My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3645: Blood God Illusion

Xue Wushuang's face was indifferent--

The youth who opposes him can no longer be described as self-confidence, and can only be said to be very arrogant!

Obviously he knew that his Xue Wushuang's secret move was in the sword formation, but he didn't stop it at all. Now he is going to take over his sword formation with more than 800 knives!

"Although I don't know who you are, but for your courage, under my sword...I...Keep you alive!" Xue Wushuang shouted in a low voice.

At the beginning of his sword formation, as long as he pays a little attention, it can be easily broken, but this young man chose to superimpose him to the peak state. He Xue Wushuang admires the courage of the other party a little—

Su Jin smiled, he didn't care at all.

"Although your sword formation is not bad, it is still far from satisfactory to me. I can break it with a single cut of my years."

After Su Jin said, between raising his arms, the "year-old knife" in his hand seemed to be directly transformed into a prosperous knife line, and in the cold white knife glory, there was a divine dragon faintly condensing by the intention of the knife. !

The dragon eyes are extremely sharp, with a vaguely swallowing aura, staring coldly at Xue Wushuang!

Xue Wushuang is equally confident!

But after seeing this scene, he was in a cold sweat!

Even the back covered by the armor, sweat was constantly flowing out——

With Su Jin's knife, Xue Wushuang couldn't figure out the veins——

Is the power in this sword dragon, or... or the aura that exudes time? Or is it a trace of time?

"Blood God Illusion!" Xue Wushuang forcibly endured the anxiety that emerged in his heart, his voice transitioned from a low voice to a roar, and at the end, it was roaring!

His "Blood God Illusion Killing Blade Array" has few rivals! Even if there are a hundred ancient sages in the sword formation at this moment, Xue Wushuang has the confidence to fight for two days and two nights!

Xue Wushuang didn't believe that Su Jin's "time and time" could break the formation!

The moment after Xue Wushuang roared to death--

The sky in the void has changed! It is no longer black, but turns into a deeper and more mysterious dark red color. In the "Blood God Illusion Killing Blade Array", there is a blood **** during the phantom cruising, there is murderous intent everywhere and dead ends everywhere. .

Up and down, left and right, all directions, all were blocked by the phantom of the blood **** in "Blood God Illusion", and the knife marks in it seemed to incorporate some of the power of space and heaven.

If it is not for Su Jin, but someone else is caught in it... Naturally, you will find the terrible place in it. This Xue Wushuang deserves to be revered as a warrior, and the various ways of heaven he feels seem to fit with one of his swords. .

Heaviness, collapse, destruction, space--

There are even hallucinogenic terrible killing techniques, affecting the enemies trapped in the sword formation!

"Xue Wushuang! It's terrible... This "Blood God Illusion Killing Blade Array" is Xue Wushuang's strongest method. No matter how strong you are, as long as the Valkyrie performs this attack, you should not retreat and cannot fight with it! "In Jiangdu City, there are monks who understand Xue Wushuang repeatedly with emotion.

"Xue Wushuang became famous for the sword. Although his sword is incomparable with the sword of the emperor, it is considered a first-class one in the land of glazed glaze. This young man will pay a heavy price for his arrogance and will be affected by that infinite blood. The shadow of the divine sword was broken into pieces!"

"Without being in the formation, I don't know the horror of the "Blood God Illusion Killing the Blade Formation", Xue Wushuang in this state cannot be defeated!"

"It's so handsome, once this kind of sword formation is used, there is no way for people in the formation to escape! Unless it is carried hard with a powerful divine body, how many divine bodies can carry this sword formation in the world?"

"There is a tiger in the family of four tigers, the emerald tiger, who can defeat the sword of Xue Wushuang, but there is no one else! This young man is too big and has never fought with Xue Wushuang, and he doesn't know how powerful this sword formation is. ——"


Su Jin looked at the blood **** that Man Tian Daohen turned into, and sighed lightly——


With a weird and tricky knife, blood condenses from the side not far away! This kind of attack is hard to guard against! This endless blood **** can be transformed into a sword technique again, all controlled by Xue Wushuang, so if the strength is really not strong enough, the situation in it can only be described as'passive beating'.


Su Jin said lightly--

The sword shadow that rushed was directly shattered.

"What? Can't get close?" Xue Wushuang's eyes showed amazement.

In the sword formation, the enemy would be restricted by the many heavenly realms that Xue Wushuang felt, but in his eyes at this moment, Su Jin seemed to be completely unaffected.

Xue Wushuang does not believe in evil!

In the sword formation of "Blood God Illusion Killing", there are constantly exquisite swordsmanship slashing towards Su Jin, and the void around Su Jin is also being flooded by slices of light!


The white dragon above Su Jin's head roared directly, spraying out thousands of blood **** sword shadows, and following the white dragon not only trembled and roared, and finally, under everyone's sluggish gaze, that The huge sword dragon opened its mouth!

As if swallowing, began to swallow a knife mark!

" can even take away my sense of heaven! You...who are you!" Xue Wushuang's face instantly turned pale, and he felt that although his sword formation was not broken, it seemed like a funnel now. Similarly, the divine energy is constantly being lost, and if this continues, the sword formation will lose its power sooner or later!

far away!

Seeing this scene, Gao Yue couldn't help shaking his head——

This is the gap.

Gao Yue felt that the gap between Xue Wushuang and Su Jin was too big, he was not a powerhouse at all.

Originally, Gao Yue could easily defeat Xue Wushuang, she just didn't want to be captured back to the kingdom of God, nor did she want to be discovered by Taizu, but the stranger she met in Jiangducheng now caused Gao Yue some trouble.

Who is he……

He has this kind of strength, why should he follow him and expose his whereabouts, deliberately discovered by her! Gao Yue was puzzled. This was the first time she had walked out of the kingdom of God and appeared in the area of ​​Jiangdu City in the Land of Glazed Glass, but the young man who suddenly appeared to help her seemed to have endless secrets——

Xue Wushuang's eyes were frantic, and the pale on his face, he directly retreated, but on the contrary showed a hideous expression!

"My blood is unparalleled. Since "Blood God Illusion Killing" was released, I have been invincible! No one has dared to resist this way! What a pity! Although you can use my heavenly path, you don't know the true power of this sword formation!"

As he said, Xue Wushuang immediately sat cross-legged in the void, and continued: "I will turn into a real blood god, sacrificing in the formation, and using this sword formation to its peak power! In the end, my **** will be perfect. Save, there is a chance to be born in the future!"

Words fall!

Xue Wushuang sat cross-legged in the void, closing his eyes!

A burst of blood, following the intent of the sword, was flowing around him, and the entire "Blood God Illusion" knife array began to tremble!

More than Jiangdu City! Dozens of **** cities around can clearly feel the tremor!

Xue Wushuang, have to fight Su Jin desperately!

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