Yue asked curiously: "Who are you? What's your name."

Princess Gao Yue, who is often in the kingdom of God, has heard how many persuasion, saying that people outside are sinister, and you must beware of strangers.

"My name is Su Jin." Su Jin's expression is very solemn, "Now everyone wants to attack Ye Di, then Ye Di will come to destroy Jiangdu City sooner or later. This is my home and my roots. I must not stand by and watch. Just now, seeing the girl as a peerless powerhouse, I took the liberty to follow it, and wanted to show some meager power."

"Well, you have a good vision, much better than the blood or the double, but listen! Ben...This girl is going out of the city now, if you have a way, just say?" Gao Yue nodded.

"Now... I'm afraid it won't happen now." Su Jin shook his head.

" lied to me?" Gao Yue opened her eyes wide and wanted to have an attack.

"When it's dark, I will take you out of the city, and now it's not a few hours before dark--" Su Jin said.

"I can't wait that long!"

"Then there is no way. If the girl really waits for the city to be able to move herself, I am afraid it will take another day or two, otherwise you will defeat Xue Wushuang and forcefully break through and leave --"


Gao Yue stared at Su Jin, as if what Su Jin said was reasonable, she couldn’t make much noise, at least she couldn’t fight hard until she saw Ye Di. It seemed that she could only trust this young man, wait a few. Time.

"If I find out that you can't take me out of the city at night..." Gao Yue was interrupted by Su Jin before he could finish her harsh words.

"If you can't get out of the city then, use your power to hit me directly! I won't blink my eyes!" Su Jin promised.

Gao Yue nodded, then took Su Jin to the first floor of a restaurant nearby, and began to wait for it to get dark--

In the restaurant.

The surrounding guests are extremely lively.

Su Jin and Gao Yue sat in the seats by the window.

"The girl asked my name just now. I don't know the girl's name?" Su Jin asked while looking at Gao Yue.

"Gao Yue."

"Good name—" Su Jin clapped his hands. "The girl also has an enemy with Ye Di? Where is the family from?"

"You have a lot of words." Gao Yue snorted.

Su Jin smiled, thinking of a way in his heart. Before long, his eyes lit up and said: "The girl will kill that night emperor at night, she will definitely be able to win, but you have to be careful, that night emperor, it's amazing..."

"I know him, it's nothing..." Gao Yue said slowly.

"Emperor Ye possesses several eternal techniques. You have seen it before. His kendo can kill the **** of slaughter. The self-created "Twist Path Years" can kill the emperor and the whole world. I am afraid that only the emperor and that one The ancient sages who walked into the depths of the colored glaze are comparable. Of course! There is also girl you..." Su Jin said with emotion.

Gao Yue's expression improved, she said proudly: "You can talk, but if I tell you who I am, you must not leave my sight a step from now on, or I will kill you directly."

"Okay! OK! As long as you can kill Yedi, you can do anything." Su Jin said quickly.

"Tell you, the ancient sages you are talking about are my great ancestors--" Gao Yue was extremely proud, she saw Su Jin's face blankly, she was obviously shocked by her words.

Of course, shock is not enough! Su Jin was surprised a lot!

This Gaoyue! It turned out to be from the kingdom of God brought by the ancient sages! However, if the ancient sage is the great ancestor of her family, why is she still so left by Xue Wushuang?

"It's amazing. Girl Gao actually came from that kingdom of God..." Su Jin Chuanyin was amazed.

"I sneaked out, looking at you in a hurry! It's just a night emperor. I'm a princess, a natural god, and I can kill him easily." Gao Yue's face was full of pride and pride.

The princess who sneaked out--

Su Jin was ashamed. He just saw that this woman was extraordinary, not only for her strength, but also for her temperament, which was also different from that of ordinary beauties. Who knew he had discovered such a big secret...

Moreover, Su Jin originally just wanted to see how she hated herself... Then she wanted to kill him... But now he knows everything-

Sure enough, it was Xiaobai who was just born. He was born to show off and couldn't hide words in his heart. Su Jin looked at Gao Yue with deep meaning, and he was hesitant in his heart now.

According to the previous plan, after deliberately following this woman, she was discovered by this woman, and then asked about the situation and talked about it. If you can, just kidnap it...Does he still want to do this now?

With a period of silence...

The waiting time passed quickly, and the sky soon got dark--

Su Jin finally sighed silently. He had the idea. As soon as it gets dark, he will ‘swift’... No... It’s the princess who took this princess out of this Jiangdu City!

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