My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3643: Exaggerated tone

The night enveloped Jiangdu.

Under the dense starlight, the fiery atmosphere of Jiangdu City has not yet receded.

Gao Yue's gaze has been fixed on the young man in front of her, and even she can't leave quietly, but this Su Jin said that she can take her out at night. Now it is dark, she wants to see how this person can help. she was!

"You should understand the consequences of playing with me..." Gao Yue's savage temperament burst out without concealment.

In Gao Yue's eyes, Su Jin smiled slightly.

"Come with me." Su Jin said to Gao Yue.

Gao Yue didn't doubt it, because Su Jin didn't dare to play tricks, because there might not be one in Jiangdu City who could escape in front of her!

Walking out of the restaurant, Su Jin took Gao Yue and went straight to the southern city wall——

The scene of retrogressive small towns constantly appeared in Gao Yue’s eyes. Jiangdu City was very large, but to the two of them, it seemed to be small. Almost in a moment, Su Jin and Gao Yue appeared in the south of Jiangdu City. At the city wall.

"How can I not disturb Xue Wushuang?" Gao Yue Chuanyin asked.

"It's very simple, you just break the barrier and leave me to Xue Wushuang--" Su Jin smiled.

"Are you kidding me?" Gao Yue lowered her face.

"No, in fact, you should understand that after blasting through the barrier of this city, no one suspects that you did it, but only thinks it is me. Then you can do whatever you want, including killing the emperor." Su Jin said lightly.

Gao Yue thought about it for a while, but it made sense--

At the moment, Princess Gao Yue directly stretched out her snow-white elementary fingers, gently condensing circles of divine power, stimulating a layer of enchantment in the void, and then she came out directly!


Xue Wushuang's extremely annoyed voice appeared again!

This is the second time!

The second time, someone wants to go beyond the barrier!

And Xue Wushuang saw a young man, he stretched out his hand, and then a virtual figure disappeared——

"Who are you letting go!" Xue Wushuang looked at Su Jin and shouted.

"Can you control it?" Su Jin said calmly.

"Come here! Come!" Xue Wushuang pointed to Su Jin, "No one can leave Jiangdu City under my watch! And just now, what means did you use to get that person to leave!"

Just now, Su Jin used the Wordless Heaven Secret to wind around Princess Gao Yue. She would hardly be seen. Besides, although Xue Wushuang was tough, it was of course difficult to see through his methods.

Su Jin walked into the void!

Xue Wushuang frowned. The face of this young man was very strange to him, but now that the "Jiangdu City" has gathered together, I don't know how many good players from all over the world have gathered. He shouldn't know him!

"I said that the south of the city has been designated as a forbidden area! Since you are taking my words off your ears, don't blame Lao Tzu for being ruthless!" Xue Wushuang felt that Su Jin was really courageous. At least it was rare to stand opposite him. .

Su Jin's mouth cast a playful smile...

"The so-called forbidden land is not **** in front of the strong, and I, now going to the Jiangdu City, want to learn." Su Jin said.

The confrontation between the two immediately caused a sensation throughout Jiangdu!

"My generation of young monks, now we are going to challenge the Valkyrie Xue Wushuang! Both of them are almost arrogant! But unfortunately, he is obviously an outsider, and he doesn't know how powerful he is!" Some people flocked to the streets, the whole Jiangdu The streets are all crowded!

"This person may have some abilities! Didn't you just hear what Xue Wushuang said? This person should have broken the defensive barrier and let go of a mysterious person. Now Xue Wushuang is about to take him down—"

"Haha! Anyone who has fought with Xue Wushuang will shed a layer of skin without dying. This young man is really ignorant and extremely ignorant!"

"Jiang is guarded by Xue Wushuang, even if the World Honored does not come, he can defend one or two bombardments, this young man has a problem with his head, how dare he go on the parallel bars with the **** of blood!"

"When Xue Wushuang breaks his legs and twists his neck, he will know that he is wrong. This time he is letting go, and he has already committed the taboo of Xue Wushuang!"

"Pay attention! Xue Wushuang is going to demonstrate the correct posture of the Valkyrie, and I can provoke him all!"


The confrontation between Xue Wushuang and Su Jin seemed to detonate the entire Jiangdu atmosphere in an instant!

Many strong people who could not pass the level were also quite interested and started to pay attention to this battle! And Su Jin's arrogance seemed to make Xue Wushuang really angry!


Xue Wushuang raised his arms, a strangely shaped long-handled war knife, the same height as his body, and carved patterns on it, as if there were a stream of blood flowing between the swords.

"This knife has cut Daxian for more than three thousand, and Guxian for more than 30. It is called the Blood God War Sword! Take out your weapon." Xue Wushuang pointed at Su Jin with the tip of the knife, and said arrogantly.

"My hand is my weapon." Su Jin looked at the five fingers of his right hand that he raised, and said lightly: "Let's start--"

"Good guts!"

Xue Wushuang's pupils suddenly swallowed red light with killing intent. In front of him, there has never been a young Tianjiao who dared to speak such a lie! This young man actually wants to pick up his "Blood God War Sword" with his bare hands!

Su Jin looked to the south, and soon he was satisfied. Then Princess Gao Yue seemed to talk about loyalty? He was quietly watching this battle from a hundred miles away, and didn't rush to leave.

Xue Wushuang was observing Su Jin, and immediately, seeing that there was no flaw, he simply swiped the sword directly, shattered a void, and smashed his head towards Su Jin!

His combat experience is very rich-

Since he couldn't find the flaw in Su Jin, then he used his sharp and unparalleled power to force the other party's flaw!


The monstrous **** knife shadow cut directly over where Su Jin was standing, but I don't know whether it was Su Jin's too fast speed or other reasons. This brilliant stab directly slashed into the air!


With such a powerful knife, it is so fast that it makes people blink! But even with such a powerful sword technique, Su Jin still avoided it!

Xue Wushuang's face suddenly became gloomy--

In his opinion, this person is deliberately trying to make him ugly! Moreover, let alone Su Jin's strength, just relying on his slash to prove that the opponent's combat power is good!

"This knife is too slow, you need to be a hundred times faster with this knife to hit me." Su Jin said.


This sword technique, which was like a blink of an eye, was even hundreds of times slower than Su Jin's expectations? This... what level of evil is this!

"Your Excellency is from that side of the highest heaven--" Xue Wushuang's eyes flickered, but he didn't rush to attack.

"Your strength is too weak, you can't hold up the king's fighting spirit, let's get out." Su Jin waved his hand and turned to go south to see Princess Gao Yue.

In the entire Jiangdu City, after Su Jin said these words, I don't know how many people's eyes fell to the ground!

Who is the sacred guy who can make the Valkyrie Xue Wushuang get out with this remark!

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