My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3650: Unwilling to leave

"Such a strong person will inexplicably give people a considerable amount of pressure. Although the young man has an infinite clone, he happened to be restrained by "The Ancient God Prison". It is a pity—"

"What about the Lord of the Planes? The ancient youth, communicating with the first life, inheriting the perfect divine residence, already has the potential to aspire to the heavens!"

"Look at it! The ancient **** prison has begun to exhibit its power!"


The heavens and the earth have changed, and the thousands of gods seem to be occupied by the ancient years. That piece of "The Ancient God Prison", the thunder is intertwined, and it is constantly destroying the void, and even the stars will be entangled by the thunder, crushing the clones. ——


Su Jin was not in a hurry. This Dan Baizi did have a hand. No wonder he wanted to kill him indiscriminately before. People with this power would naturally not put others in their eyes.

The terrifying annihilation thunder, flooded that plane--

The clone of Infinity was also quietly shattered...

Dan Baizi sneered twice. When he stared at one of the people in "The Ancient God Prison", he said, "I said earlier that you have no chance."

"Really... It's just a little bit of a sense of the power of the plane, you just floated like this? Although this prison is big, it's not too big to the sky--" Su Jin said lightly.

"Arrogant! Who do you think you are, you still pretend to be heaven?" Dan Baizi said warmly.

Su Jin really wants to laugh that he doesn't understand...

He is not arrogant.

It's "Siluo Plane", which is originally the opposite of the heavens. As big as the heavens, the Sunluo Plane will be as big! This mere "Desolate Ancient God Prison", can it still cover the heavens?

"Keep your eyes open... take a good look..." Su Jin raised his arms very openly, his hands up!

Pieces of blue ink streamer, rolling in! The power that extinguished the void in an instant, completely began to flood this world!



"The Wild Ancient God Prison... The Wild Ancient God Prison is about to be broken!" Gao Yue thundered in his mind, completely occupied by blank space. Although this "Wild Ancient God Prison" is not Dan Baizi's strongest method, according to her understanding, people of the same generation , Few people can break it! Although she is one of them...

And although Gao Yue can break it, she knows the roots and the bottom, knows the subtle flaws, and her break is to get out of "The Prison", not like Su Jin, to use "Plane" to shatter the ancients. Stone pillar!

"You!!" Dan Baizi was shocked, he became curious about Su Jin for the first time!

This young man...what is the coming of this young man!

Ever since Taizu came with the Kingdom of God, Dan Baizi knew that this land of glazed glaze could break his "Ancient God Prison", and there was absolutely no slap in the hand.

That emperor can, not the World-Honorable, the God of Slaughter reluctantly, but how could he think that this is just an opponent who wants to be cut off by chance, and it is also possible!

at this time--

In the depths of the glazed land, there was a very lazy old man's voice: "Dan Baizi is back, you are not his opponent."

That is... That is the voice of Taizu, that is, the ancient sage!


Before, everyone knew about the existence of ancient sages. Now, Taizu’s voice admits that Danbaizi is not the opponent of the Master of Face. This... this not only scared the people in Jiangdu City, but also took the entire land of colored glaze and 100,000 The existence of the Supreme Heaven was all shocked!

"Taizu...I...I can win!" Dan Baizi's face flushed, and he refused to give up. Didn't this make him lose the face of the kingdom of God in the presence of the people of the world!

How did Dan Baizi accept this?

He is unwilling to leave the game as a loser!

"Listen to your family, you are indeed no opponent, if you continue to fight, you will die..." Su Jin said lightly.

"You shut up! I can't lose! I am the ancient god's mansion, the number one person in the world! I...I still have no ultimate means to use, it is impossible to defeat you!" Dan Baizi snarled frantically at Su Jin stand up.

He does not retreat!

Even if he is punished by Taizu in the future, he will not retreat or die!

Gao Yue is also quite puzzled about Taizu's views! She feels that Dan Baizi has a great chance. If you look at the odds of winning, Dan Baizi's odds of winning are at least 70% in her opinion, and the least profitable is the upper hand. How could it not be Su Jin's opponent?

Moreover, Gao Yue didn't expect this young man to be so powerful, and Taizu's evaluation of him was surprisingly high—

Facing Dan Baizi's response, there was no voice from the depths of the glazed land, as if he had acquiesced to his persistence!

"The ancient sages have all spoken, you still don't reply, you will not care about your life and death anymore. Of course, if the old seniors rescue you in front of the world, I have nothing to say..." Void clasped his fists.

Hearing Su Jin's words... Gao Yue frowned directly...

The IQ of this young man is simply ridiculously high...

In this way, if Su Jin really has the strength to cut the pill and white child, then Taizu would be a sage of ancient times to make a shot, I am afraid that it will fall into the limelight. Therefore, Su Jin like this is equivalent to directly sealing her back to the kingdom of God.

"You are the only one who can be so confident in front of my Danbaizi--" Danbaizi's eyes are still crazy. Today, no one can stop him from killing this face master! No matter how strong or powerful the opponent is, he will die in his hands!

"It's also the last one." Su Jin nodded.

Dan Baizi laughed wildly, and his smile closed sharply, "In this case, I will let you see and see the strongest power of my deserted ancient divine residence!"

"Is your first-life body at the end of the barren ancient holy road?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"Exactly!" Dan Baizi said angrily.

As he spoke, Dan Baizi's entire body seemed to begin to turn into ray of light, and he seemed to turn into a beam of light from the past, disappearing out of thin air!

When he appeared, he was already on the deserted ancient holy road!

With Dan Baizi, the deserted ancient god's residence, the deserted ancient holy road is no longer swaying, on the contrary, a very terrifying aura is bursting from the holy road!

The end of the deserted ancient holy road!

Dan Baizi's first-life body suddenly opened his eyes, letting out a brilliant light!

The murderous aura, as if the ancient **** has revived...

The world became quiet.

Jiangducheng is the same.

Although the world's best players are gathered, many people instinctively lower their voices, and when they look at that Dan Baizi, there is a lot of fear.

"The awakening of the first life of the ancient god's mansion is going to come to this world. This mysterious master of the plane will suffer a murder..." Someone paled, unable to hold down the strong anxiety and fear in his heart, and said in a low voice .

"No... the ancient sages are the ancient divine residence, not as good as the lord of this plane..."

"Why? This Danbaizi's divine residence will be completely awakened and revived. He will turn into a real ridiculous god, carrying the power of the first life to fight this face master, how could he be inferior to him!"

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