My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3646: Catch the blast

Xue Wushuang will defend the name of Valkyrie!

Even if the Sacrifice Dao is in the sword formation, he does not want to lose! This courage gave Su Jin a little admiration. From this person, he saw the work of a cultivator, even the spirit.

"Happened...what happened?" In Jiangdu City, many people were puzzled.

In their eyes.

Xue Wushuang had the absolute upper hand. After all, he had already trapped the young man in the "Blood God Illusion Killing" sword formation. How could he suddenly fall to death and defeat the young man in the sword formation?

"The sword formation is fading! That young man is really an unworldly strong man! Xue Wushuang must have discovered that he can't defeat this person. He can only burn jade and stone. He is defending his dignity as a Valkyrie!"

"It's not necessary! Losing...and worthy of respect...Who in the world dares to say that he has never lost, why should he take his life?"

"Unparalleled Valkyrie! Please stop! Jiangdu City still needs your protection! Stop... Stop!" someone shouted.

"Xue Wushuang regards the name of the Valkyrie as more important than his own life. Alas, who would have thought it was such a situation? Who can stop him now? Unless he himself..."





Jiangducheng has gathered the best players in the world, and the blood is unparalleled, and they deserve to be respected!

But soon!

Xue Wushuang opened his closed eyes again——

\"You!\" Xue Wushuang's eyes widened. He felt around his body as if frozen by ice, and his body's strength, heavenly way, couldn't work!

This is the most incredible thing that has happened to him since Xue Wushuang cultivated!

Why is this happening!

Xue Wushuang is puzzled. He wants to use his own power to perfectly bless "Blood God Illusion Killing", even to light a knife, burn everything he has, and only retain the gods, but even so, he now... he is now also Can't do it!

A touch of brilliance makes it hard to look directly at——

That is from the white sword dragon above Su Jin!

Once it shook the huge dragon body, one claw spread out! Spreading out is six fingers showing horror! These six-fingered dragon claws seem to have passed the sky! The scars of the suppression of the Dao can be deeply felt even if the power is a billion miles away!

Six fingers! Cover the sky with six fingers!

The outline of the entire "Blood God Illusion" seems to appear under the terrifying six-finger dragon claws of the sword dragon, and all the mysteries, secrets, and secrets of this formation seem to have no secrets at all!


The earth-shattering bang has awakened many people! Xue Wushuang spurted blood suddenly and was blown away tens of thousands of miles! I don’t know how many sacred mountains and rivers are broken!

Su Jin used the sword dragon to condense the "Six Fingers Covering the Sky" with the sword formation in "Blood God Illusion Killing", and directly broke the formation, defeating Xue Wushuang without any suspense!

"Perfectly crushed!" When many people in Jiangdu City looked at Su Jin, their faces were full of horrified expressions——

"He defeated the Valkyrie, Xue Wushuang! Who is he... actually has this strength!"

"Although the defeat of Wushen Xue Wushuang is honorable! He is defeated, but the name of the Wushen will be praised by everyone! This is the last insistence of a warrior!"

"This young man obviously saw Xue Wushuang's persistence and did not kill him, but even so, the power of this person is far higher than that of many 100,000 strong men..."

"Do you ask, who knows the origin of this person? He is definitely not the strong man in the land of our glazed glaze, he must be from "One Hundred Thousand High Heavens"!"



too strong.

Someone cheered for Su Jin, shocked by the absolute crushing strength.

But more people were moved by Xue Wushuang's persistence, thinking that although he was defeated, they knew that after this battle, Xue Wushuang was bound to be stronger!


Xue Wushuang walked across the void with a gray head and face, and came! He was disheveled and his mouth was full of blood, but in the end he bowed deeply to Su Jin and said, "Teached!"

Su Jin looked at Xue Wushuang, nodded, and even if he swung down his cuff, he sank into the night--

Xue Wushuang was not disappointed. In this battle, he realized his shortcomings! He won't defend this city anymore, he will become stronger in the future, this defeat, he seems to be directly awakened by Su Jin!

"Let's go--" Su Jin fell to Gao Yue's side.

Gao Yue looked at Su Jin several times, and she needed to re-examine this man.

"Who are you?" Princess Gao Yue asked in confusion.

"Didn't I tell you my name? I... Su Jin." Su Jin said ashamed.

"Is this your real name?"

"of course!"

"You swear! And, you deliberately followed me, deliberately let me find out, what is your intention?" Gao Yue has the urge to not think anymore.

If you think carefully--

Gao Yue originally thought that Su Jin was a rich elder brother who was born in Jiangdu City. As a result, she had such strength, and the truth made her have a lot of suspicions!

"I swear, I am really called Su Jin..." Su Jin laughed, "Look, if I were a bad person, that Xue Wushuang just died. I didn't even kill Xue Wushuang, how could I be such a beautiful one to you? Is the girl wicked?"

Gao Yue:...

It seems to make sense!

But Gao Yue always feels something is wrong, she just can't tell...

"Bring the road here, you...return to your city..." Gao Yue said coldly.

"Don't, I am also a man with ambitions. I still want to kill the'Emperor of the Night' with Her Royal Highness! Then we will have a care for it!" Su Jin said seriously.

"No need! Anyway, when you can't kill the World-Honored One, your little strength is useless at all!" Gao Yue said.

"Then... Then I'm leaving?" Su Jin asked with his eyes full of smiles.

"Go!" Gao Yue's arrogant temper was about to explode--

Su Jin sighed again and again, and turned to look towards Jiangducheng. Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly said: "Your Royal Highness, what perfume do you usually use? I want to get some for my woman... Can you see a way? ..."


A blue sword edge was placed directly on Su Jin's neck! !

Su Jin turned his back to Gao Yue, but at this moment he didn't even have the slightest accident... He had gone through too much this way. He dare to say that if he just took a step by himself, Gao Yue would directly cut a sword!

"Your home is not in Jiangdu City, am I right--" Gao Yue asked.

The sword in her hand did not fall!

"Princess, your hands are shaking, your sword, haven't you seen blood yet?" Su Jin's mouth cast a wicked smile--

Could it be that you can only turn here? He still wants to abduct her to the resident, although they are all the same, Gao Yue always wants to kill him...

Jiangducheng direction!

Several rays of light broke the barrier of the city! One of them was Dan Baizi who Gao Yue was familiar with!

Between tension and surprise, Dan Baizi didn't seem to see her and Su Jin, and went straight to the forbidden area in the south!

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